Chapter 18

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*Violence/Swearing warning*

*Lizzie's POV*

I ran up through to the elevator of the hotel with Sam and Colby following close behind me and I started smashing the buttons getting more and more agitated as to what Brennan had done to my sister. The elevator finally closed and started going up and when we finally go to his floor we all ran along to Brennan's room. We reached the door and realised that no one had a key and Brennan sure as hell was going to let us in. I kept wondering what he had been doing to her and how scared she must be before being cut out my thoughts by the sounds of horrifying screams coming from the other side of the door.

Without even thinking I began to see red and  turned around towards the door before lifting my legs and kicked the door clean off his hinges before running into the room and jumping on Brennan. I saw Sam ran over to Melons side and Colby was still standing at the hotel room door on the phone to someone but at this point I didn't care because this arsehole hurt my sister and I was going to make him pay for it. I started throwing my fists at Brennan's face not missing a shot before began to scratch and crawl at him screaming.



I continued to lash out at him screaming before grabbing his hair and throwing him to the floor not caring if he smacked into a few this on the way down. He deserves everything that he gets at this point in time and I'm going to enjoy showing him this. I began to kick him with my platform shoes before I heard him began to speak,

" She deserved it. Your sister disobeyed me and I had to punish her because she needs to learn who is in charge…"

Before he even had time to finish his sentence I lifted my foot to his face, kicking it hearing his nose crack. I grabbed the nearest thing to me which being a book and began to beat him with it before throwing it away and dropping down to my knees and began to use my fists again.

"My sister didn't deserve this shit. She didn't disobey you she just doesn't like you in the way you hope because she has standards and she wants Sam not you, you got it? And I never ever want to see you go anywhere near my sister ever again or so help me god I will do much worse to you!!! "

I heard him groan before he stopped struggling but even though he was unconscious it didn't stop me because he hurt my sister and she doesn't deserve this shit. Her arsehole of an ex Lee used to do this to her and if I got my hands on him he would get the exact same. I channeled all of my aggression to Brennan, seeing his nose and face bleeding having a slight sense of satisfaction that I was able to defend my sister but also guilt that I let it get this far.

I was so lost in what I was doing that I was startled but two arms wrapping themselves around my waist before lifting me up. I continue to struggle, kick and scream but the person wasn't having it. I looked around the room and saw that Melon was being taken away in a stretcher with Sam following behind with tears in his eyes. I continued to kick and scream as I get carried out the room and down the hall to another room. Once the door was closed I was released from the person, I started trashing the room throwing everything around and just groaning in frustration,

"Why did I let this happen to her again! I'm meant to protect but I can't even do that!"

I walked over all the debris and rubbish in the room to the liquor cabinet before taking out a random bottle before opening it and downing half of it. I slammed it down on the little table beside me before continuing scream and shout,

"What if he tries to go near her again! She's probably going to hate me after this! I don't know how I'm ever going to say I'm sorry!"

I continued to groan and scream before I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist to steady me and place their lips on mine before I let myself melt and let my lips move in sync with the person knowing that it was Colby. I couldn't help but still feel scared at the thought that Brennan might come after me but at this point as long as Melon was okay I would take it so that she wouldn't get hurt anymore.

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