Chapter 14

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Once back at the opening, Ivy quickly filled the cup with water and dissolved the black powder in it. Now she only needed to get him to drink it... Only...

Hurriedly she knelt down next to him, checking once more if his heart was still beating before she sat him up against her and rather roughly forced the black liquid down his throat. Then, she waited. After a while his body got rather heavy resting against her own and she leaned back against the stone wall behind her for support. Hopefully this was going to work. After a little while of inner debate, she carefully pushed Loki's hair out of his face, gently brushing through it with her fingers. He most certainly would never allow this if he was awake. But after all the trouble she needed a little comfort and this was just able to do it for her. A few moments later her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into a restless sleep.

"Ivy." She heard her name, but her mind wasn't quite waking up from it.

"Ivy." It sounded once more, louder this time and she started to wake up. "IVY!"

She startled awake, looking into concerned green eyes in front of her. She needed a second but then, without thinking, she threw herself at Loki, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. This caused him to lose his balance and he fell onto his back with a loud thud. Luckily, he had only been kneeling in front of her.

Despite the short fall, Ivy refused to let go and buried her face in his neck.

"Well, ouch..." He commented quietly, but unable to hide a slight touch of amusement from his , finally, he also wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly against him.

For the longest while, neither dared to say another word, afraid to break the precious moment between them. The sun was already rising, bringing light to the little opening.

"You did it." Loki finally said, his head leaned against hers. He could feel her hot breath against his neck and her heartbeat in his chest. "You used you magic to save someone."

He felt her stiffen in his arms, before she lifted her head to look at him. "Yeah, no." She said quietly, looking sad, before she lifted herself off him, sitting back against the stone wall. Loki immediately missed her warmth and the comfort of her body against his, but he mimicked her actions, sitting next to her.

"I didn't use magic." She finally said and it only came out as a whisper. "I couldn't do it." Her face fell in disappointment with herself.

"But you saved me nonetheless, which makes it even more impressive." He smiled at her reassuringly. She shouldn't feel bad for doing something good and selfless.

"I had help." She stated calmly but avoided his eyes. "From your brother."

"You asked THOR for help, out of all people?" Loki looked at her incredulous. "How could he have been of any help?"

Ivy let out a snort. "To be honest, I now totally understand your desire to stab the man. And all the eye-rolling... He is very special." She laughed to herself. "But he loves you dearly, he really does."

"I know." Loki sighed. "But that's his own fault!" He chuckled and watched Ivy from the corner of his eye. She seemed exhausted... But he was curious now.

"So, how was he of any help to you? And how did you get him to help in the first place? He's not really easy to argue with..." He asked curiously, his face now fully turned to her.

"Well he tried to cut my throat while still sleeping, I assume..." Ivy laughed lightly, but continued as she saw Loki's jaw clench. "He didn't hurt me! I did that thing you do with him, you know, the illusion."

That brought a smile to Loki's face. "Oh really? How did you know you needed to do that?"

"Well, it's not quite that different to the illusions I usually do. It wasn't very difficult, but a very clever idea." She sighed and brought her knees up to her chest. "Well, then I showed him some of the memories you shared with me. And before you kill me, I only showed him memories the two of you shared in your childhood. No feelings, nothing that came after. I assured him that you must trust me since you showed them to me."

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