Chapter 10

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*Colby's POV*

We were walking out the room and down the hall to go get some food when we heard to familiar female voices approaching us. We were so caught up in our conversation that Sam and one of the girls had walked straight into each other. We notice that it is The Haunt and Gore Twins as the two of them stumbled back a little before looking at each other. A big smile crept on the face of the girl as she said Sam's name and let out a chuckle. I turned my attention to the girl that was standing next to her and my jaw instantly dropped. Lizzie from The Haunt and Gore Twins was standing right in front of me and she was smiling directly at me.

I couldn't help but feel my cheeks start to turn a crimson red and a smile form on my face as I look up at her and began talking to her,

"Hey! Your Lizzie right? I'm Colby, how are you?" I could hear the stutter and the nervousness in voice but I tried to keep a confident yet cool vibe going. She let out a small giggle probably sensing that and the fact that I asked her who she was even though I knew that as she walked a little closer so there wasn't such a big gap between us.

"Haha yeah that's me. I know who you are Colby. I watch...I mean we watch your guys videos all the time. I can't wait for the next one." You could hear the nervousness in her voice but we continued to make small talk about up and coming video ideas and the party that was happening tomorrow.

"Are you going to the party tomorrow?" I asked her hoping she would say yes.

"Yeah we are haha, are you guys going? It would be lovely to see you guys there." She gave a soft smile as she gently bit on her lip.

"Yeah we are. I was wondering if you would to go with me to the party because I'm pretty sure that Melon is going to go with Sam and I would love to go with you and I'm sorry for rambling I have to admit I'm slightly start starstruck to be standing with you right now!" I let out a slight giggle as I scratched the back of my neck waiting for her reply.

"I would love to go with you Colby. What should I wear? Is there anything in particular that you want me to wear?" She put her hand over his mouth as she thought she had been rambling but I could enjoy listening to her voice every day.

I chuckled, " Wear anything. I'm sure you will look beautiful no matter what you wear." I smiled as I watched a faint blush form on her cheeks. She looked absolutely adorable but I knew she would never go for someone like me.

We continued to chat before I heard Sam and Melon saying that we should probably head back to our rooms and get some rest before the party tomorrow. Lizzie started to back off towards Melon to leave when I plucked up the courage to ask her for her number,

"Hey Lizzie, can I please talk to you for a second?" She nodded her head as she walked back over to me and we moved as way from the others slightly. She asked me what was up and I took a deep breath as I continued to scratch the back of my neck,

"Erm, I was wondering if I could possibly have your number? So I can talk to you about the party and stuff?" She looked at me with wide eyes as she nodded before she reached her hand out for my phone to put her number into it. I handed my phone over to her after making a new contact before I saw her delete the name I put in before replacing it and adding her number. Once she was finished she closed the app down and locking my phone.

She winked at me as I put my phone in my pocket before hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek goodbye as they walked back to their room and we started to do the same. Sam was talking about Melon and how much his feelings for her had grown stronger after seeing her in person as I  couldn't help but think about Lizzie. She was dressed in a simple outfit of leggings and an XPLR hoodie and her hair was up in a messy bun and little bits were coming out of everywhere.

When we made it back to our room, I walked over to my bed, taking my shoes off and throwing myself onto my bed, unlocking my phone. I remembered that Lizzie had changed the contact name I had put in for her so I open my contacts and saw the contact name,

'My Gorgeous Princess' with 3 black heart emojis.

I giggled to myself at the name before I clicked on the message icon and sent her a text so she had my number as well. I smiled, thinking that the contact name was very fitting and that I could only wish that one day she would become my gorgeous princess one day soon. We texted back and fourth for a few hours before she told me that she was going to sleep and that she would talk to me tomorrow. I decided to wait a little to make sure she was sleeping before I sent her a text back something for her to wake up to,

'Goodnight Beautiful. I hope you have a lovely sleep and I can't wait to see you again tomorrow <3 <3 <3'

I locked my phone before placing on the small cabinet beside the bed before getting ready for bed and switching the light off. I crawled under the blankets before closing my eyes thinking about Lizzie and drifting off to a deep and blissful sleep.

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