Chapter 19

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Sam's POV

My heart dropped, why did I let this happen to her?

My beautiful angel was lying on the ambulance bed almost lifeless, if it wasn't for the beeping of the monitor you would think she was dead.

Another broken sob left my lips as I held her limp pale hand in mine. My body was still shaking from everything that was happening and all I could do was blame myself.

Why did I have to leave her with him, I never liked Brennen so why did I leave the girl I have feeling for with him.

I looked at her again and another tear ran down my face.

"What did he do to you?" was all I could whisper out.

The ambulance stopped telling me we were finally at the hospital, it felt like we were in the ambulance for hours. The doors swung open showing two paramedics on the other side, they pulled her out and started to rush her into the hospital.

I followed behind before being stopped by a doctor.

"I'm sorry but this is as far as you can go Sir" the doctors words hit me like a bullet, I didn't want to leave her side that's how she ended up here. I looked at the doctor about to speak but nothing came out.

The doctor sighed before speaking again.

"We will do everything we can for your girlfriend she's in safe hands and you will be the first to know updates, please wait in the waiting area" I didn't bother correcting him about Melon not being my girlfriend I just nodded and slowly started to walk to the waiting area my mind running circles.

*2 hours later*

I sat alone, my thoughts running wild for the past two hours no updated about Melon and if she was even alive but that was me just being paranoid. My full body was still shaking but I finally stopped crying or maybe my body had no more tears to shed.

I felt my phone buzz and almost ripped it out my pocket, I've been texting Colby non stop for the past two hours and I'm honestly so thankful to have a best friend like him, he was the one thing keeping me calm telling me everything was going to be fine and to breath.

He was with Lizzie, not sure if they were a thing but if so I think they would be good together, I would be happy Colby finally found a girl who wouldn't use him. He told me he was trying to calm her down before they came because he knows when she see's Melon she would probably be a mess and that's understandable, I was a mess and I wasn't even that important to her, even though I wish I was.

If I was her boyfriend, I would protect her with my life, nothing would ever hurt her and I would treat her like the princess she was.
All four of us could go exploring and we would hold hands and cuddle whilst filming for youtube....but that would be in a perfect world where she would want a guy like me but sadly I'm nothing amazing and she would find a prince and I would probably never see her again and be forgotten.

My thoughts were broken by someone touching my shoulder. I snapped my head up to be met with a pair of eyes looking at me.

"Are you here for Melon Skye" the female doctor said in a soft voice.

I nodded rapidly so thankful to finally hear something about her but then a rush of fear came over my body, what happens if shes so badly hurt they are going to tell me I cant see her? I need to see her, I cant leave her without seeing her.

I felt the doctor start to rub my shoulder a little before speaking.

"Take deep breaths, she's asleep but she's okay you can go see her if you follow me"

A rush of relief washed over my body as I nodded quickly and rushed up onto my feet to follow the doctor to Melons room.

The doctor opened the door slowly and for a moment all I could see was white before my eyes locked on the bed and the pale small body that was in it.

I slowly walked towards the bed, sitting in the chair beside the bed. I took her cold hand in mine and played with her knuckles before hearing the door close, I looked up to see the doctor was gone. 

She looked so broken and weak yet she still looked so beautiful. I moved a piece of hair from her pale face and as soon as I placed it behind her ear I noticed her eyes flicker. I quickly moved my hand back to my side and was soon met with a pair of blue eyes looking at me. 

"Hi" she said looking a little confused which I couldn't help but smile at, she was honestly so adorable she made my heart melt and she didn't even have to do anything. 

"Hey" I said, my voice a little rough from all the crying.

"Have you been crying?" she asked, I could hear the concern in her voice. How could she be worried about stupid me when she was the one that got attacked and was now in a hospital bed. 

"No no I'm fine..." but before I could continue she cut me off. 

"Come here" she said softly catching me off gaurd. 

I slowly moved closer to her for her to rub her thumb under my left eye. I didn't even notice i was crying again. Our eyes locked and i felt my heart skip a beat.

My mind was going thousands of miles a hour, half of me wanted to pull away and act cool the other half wanted to lead in and let our lips touch but before i could do anything i heard the hospital room door open causing me to flinch back falling off of the chair onto the cold ground. 

"Oh my god Sam" i heard Melon's sweet voice squeal I then noticed a hand wearing multiple rings in front of me,  i looked up to see Colby , Melon and Lizzie all looking at me causing my cheeks to go red. 

"You alright?" Colby asked quietly helping me back to my feet which i just nodded too, i could see Lizzie bear hugging Melon by this point causing a smile to appear on my face,  it warms my heart how impotant the sisters mean to each other. 

Lizzie sat on the bed beside Melon playing with her hair saying all sorts from saying sorry she didn't help her sooner to if she ever saw that dickhead again he would be dead meat whilst Colby sat on the floor crossed legged. 

I watched Melon's small smile as her sister went on and on and how the bruises on her face didn't take away from her beauty, but my mind also couldn't help but think if they came in the door 10 minutes later would i have kissed Melon or chickened out? 

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