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Pit slowly woke up from a groggy and in pain. Slowly he looked around rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a wince of pain.

He groaned and wobbled to his feet, "ouch ouch ouch. That hurts, wings too. Owwww" He complained leaning over in pain wrapping his arms around himself. "Ow ow ow ow ow" tears pricked at his eyes

"Why is it so dark in here?" he asked aloud, "Lady Palutena? Pittoo? Viridi? Where did you guys go?" Pit asked waiting for an answer feeling around his head for his laurel, witch it was there and he didn't feel any creaks. "Okay... Don't panic Pit. retrace your steps. Ok so I ate breakfast, went for a run, fed and brushed both Phos and Lux, I tried to get thru to Pittoo he kinda responded, cleaned the house and temple, went shopping, talked to a few other angels, there was a dark aura then... Palutena told me something then I blacked out." Pit thought for a long moment.

Pit slapped his forehead "why can't I remember what she said? I guess I should look around" Pit wobbly rubbed his back, "I guess I fell" he muttered then winced once he hit a bruise on his side.

He made his way around the room feeling the walls until he tripped over something, A small bag, carefully opened it.

It had a few things, the first blade, a cloak, bit of water and food, a map and Zilidac compass. Something strange was at the bottom, a book, Palutena knew he couldn't read well, this wasn't something he could understand. The words moved and looked smuged. but there was something on top of it, a photo. The only good photo of Palutena, Pittoo, Phos, Lux and himself. Viridi and Phosphora photo bombed it. His thump obscured most of another person that was in the foreground. But he smiled at the photo before carefully putting it back into the bag. He pulled on the bag settling it just between his wings. He placed the first blade on his belt, lucky for the god magic that enchanted his clothing.

"Palutena did say something about an indestructible infinity bag, so I guess it can hold anything" Pit said to himself. He pulled on the bag and looked around, seeing a crack big enough for him to squeeze through. He folded his wings up against his back tightly and wiggled his way threw. With a bit of pain from his bruising, thankfully it doesn't show.

He stepped into a huge ravine, it was night but he could see around fairly well. He thanked Palutena for making his laurel glow in the dark since he expressed his fear of it.

Pit grumbled and stretched in the moonlight. He wasn't dressed for battles, he was wearing clothing for the festival. The one day he as off this week and this happens. Not to mention angel's body heat was naturally very cold, now he was freezing.

"How am I going to do this?" Pit muttered, now he wished he knew how to read, maybe that book would have come in handy. But no one ever took the time to teach him, well teach him whatever that was. Pit muttered out loud to himself for a little while pacing back and forth.

"Excuse me?" Pit screamed and jumped back. A little girl with brown hair tied messily into two ponytails, a dirty dress that looked like it hadn't been washed for far to long and bright green eyes looked at him.

"Are you an angel?" The girl asked, Pit thought for a moment his head trying to catch up all he could get out was a quiet squeaky, "yes?"

"Oh good! I need your help. I need to get back home, can you fly me there?" She asked. Pit stood up straight then released a sigh ready to disappoint.

"I'm sorry but I can't fly, but I can try and help, do you live around here?" Pit asked.

"No, I don't know where I live. I ran off when everyone started hurting each other, Papa said it was because of a wish seed. I don't even know what that is!" The child exclaimed kicking at the dirt, upset that she had not been home for many weeks.

"The wish seed was a seed that was rumored to grant wishes, it doesn't work though. Or I'd be able to fly right now" Pit confessed rubbing the back of his neck, "Trust me, I'm missing home as well."

"Huh, maybe I can help you and you can help me! You help me get home and I can help you get home! Papa said angels live in the clouds not on earth" The child smiled rocking back and forth.

"Not entirely true, but to an extent your father is right, most angles tend to live around their gods. But that deal sounds good, I'm Pit. What's your name?" The angel asked.

"Mama said not to give my name to strangers," The girl said leaning into herself a little and lightly kicking at the dirt.

"How about a nickname? That way I can call you something until i'm not a stranger anymore" Pit said after a few moments of silence.

"Oh! Ok! Call me Clover! Mama gave me that nickname" The girl smiled rubbing her hands along her arms shivering slightly. Pit knew humans were very valuable to the cold, while he had a natural body heat of frigid. He pulled the cloak out of his bag fastening to fit around Clover, "There now you won't be cold" Pit smiled as the cloak adjusted automatically to fit Clover's smaller stature.

"Do you know how to read perhaps?" Pit asked.

"You can't read?" Clover asked stopping her rocking.

"Not any mortal language," Pit muttered rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ok so, you help us get around and I can read stuff to you! Deal!" Clover exclaimed holding out her hand. Pit thought for a moment before nodding, "deal" and shook her hand.

"Why did you ask?" Clover asked tilting her head.

"I was sent down here with a book I can't read" Pit emitted pulling his bag over his shoulder and reached into the bag pulling out the book. Clover gently took it and looked over the pages.

"I've never seen anything like this, but I think I understand it, It says, Book of spells. For beginners!" Clover smiled. "Maybe you can put it to use" Pit smiled, "I get that aura from you."

"Does that mean I'm magical?" Clover questioned holding the book close to her chest.

"Possibly, we'll have to see" Pit smiled patting her head. "I think you are. You have that aura that says something is special will happen to you. And my Laurel is telling me your magical." Pit added the last bit quickly as he began to walk gesturing Clover to follow. Clover gasped running to catch up to Pit holding the book close with one hand and the other to hold up the cloak to not trip on it.

"So I'm magical?" Clover asked looking for confirmation. Pit nodded.

"So you're an angel and you can tell I'm magical? Like a witch?" Clover asked.

"I'm an Angel, I can tell your magical and no, more like you had a very little bit of leftover magic in your body then you body just started to make your own magic" Pit explained. Clover plundered his words, holding the book close to her chest with one hand and holding onto Pit's hand with the other.

"Let's get out of here then we can decide what happens next" Pit said looking at the large rocky walls around them. Clover nodded still thinking about Pit's words. Pit wandered around the ravine and looking around the walls. Pit hummed lightly walking down the ravine.

"How did you get down here?" Pit asked turning to look at Clover. Clover looked around and pointed at the other end of the ravine. Pit nodded before he began walking again. Soon enough the ravine turned to hill and they walked up.

Dusk has turned to dawn and the sky was colored with hues of red, yellow and pink as the sun rose in the sky barely peeking over the horizon. Pit could feel the warmth of the sun and expanded his wings to take in the warmth. He never felt the morning sun from earth, but he loved it already.

Clover smiled and enjoyed the warm sun, she didn't know how long she had been lost but she already felt at home, with an angel to guide her. Perhaps she'll learn to use this book to her advantage.

But the dawn of a new day brought enemies of old and new.

Kid Icarus: Sky BoundWhere stories live. Discover now