Chapter 17

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Melon's POV

Trigger moments will be in this chapter

I sat in front of the hotel mirror for which felt like hours. My face covered in marks and bruises from were he slapped me across the face like it was nothing.

I felt lost, I felt numb and broken.

I stood up and looked out the window scanning the streets to see if I could see anyone that could possibly get me out the hotel room before he got back. I knew Colby had a key but my luck I could see nobody.

I felt tears roll down my face and I let my body fall back onto the floor, brining my knees to my chest and taking in a shaky breath.

What did I do to deserve this? Was I that much of a bad person?

Memories came flooding into my bed of my past before Instagram and YouTube, the past where I was almost engaged to a man because I was terrified he would kill me if I said no.


It was around 11pm and he still wasn't home yet, part of me was thankful he wasn't home and that I was home alone but part of me still loved him and just wanted him home safe.

It was another guys night out, fourth one this week and I knew not to text or call asking him when he would be home because he would get bad, but then again, my breathing annoys him when he's drunk so what's the difference.

I wanted to call Lizzie and ask if I could just come home and we could stay up and watch a movie but I didn't want to annoy her, she knew nothing about me and Lee, she thinks we are happy and one day we will get married and have kids but only if she knew the truth.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the keys entering the front door, I sat up on the sofa and turned my body around just in time to watch the love of my life stumble in.

He looked at me and his eyes darkened.

"Just seeing your face makes me want to be sick, thanks for destroying my night bitch" he spat the last part in my face.

I couldn't help but flinch, trying my best not to cry because I didn't want to show how weak he could make me.

"What's wrong slut?" he said grabbing me by the shirt so I was standing up. He towered over me.

I went to speak but nothing came out, I just looked at him fear filling my body.

"Look at you, I don't even know why I try with you" he spat before slapping me so hard across the face I hit the ground hard letting out a sob.

"What was that? Did I say you could open your mouth?" he screamed punching my jaw so hard my body slammed into the ground. I could taste the blood filling my mouth but I just shallowed it trying to stay as quiet as possible.

He looked at me and laughed before stumbling away to his bedroom. I stayed on the floor for another 3 hours to scared he would come back and see that I've moved.

I didn't sleep a wink that night, looking at the rain fall down the window just wishing someone would come and save me.

*End of FlashBack*

I was broken out of my thoughts by a noise coming from the other side of the door.

I snapped my head towards it hoping it was Colby and my sister or even Sam, how I would die to see his beautiful blue eyes right now but my heart dropped when I saw Brennan's face smirking at me.

I stood up, my knees shaking under me. Part of me wasn't going to allow this to happen to me again but part of me was still the scared girl that just wanted to push him and run.

"Where's my phone?"  I said in a stern voice catching him by surprise.

He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked shaking his head which made me nervous, why did I speak, I knew I should have just run when I had the chance.

"Oh look are the little slut trying to act all big" he slowly walked towards me backing me up till my back hit the wall causing me to ley out a small yelp. I looked at him and his eyes were just as dark as Lee's if not darker.

"Don't try asked big around me sweetheart, it will just make you even more sorry" he grabbed my jaw ad slammed by body against the wall again a louder yelp leaving my mouth this time.

"This won't happen...not again, Lizzie promised" I could feel the tears starting to run down my face as I started to stutter out my words. My body was full of fear now and I knew I wasn't getting out of this one.

He just smiled at me and laughed at my words then let go of my jaw for my face to be met with his fist knocking me to the ground.

My body once again hit the hard ground of the hotel; my eyes closed shut not wanting to see the pleasure in his face.

I let out a scream as I felt myself getting pulled to my feet by my hair, I could feel parts of my hair getting pulled so hard it ripped out my head.

I opened my eyes to meet his and I was right, his face was filled with pleasure.

"I have no idea why Sam likes you" he quickly slapped me across the face again making me fall to the floor, this time smacking my head hard.

"What...did you say?" I stuttered. Was he really doing this to hurt not only me but to hurt Sam? What did Sam do to him? He was so sweet and kind he would never like a girl like me anyway.

Brennan just laughed at me before pulling his foot back and kicking me straight in the stomach knocking the wind right out of me.

I wimpier in pain but that wasn't enough for him, he wanted me to scream, he wanted me to suffer.

He brought his foot back up kicking me in the ribs this time as hard as he could causing a scream to leave my lips in pain, he repeated this three more times till he heard a crack and my screams filled the room.

I was crawled in a ball crying and gaging just wishing he would leave me alone he got what he wanted, I was broken. I could feel blood seeping through my dress and pain filled my body head to toe but he wasn't finished yet.

He kicked me right in the head causing my head to bounce off the hard wooden floor causing my vision to go blurry, he then continued to kick and punch my full body making more screams to leave my lips and more snapping noises from parts of my body I didn't even know could break.

One last scream left my mouth before I heard a bang and voices screaming which wasn't Brennan's. I tried to pull myself up but my body was weak and just fell back onto the ground causing a whimper to leave my lips.
I felt someone scoop my body up onto there lap, my eyes closed because I was too scared to open them.

"My beautiful angel what did he do too you?" I recognized that voice from anywhere.

I slowly opened my eyes. My head spinning and my vision blurred but I would still make out who it was.

"Sammy?" My voice sounded so broken and weak but i didn't care anymore. Was I finally dead and this was all a dream?

"Try keep talking to me baby, help is coming I promise" I could hear how shaky his voice was almost like he was crying but my mind was getting more and more fuzzy.

The last thing I heard was someone saying my name over and over and my vision going black as my body went limp and numb.

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