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Icarus stared at the globe with an unblinking stare. Symphony had long since gone to bed. He was the only one awake in Sky World. Icarus rubbed his eyes he couldn't sleep. He just couldn't, there was to much going on to sleep. He didn't know how others could sleep at this time. He sighed and pinned back his bangs with a few pins. He stared at the globe, Pit was asleep on the couch of Magnus' house.
He clicked the button again for the globe to perform a search. He hated lying to Pit but he didn't need Pit freaking out. Pit found Luka and Pittoo is out there somewhere but Malachi.
Little Malachi, he looked up to Pit so much but he was gone. Just gone! He was swept away just like Lady Palutena. He can only hope he's with Palutena.
    Icarus stared at the globe before sitting down leaning against the cold stone that held the globe. He held his head in his hands. He didn't know what to do. He felt so helpless. He hated the feeling of being helpless.
It felt so miserable seeing Stardust fight threw the world, Sunny nowhere to be found,  Sunflower being scared and Malachi being lost with Lady Palutena.
"Sir Icarus" Madoka spoke seeing the apprentice of light up at this hour.
"Yes Madoka?" Icarus asked looking up.
Madoka's eyes narrowed as she studied him. Eye bags deep under his eyes, hair unbrushed and outfit a bit dirty.
"Sir, please go off to bed" Madoka insisted.
"I could say the same" Icarus laughed looking up at the dark haired girl. She was a bit older then Pit but far more cold a stoic. But she was like their sister, all they needed was a bond ring.
"Sir I know your stressed but you need sleep" Madoka Insisted.
"Madoka" Icarus paused, "how can I sleep when my entire family is just gone?" Icarus asked.
"Cupero still has his baby brother, Symphony has their dog, Trilliton has her sisters, Apiko has his snake, Astrata has her older sister.
And i'm stuck up here! Uselessly watching my little brother fight unable to talk to him regularly or even tell him the truth! Pittoo is somewhere alone with his thoughts which is a recipe for disaster. Luka is putting on a brave face but he doesn't have an idea how serious this all is, Malachi and Lady Palutena are down right gone. Phos and Lux are circulating earth at insane speeds in random directions.
And all I can do is sit here! I can't do anything to help any of them! The Zodiac weapons opening the gate is only a guess. I can't even guarantee it will work!" Icarus ranted.
Madoka thought for a moment before speaking, "That old friend of yours back in Videoland, the green one. Would he let you give up on helping your friends in a time of need?"  She asked with a stern look his her eyes. Icarus weakly shook his head.
"Then why should you? Pit needs a way back home, Pittoo needs a way back home. Luka needs a way home, We need to get Lady Palutena and Malachi back home. But we have to stay strong. Keep your head up, sir. You'll find a way to help" Madoka said pulling Icarus to his feet.
Icarus nodded, "thank you Madoka" he stops for a moment, "You know his name why don't say it?" icarus asked as a thought crossed his mind.
"I don't want legal trouble with Capcom, they share a name" Madoka said, Icarus nodded remembering.
"But right now you need to sleep!" Madoka commanded. Icarus sighed and nodded, "I'll clean up just go to bed" Madoka said shoving Icarus out the temples back down. Icarus walked across the bridge to where he lived. Madoka watched him as he gently closed to door and as the lights traveled turning off and on before she turned away back inside the temple.
Pit was in charge of a lot of things not just being the captain, or as everyone called him Captoin. A funny play on how Pittoo's name has o's in it while Pit doesn't and angels decide to make it fair. But Pit kept the temple clean, he cooked and most importantly kept Icarus' health in check as the teen often didn't realize he hadn't eaten or slept until Pit reminded him.
Madoka saw the tasks as quite overwhelming as managing an army was a lot already. But she took them on, Icarus needed stability. Sky World needed stability and she would do the best she could to deliver. Madoka picked up books from the floor placing them on the tables putting bookmarks on the open pages. Madoka gathered loose pages placing them on the desk in the room. She spotted a photo framed and shiny.
It wasn't very long ago the photo was taken, possibly a few human years ago. She picked it up and smirked at Pit's bright smile. Pittoo looked generally happy basically being crushed by Pit's hug. Icarus sliding in with sunglasses and a doffy smile. Madoka herself sliding on her side into the frame with a smirk on her face. Luka and Malachi running into frame gleaming. Palutena had taken it, trying to get a good photo of Pittoo to add to the photo hall. But of course, his siblings would never let that happen.

Icarus walked up to his room but stopped just in front of Pittoo's. His was just at the top of the stairs with Pit's on the left and Icarus' on the left. Malachi and Luka's on the bottom floor. But Icarus froze in front of Pittoo's door. He hesitant pushed open the door and watched as the lights came on.
The room was quite bright compared to how Pittoo dressed. Light purple sheets and pillows on his bed, postly pastel colors but on one wall was a painting of a sunset, colors blended and swirled. It looked real if Icarus couldn't touch it. He stared at it for a while. Pit had helped Pittoo paint it. They had spent all day on it and Pittoo had loved it. Down in the right corner where Pit and Pittoo's name written in Skytlin, not like they would write in anything else.
Icarus smiled looking at it. He hoped his family was okay. He knew they could pull thru but... for how long.

Icarus decided on the spot to throw himself into research and information hunting, someone had to know something. There had to be a way to force open the gate without the Zodiacs. Someone had to know what was happening to Zues. If nothing else, Zues probably had all the gods.
Grandfather was coming in a few days, he was who raised Palutena to be a god of light. He didn't look old but he was almost as old light itself. Although he's second generation of Light gods he was old as dirt compared to Icarus. He was once a human but turned into a god. Icarus wanted to be able to show him what he could do.

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