Chapter 5

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A.N.: This is kinda a filler chapter, so... Enjoy still! I actually wanted to make it half as long and have two chapters, but I believe you won't be mad about a little progression! Haha As you might have noticed I decided to update on mondays and thursdays and I kinda enjoy it, so don't be sad when this chapter ends, I will update on monday!

Loki startled awake a while later, immediately noticing his coat having been draped over him and the heat radiating off her body next to him. Panic rushed through him and he skittered away from her.

How dare his body betray him like that... He had used a great amount of magic and a whole lot more of his own energy on reviving and healing that stupid little creature. Though in the process he must have missed just how much of a toll it took on him. He felt sincerely betrayed by his body. Normally he would never in the lifetime of a universe allow himself to sleep with somebody else around. Normally, he wouldn't allow himself to sleep at all unless it was absolutely necessary. He felt ashamed of himself... What had become of him since meeting her for the first time? He was not himself anymore and he could not deny how much he still felt drawn to her.

From a few feet away he observed her sleeping form, finally able to see her more clearly in the light of the cell.

Her hair was raven, just like his, but longer and wavy. Compared to him she was tiny, but who knew what strength could hide in a small body. She was capable of the same magic he was after all. Or at least Loki thought so.

He then frowned at her choice of clothing. A torn apart, once cream white shirt and dark grey leather pants, both way too large for her. Not that he cared much for clothing, but it could tell one a whole lot about the person who wears them.

Despite the torn garments she looked ravishing, even covered in blood. Only a fool could deny that and Loki certainly did not deem himself a fool. Maybe he had made the right decision about saving her life. Now that he thought about it, he had never in all the years that he had been doomed into existence met a person, certainly not a woman, who had shown no fear nor hatred towards him. His mother was the only exception, but that was a different situation. This girl, she was a stranger without fear of him and she had even placed his coat on him as a blanket. An act of kindness.

This was new. She had teased him, flirting even, and they had played the most exciting game of hide and seek. Wasn't that what he was all about? He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but maybe -just maybe- he enjoyed it. And he most certainly would not admit that he wanted more of it.

When she started to wake up, Loki was pulled out of his thoughts. He watched her eyes open slowly and she looked around a little panicked until her eyes found his.

"Hey." She said softly, turning her sore body towards him. "How do you feel?"

Why was she being so nice to him?

"Fine." Loki answered smoothly, not showing any of his interior irritation.

His voice was just as soothing as she remembered it to be.

"Good..." Her own voice trailed off and she looked down to her hands in her lap, picking at the scab of the healing scratches. How does one thank a stranger for saving their life? And even worse, how does one talk to Loki without getting killed?

"Uhm, thank you... for saving my life." She said quietly and without looking at him. "I didn't think you'd it. You know, after threatening to end me and yeah... I'm a bit surprised."

"If I would say I was 'a bit surprised' as well, it would be the understatement of the century. I didn't do it out of pure kindness." He answered stiffly, also not daring to look at her. Instead he stared at the wall opposed to him.

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