I'll Find A Way

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Palutena was silent, it was unsettling to see the goddess of Light like this. Aphrodite tried to brush her hair own, braiding it and pinning it up. The goddess of beauty was always ready to help with any sort of beauty situation. 

"Palutena, please speak. It is getting worrying" Brontasta, the goddess of thunder, pleaded.
"Malachi..." Palutena muttered. 

Malachi, a boy dressed in red and had a fiery spirit was dragged away a few days ago by Zeus. He went screaming and crying for Lady Palutena, who to give some credit made the room light up with lasers that hit Zeus but Zues had electrocuted her for it.
Her once bright green eyes where dull and broken.
She looked up at Brontasta.

Brontasta flitched at the look in her eyes.

"Get your life together Palutena! We won't survive long enough if you keep acting like this. It's PIT for crying out loud! He has no concept of self preservation, he won't stop for anything until something is done. He's a workaholic! He would basically do anything for Icarus, And if Icarus is worried for you then Pit will be worried. Pit is your personal guard! It's his job to kick people's butts to keep you safe and if that involves throwing down with Zues you better believe he will do it. He has absolutely no sense of self preservation, He is a ball of destruction that is willing to destroy anyone to reach his goal. He's like a tiny wrecking ball on legs!" Viridi ranted.

The Gods:
Palutena goddess of Light
Viridi Goddess of Nature
Brontasta Goddess of Thunder
Aphrodite Goddess of Beauty
Poseidon God of the Ocean
Dyntos God of the Forge
Pyrrhon God of the Sun.

And many more god in many other rooms and cages. All missing their children, their family and their angels.

Pyrrhon sat silently his fire gone, he grunted looking at the green markings on his skin. He worried for his son, he always was. The boy was very timid and fearful, that's why he chose him. Pyrrhon couldn't help but he fearful of what could be happening.

Angels weren't meant to take so much stress, they are carefree beings and having them be forced to watch over the entire world isn't the best idea. Angels aren't meant for combat or stress for the most part. Pit however changed the game, he fought exceptionally well and went against Zues' rule. Or just ignored it.
Pit is the very reason Angel fighting was a very popular sport in the Colosseum.
Pit was a great fighter and he knew it. He put his skills to the test when Madusa rose from the depths. But now was the question, can he defeat a Hades possessed Zeus? Could he really beat the god of all gods? The King that ruled over the earth?

Palutena looked up at the small window seeing the dying light of the sun.
"Pit, my dear son, please be okay" Palutena muttered under her breath like a prayer to the forgotten saviors and gods of old.

"Hello my boy" Grandfather greeted Icarus at the gate of the temple.
"Hello Grandfather" Icarus greeted.
"Stressful times, yes? Where's your brothers? Pit would never miss an opportunity to fight against me! No matter the situation" The God of light laughed even with his youthful appearance his age showed with his brown eyes.
Icarus shrunk and looked down before speaking, "Pit, Luka and Pittoo are on the surface. Malachi is missing" He confessed quietly. Grandfather's face stiffened then turned serious.
"Okay, okay." Grandfather said calming himself down, "We need to get down to business, then! We need to find a way to get him back up here and to find Malachi and Palutena." He concluded. Icarus nodded and followed him inside. Madoka bowed to him, "Lord Amos" she spoke clearly.
"General Madoka" Grandfather greeted the angel as he wanted to the library. "I will study, you take a break" Amos said sternly and shut the doors on Icarus.
Icarus bit his lip and stormed away, he wanted to help. That's his brother for goodness sakes.

Icarus passed back and forth in his bedroom.
"Why why why why!" Icarus yelled. "Why won't he let me help!"
He paced back and forth running his fingers through his hair before standing to look in the mirror.
"I need to do something, I can't just sit here" he sighed, placing a hand against the mirror and looked at himself. He moved his bangs to show a cracked scar. He got it from Medusa years ago.
"Does he think I'm fragile? I'm too weak to help with something like this? I'm an angel sure but I can handle this!" Icarus ranted to the air. He went back to pacing around his room.
"I need to do something! Something!" He repeated the last word over and over again.
Finally a thought crossed his mind.

"To open the gate I need to find the gate" Icarus concluded snapping his fingers. He looked around his room and grabbed his bag and shoved what he needed into his bag, He changed into better clothing. Clothing better suited for battle, he threw a few extra sets of clothing into his bag, maps, scrolls, books and food.
He wrote on a piece of paper and slapped it onto the front of the door and he locked his door. He cliped his bag onto his belt and locked the door to his balcony and shoved the door closed dropped the key into his quiver and took off.

He flew down to the rest of Sky World, he needed a different bow, one lighter and with longer range. Sure a spear bow was nice but it didn't have the best range for flying. He landed near the colosseum and b-lined it to the armory. He went to where Pit kept his weaponry, well some of it, Pit had a lot of weapons.
He spotted Pit's prized bow, he grabbed it and dropped it into his bag. He would give it to Pit when he was able to. He then grabbed a gold bow he had given to pit many years ago. It was his when he went to another world, it was nintendo branded so it was safe to say, VideoLand. Quite a place to be honest.

He fought back nostalgia and dropped into his quiver. The quiver was borderline endless so it worked well.

He nodded to himself looked at his map, the Gate was somewhere north. So that's where he would go, He put it away and connected his invalto stone to his bag.




He ran off and flew north, thankfully it was night so not an angel saw him.
"I'll find a way to help you, Star Dust. I'll find a way to help you and Sunny. I'll find a way" Icarus said to himself as he flew.

"I'll find a way"

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