Where he likes to kiss you

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/  im doing this for my male ocs (some) you guys are gonna be in your 20s when dating. Sorry :p

Sebastian: Cheek
Sebastian is too shy to kiss you anywhere else. Sure, he sometimes kisses you on the lips but he loves to kiss your cheek more. It shows love and appreciation, which he loves you more than anything and he appreciates all the sacrifices you did to make him feel happy.

Zero/Leo: Neck/Forehead
Leo and Zero are two completely different people in one body. Leo loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't want to take (Sex. That was the 100th word 😂.) it too far and he thinks its cute. But, when Zero is in control, your neck will get abused to the point you wear a scarf to cover them up.

Itsuki: Lips
He looves to capture your lips with his. Its shows everlasting love, and admiration. Itsuki loves the feeling of your lips and if he could, he would keep making out with you forever. But, can't, because of oxygen, work, his family interrupting them, and baby Lily-Cassie.

Sora: Hand
Sora kisses you on the hand because it means courtesy, politeness, respect, admiration and even devotion by one person toward another. He wants to be a gentleman to you, no matter any of the day. He truly loves you and would do anything to keep a smile on your face.

Akemi: Nose
Akemi always comments on how cute your nose wiggles when he kisses it. Plus, it shows committed affection, sweetness, and can be a key trigger in sparking instant romance or fanning the flames of love. He just loves to cuddle up to you, and kiss your nose.

Rocky: Temple
Its simple, yet meaningful to him. He's afraid of letting people in and showing affection because people would often leave him when he does. And he even thought you would do the same when you two start to date. But, so far, you haven't, which surprises him. So, if you're willing to stay with him, he thinks he should let down the walls and kiss you. Which, is your temple.

Jack: Head
It maybe very common but he loves it. He loves to have you close to him, with your head in his chest, and just look down and be able to kiss your head. When he was with his ex, she didn't really like doing that, but you love it when he does it. Which makes him feel accomplished and happy.

Carter: Shoulder
He doesn't know why he kisses your shoulder a lot. He just does it because he loves the blush you get on your face. Plus, he loves to rub his face into your shoulder a lot.

/  I was gonna add more, but i'm lazy :p

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