Chapter 16

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Warnings: some sexy time, but not rly smutty

"Oh yes!" Ivy grinned. "We got the guy. A council member. He's down in the water supply system with a few of his creepy plants. You might wanna clean that up before any of it gets into the wrong tunnels. And you might also want to make sure there are no poisoned foods left in the palace or the city."

"What? The man's still there?" Thor asked in confusion.

"Yeah, but he's dead, so... Sorry about that." Ivy shrugged. "Tell the guards to clean that mess up."
"I didn't think you'd get this sorted out that fast. And I'm not your personal palace servant!" Thor put his arms into his sides with a frown.

"Yeah, I'm also quite disappointed. But at least now there won't be any more people dying. You're welcome!" Ivy smirked to herself.

Thor sighed. "Maybe if I tell father about this incident and polish it up a little in the dramatics, he might let you return to the palace."

"Who said I want to come back?" Loki rose his eyebrows at Thor.

"Oh come on, I can hardly imagine you enjoy living down in the streets! I will ask father and then I will speak with you again. We shall meet tomorrow at sunset in the palace gardens." Thor smiled to himself, obviously very content with his idea.

"I'm only coming back if Ivy can come with me." Loki said calmly. "Either that, or we will be the end of you all."

With that, Loki had taken hold of Ivy's arm and they disappeared in an instant.

Thor sighed to himself once they were gone. He had always wanted for Loki to find someone who loved him dearly. But now he wasn't so sure of that concept anymore. They would either heal each other, or together they would truly be the end of them all.

"So... Going back to the palace, huh?" Ivy asked in a stained voice once they had reached the secret opening and walked over to spot with the blankets. However, Ivy didn't feel like sitting, or resting in any way. She felt gross and bruised and thus only leaned her back against the high stone wall.

"Don't you think a real bed would be more comfortable than freezing on a blanket every night?" Loki asked with a small laugh. "It's only going to get colder and wetter."

"Well, I have never before minded the weather." Ivy commented. "And right now it's still warm. We could stay here, you know... And try to make it work." She started rubbing her face, noticing how the sweat and the dirt of the streets still lingered on her body. Despite that she still felt the gross man's hands on her skin, even if she didn't want to show it.

"This place... It's not worthy. Not for now and not for an eternity." Loki spoke quietly, looking into Ivy's eyes with such determination it confused her.

"Maybe I'm not worthy of you as well then." Ivy said calmly, but the sadness in her voice was cold and bitter. She turned to look away, avoiding his eyes.

Loki on the other hand placed a gentle finger under her chin, making her look back up at him. "I think you don't understand what I mean..." He bent his face down so his forehead was touching the top of hers, his voice only a breath. "I think this place is not worthy of you..."

Ivy's eyes fluttered shut as she tried to calm her breathing. "Why would you say that? I'm not like you. I was raised on the streets, I've lived on the streets my whole life and that's also where I will die. I'm in no position to live in a palace. Nor do I deserve it."

Loki lifted a hand, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. "You deserve it more than any damn person living there in this very moment." His hand went from caressing her cheek to her neck.

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