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Pit woke up with the sun shining in his face. He groaned and tried turning the other way until he felt mostly nothing beneath his feet. That what what made him jumped up, now fully awake, and now realizing he was in fact sleeping on a clift a few moments before.
"Wow, that could have finished me" Pit muttered looking down the alarmingly large clift. He shuffled away threw the trees before walking toward the tent, he appeared in side. Clover was still peacefully asleep. Pit looked around at the area, all it was all trees and the trail they were on the day before.
Pit sat down, his feet hurt but he didn't know why, it wasn't like he was walking any more than he normally did the day before. He felt fine, better even, so why did he feel exhausted.
"Why do I feel tired? I just woke up? I'm always refreshed in the morning... PITTOO!" Pit suddenly shouted jumping to his feet. "How could I forget? What happens to me happens to him and what happens to him happens to me! He must be exhausted!" Pit concluded. He opened his invalto stone, his was linked to Pittoo's.
Pit moved food to the shared space between the stones. And saw Pittoo's statues appear by his own after doing so. It showed Pittoo was hungry and exhausted.
Pit watched Pittoo's hunger slowly go down, "he must be eating the food" Pit said aloud. He gave a small smile when he saw Pittoo's hunger was mildly satisfied. Mildly. Pit checked the shared space, the plate was back. Pit added a few more pieces of food and watched each one disappeared and Pittoo's hunger go down and down.
Pit gave a satisfied smile and changed is goal, "I have to find Pittoo."
Elsewhere, his brother made the same goal, "I have to find Pit".
An hour later, Clover woke up and they both set off after a quick breakfast and packing the tent up.

Pittoo however tied large leaves together to make a makeshift shelter, he needed sleep and he knew it. He threw smaller leaves down to make a sort of bed. He curled up under his little tent and held himself, his scarf curling around him on it's own.
    A bond scarf, Pit had insisted on them that day. He was grateful he had caved that day or he wouldn't have this little slice of home with him. White and blue, Blue for Pit, as it was one of his favorite colors and and white for their... No, Pit's older brother. He wasn't Pittoo's brother, well that's what Pittoo thought at least. He held that thought, the thought of how Pit was free to act as weak as pillow and still would be held to high honor.
Pit had freedom, he could keep up with everyone who could fly, he's even beat gods multiple times. Pittoo is like the forgotten twin.
He resented Pit but it's like they shared a mind, same fashion sense, same voice, same laugh, same fighting style, same everything. Pittoo's wings and hair even started to get lighter, Now his wings where a musky grey and his hair was a dark brown.
The only difference Pittoo could see between him and Pit was that Pittoo didn't have a filter between his thoughts and mouth. Pit would think threw his actions or someone through threw for him.

Pit was a happy puppet, he would do almost anything Palutena told him to. Pittoo couldn't understand, Pit had no desire to rebel, no desire to act out. Pit was happy where he was, happy to be the strongest but not the smartest, Neither angel could even read. HPittoo couldn't understand. Pit easily could destroy the gods, he could be the strongest.
More important, How was Pit so strong, Pit could easily lift a piller over his head, in fact he lifted ten when they remodeled the temple. Pittoo couldn't, Pittoo couldn't even handle doing simple magic spells. The magic just didn't come. He couldn't understand.
Pittoo sat up unable to sleep with this on his mind.
    How could Pit be so strong, but he, Pittoo his almost exact copy, not be?
He couldn't understand, Pit was borderline perfect! How could Pit not see that, use that? Why couldn't Pit understand how lucky he had it. How could he even suggest they be brothers? Equals?! Pittoo knew Pit was stronger, Pit had beaten him at sparing, in battle, hell even when they were on opposite sides!
Pit was stronger then he lead on, Pittoo knew that. Hell the king of gods knew that.
The damn Zodiacs knew that!! The Zodiacs! The most powerful beings to ever exist, the giver of gods! Born of stardust and took on barely comprehensible forms.
    And yet, Pit had the title that was one of a kind, it was appropriate as the strongest angel to ever exist, an angel with so much magic that he couldn't even fly without his wings going up flames. The title? It was held to a high honor, held by only one being.
Son of the Zodiacs
Angel of War and Mercy

Pit, is the only angel in history to receive a title from the Zodiacs and with the gift of the stars on his skin and galaxies in his eyes.
Pittoo didn't understand how Pit held the highest honor but never wanted to be a God, he could be one with little effort. But Pittoo was destined to forever be a relient, someone forever dependent on the gods and held no honor but the title of Pittoo, Servant of the God of Light. Pit's older brother's first, in the God trainy's own words, helper. He never liked the word servant.
Pittoo gripped at the scarf and held it close before lying down curling up with the scarf acting as a blanket.
How could he be oh so weak but Pit has the power to rule the world if he pleased.



It was the black winged angel's last thought before he finally drifted off to sleep.

Pit carefully climbed over a rocky hill helping Clover over rocks. It wasn't very difficult to climb but getting small rocks in his sandals every two steps made it incredibly annoying. On top of the hill they could easily see the town off in the distance.

"There it is! There it is! Mr Angel look!" Clover laughed and pointed at the town.
    "You ready to meet the friend of the gods?" Pit asked with a curious gaze. Clover smiled and nodded.
"Let's GO!" Clover shouted bouncing her way down the much less rocky side of the hill. Pit was about to follow her but he tapped his invalto stone and opened the book, he looked at Pittoo's slot, just under his, and gave a smile. Pittoo was finally getting some rest, witch gave Pit a sort of relief. Closing the book and waving it away he ran to catch up to Clover.

Pit held on to the hope that the god's friend, Lady of Wisdom and Knowledge, could help him understand what is happening, why palutena sent him off so suddenly and where his brother are. He was truly holding to hope she had information on the last thought.

Out of story Notes/Headcanons
Angels are affectionate creatures, creatures that are driven by affection and generosity. Angels often hang around those who have shown them kindness and can often be labeled "clingy" by humans. Being away from others can often hurt angels and cause them distress. Although many angels aren't very "clingy" all angels enjoy affection. If an angel feels like affection is undeserved many negative effects can occur. Not specifically all angels need a lot of effect, Pit/Pittoo are what are known as relatively low-affection needed. It depends on their human lives.

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