Brama Moments

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/  :3

-Hoodie thief-

Bruce: Babe, have you seen my hoo-

* is asleep with his hoodie on *

Bruce: aww...she is an adorable hoodie thief


Bruce: * is reading *


Bruce: Yah ?

Can I play with your hair ?

Bruce: Sure , just dont put it -

* put his bangs in a ponytail , kinda * :3 fab

Bruce: aww, I can't stay mad at you :3


Natalie:* recording Bruce and Karma *

* looks at Bruce * * kisses his cheek *

Bruce:* smiles and about to kiss her cheek *

* takes a bite of his food * :3

Bruce: * looks at her then his food then her again * seriously ? -_-

I'm hungry!

-The Ex-

I'm sick * is on the phone with Bruce *

Bruce: You're fine

* smirks * my ex just texted me -

Bruce:* is in front of her and slaps her phone out of her hands *


Bruce:* is tired and sitting on the couch * life is pointless

* gives him coffee and cuddles him * :3

Bruce:* blushes slightly and sips coffee *

-Good thing-

Normi: You're sister is weird for liking girls

Bruce:* tries to strangle him *

* is holding him back by his shirt *

/  XD so cute

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