Hogwarts House!

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Karma: Hufflepuff
Its quite obvious why, Karma is hard working, dedicated, patience, and loyal. She gives everyone second chances and is willing to help others.

Natalie: Ravenclaw
Natalie has a lot of Knowledge, creativity, intelligence, wisdom, and cleverness. She is a very wise person and often keeps her friends and sister under control. She is comfortable where she stands.

Addy: Gryffindor
Well, Addy is loyal, brave, courageous, daring, adventurous, and a bit chivalrous. She isn't afraid to pick a fight and stand up for whats right. But, she is very loyal to those she loves.

Miko: Slytherin
Miko tends to be shrewd, cunning, a strong leader, and achievement-oriented. She is the somewhat leader of her house and tends to give orders on what they should do.

Axel: Slytherin
Axel is very ambitious and strives to be the best he can be. He thinks of all the possible outcomes before he does something. But, keep in mind, he would've ended up in Hufflepuff

Sebastian: Gryffindor
Surprise, surprise. Sebastian have patience like a Hufflepuff and be wise like a Ravenclaw. But, when someone goes after his friends or family, watch out

Marie: Ravenclaw
Marie is a very big nerd and is super creative. She is also very shy and witty like one, coming up with quips there and then.

-Potential houses that could have been in-

Karma: Gryffindor

Natalie: Slytherin

Addy: Hufflepuff

Miko: Gryffindor

Axel: Hufflepuff

Sebastian: Ravenclaw

Marie: Hufflepuff

-Signing off-

/Admin: * laughs in Ravenclaw *

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