Chapter 11

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Melon's POV

*Time skip to the next day before the party*

It was a couple of hours before the party and me and Lizzie were running around our hotel room like headless chickens.

I was just out the shower and was sitting in front of my suitcase on the floor, throwing items of clothing all over the hotel room trying to find something for the party.

Lizzie was already changed into her third different outfit of the day which ended up being a cute black dress with her leather jacket and black platforms, she was now siting in front of the small hotel mirror doing her makeup.

After what felt like year's I settled on a velvet red dress, fish net tights and black platforms. I quickly slipped it on and started to do my makeup, doing a dark smoky eye with dark red lipstick.

By the time I finished I heard my sister's phone bing and watched as she practically throws herself towards her phone causing me to burst out laughing. She got Colby's number last night and they ended up texting all night till she fell asleep, every so often I would hear her giggle or make a small squeal.

"Colby said him and Sam will meet us at the party, they are meeting some friends first"

I just nodded my mind getting lost in thought when she said Sam's name.

His beautiful , bright blue eyes could lighten up any room and he had the most amazing laugh and smile but when talking to him yesterday I couldn't help but see a bit of sadness behind his eyes, something wasn't right and I wish I could help somehow but I don't want to stick my nose into something he might not be ready to talk about.

I heard Lizzie ask if I was ready to leave, wanting to get their a bit before anyone else so we could hopefully get a booth so we wouldn't be standing all night which I just simply responded with a nod.

*Time skip to the party*

Of course me and my sister got lost trying to find the party. It took us an hour but we finally found it, with a bit of help from Colby texting us directions.

We both walked into the crowded dark bar area, the smell of alcohol and sweat filling my nose.

I felt my sister tap me catching my attention. I looked to where she was pointing and soon my eyes fell on a tall, slim boy standing at the bar. She took my hand and we both started to make our way towards the figure, I would be lying if I said I felt comfortable, don't get me wrong I liked going out drinking every so often but I would much prefer lying in bed and watching tv.

She tapped on the figure causing him to jump a little before turning around. We both smiled at Colby and when his eyes fell onto Lizzie I could see his heart melt which was adorable to watch.
He gave us both a hug, Lizzie's being a little longer than mine and told us he was buying some drinks for the table and to just go find Sam if we wanted a seat.

Lizzie looked at me and I could read her mind like a book.

"I'll go find Sam, you two stay together " I smiled at her giving her a look before turning around and taking a quick look around the bar.
I looked back at my sister and Colby to see that Colby had his arm now around Lizzie's waist. They would honestly make such a cute couple and even though I only really met Colby yesterday i had the feeling I could trust him with my sister.

I looked around the bar area again and soon my eyes fell onto a thin blonde boy wearing a dark blue shirt sitting beside a guy with purple hair and a tanned guy wit brown hair.
I slowly made my way towards them , the tanned guy catching my eye and winking at me causing me to blush a little.

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