A New Dress

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They walked down the hill watching the sun rise. The sounds of morning providing a comforting white noise for the duo. It was the type of quiet one didn't want to break.
    "Mr Angel?" Clover asked looking up at him. Pit turned to look at her as they walked, "Yeah?" He asked. "Where are we going?" Clover asked looking around.
"Where ever my feet take me, maybe we'll find a town, maybe a house, maybe we'll find some people. I don't really know where to start" Pit started with a careless smile. Clover gave a concerned look.
"What about your wings? Won't people see them?" Clover asked running to keep up. "Nope! Only you can right now" Pit smiled. "How?" Clover asked poking one of the pure white feathers.
"I know a bit magic, i'm not that good at it but I can use a few spells" Pit smiled patting her head. "Maybe we should head to a town, maybe we can find out something that'll help us" Pit suggested. Clover nodding. Pit pulled off his backpack and dug threw it before pulling out a map. "Thank you Palutena" Pit cheered looking at the map, little pictures showing where towns, rivers even temples for gods. Two dots, one a light purple and the other a dark green.
"If we head east we can get to the nearest town" Pit smiled.
"That looks far" Clover muttered kicking at the dirt.
"If you get to tired I can carry you" Pit offered. Clover perked at that offer "okay!" She smiled. Pit reached under his scarf and took a smooth red gem lined with gold from under it.
    "What's that?" Clover questioned looming over to look at it as Pit still sat on the ground.
"It's an attachment to stuff, I can sync it up to any space that was made for the gods, or me. Like my bag was made for me, so it was made for holy beings like me." Pit offered not really knowing how to explain the object. Clover seemed enchanted by it anyway.
    "What is it called?" She asked poking it gently. "It's called an Invalto Stone" Pit hummed placing it on his bag before tapping it gently. The stone lite up making Clover jump back startled. Before gasping at it, hoping forward to look. Red light came from the stone before turning into something that resembled a book. Pit tapped at a few things, the entire thing was pictures and different colored buttons.
    "There, all hooked up" Pit smiled triumphantly clipping the stone back in its place under his scarf. He pulled on his backpack mindful of his wings.
"Ready to find that town?" Pit asked looking at the map standing up. "Yeah! Let's go!" Clover jumped up with a bright smile.
They began to walk, the sun was half way up to noon by the time they reached a large oak tree. Clover sat at it's base with a huff, tired and hungry.
"Need a break?" Pit asked crouching down to look at her. Clover groaned nodding before flopping over on her side obviously tried.
"I'm thirsty, tried ... and hungry" Clover complained holding her stomach. Pit looked around, not able to see the town quite yet.  He didn't want to push Clover anymore then she had pushed herself.
    Then Pit remembered the food in his backpack. He tapped the stone under his scarf and the red book appeared once again. "Do you like fruit salad?" Pit asked look at Clover, she only looked confused before nodding. Pit smiled selecting it, the book's pages turned before it stopped on a particular page the fruit salad was floating right there on the page was the list of what was in it. Pit took the bowl and handed it to Clover who had sat up at the sight. Her green eyes looking dumbfounded as well as extremely curious.
    "Just eat then I can show you it a bit more" Pit laughed at Clover's expression, Clover nodded at a lost for words but ate the fruit bowl as Pit flopped beside her looking threw the book flipping page to page.
"Mr Angel what do you think happened?" Clover asked looking at him, "Momma said angel's only get sent down if something REALLY bad happened" her hands going over her head as if to show how bad something had to be to get an angel to come down to earth.
"Well, I don't know. Your mom is right, it has to be really bad to get an Angel sent down to deal with it. I wonder if it's... No it can't be... Not him again..." Pit muttered to himself.
"Mr Angel?" Clover asked tapping his arm. Pit whirled around to look at her, "Huh? Oh sorry I got... distracted" Pit laughed meekly. Clover tilted her head but didn't push finishing her food before handing the bowl back to Pit who placed it back in the book.
"I can carry you the rest of the way there, maybe we can get you something more filling there." Pit offered. Clover jumped at the offer, ""Yes please!" Pit adjusted his bag a little but Clover was able to ride on his back with relative comfort.
    The rest of the walk was in a comfortable semi-silence. Pit's light humming filling the air around him as he occasionally checked his map to make sure they were going in the right direction. The town soon came into view, it looked small and cozy. Not the biggest town Pit had seen but not the smallest. As they came to the arch entrance Clover slid of Pit's back and read the sign hanging from the arch.
    "Town of Sanerac, Home of the Strong, powerful and God concerning" Clover read aloud, "Well that's certainly one title to live up to." "Yeah, they sound very... full of themselves" Pit muttered his eyes narrowing with a smirk. Clover laughed lightly, book still close to her chest. They walked into town getting intimidating stares, that Pit easily brushed off but Clover stuck very close to his side holding onto his hand like it was life and death.
Pit's humming didn't stop even with the stares. He kept his head held high and confidence high. They reached the center of the town, there was a contest of some sort. Pit moved thru the crowd with Clover clinging to him. He stopped once he reached the front and watched too men, they were betting large amounts of seemingly money as well as gold.
Pit frowned and lead Clover away from the crowd and into an alley, leaning down a bit to talk to Clover, "Doesn't the big guy give you a weird feeling?"
Clover narrowed her eyes and looked at the larger man, "yeah... he gives me a weird feeling."
Pit carefully took the book from Clover's arms, "Here, i'll show you a simple spell. I watched my older brother cast them, it'll help us out. We'll have to get you a wand or something for stronger spells but this is an easy spell so you don't need one" Pit opened the book the pages fluttered, he gently left it in Clover's palm where it hovered just above her fingertips. Clover looked at Pit worried, Pit smiled sincerely. "Ask the book for the specials seeker spell" Pit told her crouching a little.
    "Can I see the- um a special seeker spell" Clover managed to say aloud, feeling a little silly from talking to a book. The pages turned nonetheless stopping on a page with writings and a symbol, with step by step pictures of the symbol, on the page next to it the ink was dull and unreadable to her eyes.
Clover looked to Pit clueless on what to do.
    "Draw the symbol in the air, see your hand is already glowing, just try your best and draw it" Pit encouraged, Clover gave him a worried look but was given a encouraging smile in return. She turned back to the book and looked at her free hand, her finger was already glowing, it looked like she had to cast the spell. She took a deep breath and followed the step by step the best she could when her hand was shaking a little, but it worked. Her eyes flashed gold, sparks of gold left in her green eyes like flakes of snow.
    "Look at the big guy, what do you see" Pit told her, her head turning to look at the contest. When she looked there was red swirls coming from the guy who seemed to keep winning.
"He was red swirly things coming off him." Clover commented squinting. Pit casted the spell himself and looked at him. "Red means strength, He's cheating to win" Pit explained, Clovered nodded holding the book close to her chest.
    Pit thought for a moment before a smile appeared on his face. "I guess someone has to teach him not to cheat" Pit chuckled, Clover gave him a confused look witch Pit returned with a sweet smile before he walked toward the tabel just as the poor fool who had lost to him got up.
"Oh looky a kid, what do you want" The man growled.  "I want to try" Pit smiled, letting his light aura be felt. The man chuckled, "Already kid, you don't have to bet anything but I sure am. I bet everything i've won day" plopping a bag of money on the table. Pit smiled, "Okay."
He sat on the stool having to sit on his legs a little to short to reach the table on the small stool. Once they were ready the lady started it, the man pushed gently, Pit didn't budge, the man tried harder, still no movement. The man tried with everything he had, no movement. The crowd was shocked, a child was holding his own against the strongest man in the village. Pit smiled a sweet smile before slamming the man's hand on the table.
The crowd in a state of shock, the man just nodded. "Figured, never mess with someone who has your type of look, a fighter right?" The man asked. "Yup!" Pit smiled, the man nodded. "Figured, you won... fairly" The man rubbed the back of his neck pushing the bag toward Pit. "thank you" Pit smiled. "You're something kid, now whos next up"? The man called, Pit hopped off the stool and took the money.
Clover ran over to Pit, "how did you do that?" Clover gasped. Pit smiled and lead Clover away from the crowd where three boys were trying to arm wrestle the man. "I am an angel, Clover. I have like holy powers or something" Pit explained, "i'm not really sure, i'm just really strong when i'm not hurled down to the earth as terrifying speeds and really low on magic and what not." Clover tilted her head, "that is a story for another day Cloe." Clover nodded taking the excuse.
"What are you going to get with the money?" Clover asked as they walked down the row of shops, only two or three but shops nonetheless. "We need to get you something better to wear" Pit muttered trying to figure out witch to go into. "Why?" Clover asked confused. Pit gestered down to her dress, which was covered in dirt. "Oh" Clove muttered moving her arms to look at her dress. Clover looked at the different shop signs, 'that one" Clover states pointing toward the store down a bit on the right. They walked over and entered the shop. The shop was small and nice, pretty as well.
"Hello, welcome to the shop." A woman called smiling. "Hello" Pit smiled, "Hello Miss" Clover waved. The brown haired girl looked around with excitement. Pit trailed behind her as she stopped and looked at almost anything. Soon enough Clover spotted a light blue dress with silver accents, a brown satchel and boots. Clover looked at with interest.
"Want to try it on" The woman asked from behind the counter. "Yes please!" Clover said eye lighting up. Pit perched himself against the wall with the book and cloak as the woman took the clothing off the manican. It was a few minutes before Clover's voice broke Pit's humming.
"Mr Angel look!" Clover called. Pit snapped his eyes opened and look at Clover. "Looks good" Pit smiled. "She can wear it out of here if she likes, you can pay up at the counter" The woman smiled walking back up to the counter. Pit pulled off his back pack, and let Clover put her dirty clothes in the bag. Clover put the book in her satchel, "See! Perfect fit" Clover smiled. Showing her bag. Pit nodded handing her the cloak witch had seemingly changed color from white and gold to a darker baby blue and silver. Pit paid for the outfit, "thank you, have a nice day" The lady smiled. "Bye bye" Clover waved, "you too" Pit sang as both left.
"What's next?" Clover asked skipping beside him. "Probably get more food, always could use more food" Pit suggested. "You said something about a wand" Clover wondered aloud. "Yeah, for stronger spells you'll need wand so you can concentrate you're magic into one place. When you do it with your hand it goes everywhere" Pit explained. "Where do you get a wand?" Clover asked. "We will have to pay a visit to a good friend of the gods" Pit smiled thinking fondly of the person. Clover gave a very confused look, "what? Who?" She asked. "You'll see Halo" Pit smiled.
"Halo?" Clover repeated. "Yeah, Clover, Cloe, Halo" Pit said, "Cloe sounds kinda like halo." "OH!" Clover exclaimed. "Let's get some food" Pit exclaimed running toward the food stalls, Clover gasped and bolted after him. "Yeah no fair! You had a head start!" Clover yelled catching up to him.

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