Time... was it something they even had?

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The river waved and turned never staying one way for to long Pit was looking from the map to the area in front of them keeping them on a steady course for the mountain surrounded plains.
"Mr Angel?"
        "Why can't you read?" Clover asked turning to look at him.
"Well, I can. But not earth ones. Everything down here so far has been in language I can't read." Pit gave a nervous laugh. "What CAN you read then?" Clover asked.
"Skylin!" Pit chirped, "It's what it used by the angels of the skys, Oceans use Shelic I believe, Sun and space angels speak Zadin. And depending where you are the language can change a little" Pit smiled remembering his home in skyworld, a beautiful place behind Palutena's temple, he had the best view from his bedroom in all of skyworld.
He could see the skys, desert, ocean and mountains all from his bedroom window. Not to mention the morning breeze and being able to see the sunrise and sunset from his balcony. He ate on the roof for lunch on his days off and watched the stars with a snack during the night.
He remembered when he was young he would sneak past Palutena's bed room and run to the take off zone and he would stare up at the stars and try and find all the constellations. 
When Palutena first took him to her spell room and taught him how to use palms, a type of magic that was hard to harness. Then when he was barley 6 but Icarus started to teach him the harp, violin and guitar. Now he had mastered all three, plus a few.
Not to mention when Pit dragged Pittoo home and Icarus tackled them both over, ecstatic to have another little brother. He would never forget Icarus' face or Pittoo's look of pure shock and a hint of fear in his eyes turn to the mushest look he's ever seen when Icarus hugged just him. Pit loved the shocked look on other angel's faces when he always is able to pull of a crazy move in battle or in dance.
Pit had a fond smile on his face humming and old tune he's known since he was a child. A melody he would never forget yet never remembered where it was from. Clover gave him a confused look but turned around to face the oncoming river, deciding not to disturb him. She took the book from her bag and looked it over.
The words seemed familiar, not exactly her language but is was something she knew. Maybe greek? spanish? Latin? Her father knew latin. Her father taught her a little latin. Maybe that's what it is. Clover studied the cover, it was dull and not very pretty. It was old, maybe older than her. She stared at it, the letters were familiar, where the words scrambled, it that why Mr Angel couldn't read it? Because the words weren't even words. She'd have to ask someone who could possibly read english because these were the same alphabet, just not any recognizable words.
Clover poured over the pages of the book before Pit spoke up, "try some spells" Clover looked over her shoulder at Pit. "It probably would help if you practiced a few ones, at least that's what palutena always tells me," Clover nodded turning back to face the river.
Clover traced some signals in the book looking over it carefully. 
It was only a little while longer before they entered a cave, "i think we're almost there" Pit muttered. His loreal glowing as they went forward.
"I feel like i'm going to need a new tunic after this" Pit thought out loud. "Why do you think that?" Clover asked putting the book away. "Just becaAHHHH" Both of them screamed at the river picked up suddenly and turned every witch way. Clover hid under the bench she sat on earlier, Pit held his ground trying to steer the boat away from the rocky sides, the waves crashing against him in almost every direction as he kept the boat as steady as he could. Until it calmed, the wild ride lasted 15 minutes at the most but Pit was practically soaked to the boat, Clover also was very wet.
"That was awesome!" Clover laughed popping up from under the bench, her hair a mess and dress soaked.
"And wet" Pit added, shaking the water out of his hair. Clover laughed shield her eyes from the water. Clover looked around, they had made it out of the cave to a clearing surrounded by large mountains. They approached shore and got off as Pit tied the boat to a nearby tree.
"Hello?" a girl's voice asked, Pit bolted around to look at the person. Clover moved to stand behind him out of fear. The girl had long black hair and tan skin, she wore wore a robe that Pit recognized to be from a fairy tribe, a mischievous fairy tribe that were known for beauty but where overall good natured. The fairy squeaked at seeing Pit's face.
"Your the captain of the Goddess of Light's army!" Pit nodded not knowing where this was going. "You defeated Medusa" a nod, "and the lord of the underworld" a nod, "I didn't know that so many people knew of that" Pit said puzzled.
"Are you kidding?! Even the deep sea mermaids have heard your tale! There isn't a magical soul in this plain of existence that doesn't know of your tale of defeating Hades. How do you not know?" The peri asked absolutely floored.
    "I haven't left Skyworld since Zeus requested me at that ball" Pit said. The fairy stared at him for a moment before Pit added on, "I can't fly, I can't go anywhere and Lady Palutena likes to keep track of where I am, but anyway we need help" Pit said with a smile. The girl just nodded, her wings unfolding and flapping like a hummingbird, soft and fast and she hovered a few inches off the grassy ground barefoot, "follow me."
Pit followed her and Clover was right on his heels. The fairy lead them to place hidden from the river's view. A large tower like building, it was practically the size of his own house! The fairly lead them up the steps and pushed open the door. In a language Pit recognized at Zadian, he was able to speak and understand the language like it was Skylin, but once again the reading problem.
He should probably ask Palutena about it.
"Ms Maca, we have guests" The fairy announced in Zadian. There was a shuffle before an elder woman came out from behind a bookshelf. A smile on her face when she saw the angel and little girl.
"So we do! Haha, what a lovely day for company" The woman laughed, "come in come in! Deary do you mind translating? English has long been forgotten by my tongue"
"Of course Lady Maca" The fairy spoke. The fairy repeated what Pit already heard but Clover now knew what the woman was saying.
The duo where ushered toward a living room sort of area, but on almost every side was books upon books. More book then even Palutena had, witch was shocking since she was a know it all.
"What brings you here?" The fairy translated.
    "Well you see, I can't contact anyone so i can't get home. I don't even know what's happening, I was wondering if you knew what was going on with the communication between the gods." Pit explained, the Fairy translating his words to Lady Maca. The old woman nodded before speaking, "I'm aware of the blockade, it is troubling but i do know what's going on. I could explain but I think he will tell it to you better. I haven't seen it myself but the apprentice of the ocean hand delivered it a few day ago saying to give it to the you, what a hot shot you are" Lady Maca laughed gently handing him a shining green stone. A video stone!
"Go watch it behind one of the bookcases, i'll tell the little girl myself" Lady Maca laughed. Pit nodded and disappeared behind a bookcase. He wandered away from where they where for a few moments before he sat down his back to the books and facing a wall.
He looked the stone over, looking at every detail. He traced the engravings every so careful. He tapped the center prepared for Palutena, Viridi maybe even Phosphora. But not who he saw.
"I hope this gets to you Stardust because you need to hear this" Icarus, the underlying tone of panic almost unhearable if you never heard the redhead speak on a normal day. Stardust, the nickname Icarus gave him when they figured out Pit could use the weapons of the Zodiacs, powerful weapons most gods couldn't hold for more than a few seconds.
"Something happened up here and Palutena is GONE, the zodiac gate has shut down and the door won't work. I was keeping this place together with a wish and a little luck but Cupero came is helping now but this is way beyond what we apprentices can handle.
Something happened to Zeus, he went crazy or something i don't know but gods everywhere went missing only a few remain and there covering for all the missing.
The other apprentices are going to meet up soon up here, we can still teleport. Symphony is going to try and fix the globe so we can track your adventure.
I have Madoka filling in for you since she's third in command, I can't find Sunny, Phos and Lux are okay surprisingly. Phosphora is holding together Viridi's temple just barley, the purple guy is doing Viridi's nature work.
But, but back to the point. Zeus went bad or something all communication is down but I was able to figure out how to get the zodiac gate to be forced open so you can get back. You need to find all the Zodiac weapons, there hidden in temples all over you just have to find them and defeat the bosses. Okay stardust?
I'll try and find out more as I keep learning, i'll keep you updates the best I can from up here in Skyworld. I won't be able to watch over you but i'm always up here. Bring Sunny home Stardust. I'll be waiting for you both.
Remender, find Sunny, get the zodiac weapons and i'll find a way to help you force the gate open. I'll keep you updates. Just remember your objectives, i'll see you soon stardust. Good luck Stary." Icarus concluded. The image disappeared, Pit starred in awe for a moment. Zeus was the cause.  Zeus was the cause of all of this.
"What happened to mom?" Pit said just under a whisper clutching the stone close to his chest. He whipped his eyes of tears before he stood holding the stone close.  He stood there a minute before walking back over to the living room area.
    "What did they say dear?" Ms Maca asked.
"Zeus is behind it, the gods are missing. I need to find the Zodiac weapons" Pit spoke chillingly.
The fairy translates quickly and Lady Maca nodded, she pulled something from her apron pocket. A necklace.
"I had a friend of mine make it, that way you can keep the stone out at all times. Only the heavenly can open it so don't worry about that." Lady Maca told him surprisingly in perfect Skylin, she dropped it in his hand wrapping his hand around it.
"There's a zodiac temple just north of here, it's not far. Check it out, you'll learn something there i'm certain. We will watch the girl." Lady Maca told the angel, "Get out your book and i'll mark it there" Pit tapped his invalto stone the book forming he flipped to a tab the map on the sheet of paper. Lady Maca tapped a cliff just north of where they were, making a waypoint. "It's at the bottom of the cliff so no climbing needed deary, just find out what you need" Lady Maca told him
Pit thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay" Pit nodded. "Halo i'm going to do something, just stay here and i'll be right back" Pit told her. Clover nodded, "Okay! Bye bye Mr angel" she chirped happily as the fairy showed hera sort of magic.
    "I'll have something for you when you get back" The fairy told him, Pit nodded.
Pit ran out the door almost slamming it in the process as he headed north to the temple.
"Do you think he'll be ok Lady Maca? Fighting Zeus.... That's a tall order for just an angel" The fairy asked concerned for the angel captain.
    "Of course my dear Penna, I have watched his history since the day he was given to Lady Palutena, The child is very capable of fighting Zeus. After all, Palutena saved Pit that day in mid december. Zeus was going to speak that day, to take the little boy with useless wings, but Palutena asked for him first. Palutena had to be the best mother that boy could have gotten." Lady Maca smiled sitting in her rocking chair, Clover engrossed in a spell book that was much more readable than her one to even notice the conversation.
    "What would have happened to him if Zeus took him?" Penna asked confused.
        "He would be dead" the old woman said simply, "Zeus would have killed him and made it seem like an accident"
            Penna threw magic dust at Clover the child passing out instantly before she jumped to her feet suddenly, "WHY?" She shouted confused.
    "Penna dear, Zeus wants control. If Pit is able to harness what he has, something even his own mother doesn't even know about then my dear, Zeus will crumble and we will have a new king."
    Penna stood there, confused and conflicted. Zeus crumbling? To what? Who would be the new king? What makes Pit so special?
        "It will make sense in time my dear" Lady Maca laughed, "now wake the child, it's almost time for lunch"
Penna just nodded, time.. Is it something they even have?

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