Star Born Wings

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Pit's feet pounded against the grass the constant crunch under his feet and the wind blowing against his face as his only company. His eyes locked onto the waypoint that was slowly getting closer as he dodged trees and rocks. He didn't stop running he had no need to, he ran until he found it.
    A door at least three times the size of him. Twelve symbols carved into the door two glowing brighter than others.
"The Zodiacs" Pit said breathlessly.
    Pit regained his breath and stepped toward the door his outstretched hand landing on the door. The symbols glowed with a heavenly glow making pit stumble back falling on his back, a little painful for someone with wings.
The door opened on it's own as Pit looked at. He stood and shook the dust off and  grabbed the first blade from his belt.
    "Evil prepare yourself because here I come!" Pit called before running head on into the cave.
A whisper of a voice said in the passing wind as he charged forward.

"Welcome back... Pitty Pat"

Pit charged threw the hall, the walls decorated with symbols lighting up as he ran threw. Like they had waited years for him to finally show up, to charge down the hall to face whatever evil that awaited him. He slid to a stop when he got to an circular room, there was not much to it, it was quite small really.
    There was creaking from the little patches of darkness, "who's there?" Pit asked, more of a demand then much else. The being stepped from the darkness. Pit stood in a defensive stance.
    "Pit" The being muttered in Skylin walking out of the shadows. A blonde boy with blue eyes dressed in Pit's guard uniform but a bit altered. Pit panicked and ran over to him sliding to catch him before he fell. "Luka" Pit gasped. Pit checked him over, wings still fluffy and feathery and he still was breathing. "Luka what's wrong" Pit asked concerned propping up Luka to lean on his leg.
    "I'm okay! I'm okay big brother" Luka repeated with a smile. Pit sighed with relief before hugging the blonde angel.
    "Luka what are you doing down here?" Pit asked looking at him with utter seriousness.
    "Lady Palutena sent me and, and I walked into here for shelter. Palutena told me to find you but I got stuck" Luka explained getting more awake as he talked, like he had just woken up. Pit talked with him until he finally was 100% awake.
Pit helped him to his feet.
    "Luka, I need you to do one thing and one thing only" Pit told him, "do NOT leave this room unless something forces you too, stay here until I get back. Do you understand" Pit said in the voice he only ever used with Luka. He nodded. Pit took out the cloak from his invalto stone and wrapped it around Luka.
    "Be safe big brother" Luka told him as Pit walked to the stairs that lead down. Pit nodded before he sprinted down the stairs. Luka watched him run as he hudled the the corner. Pit hasn't failed before so he wouldn't fail now. Luka knew Pit wouldn't fail.
Pit had defeated the first room of monsters, low level but still they were expected him. He jumped onto the guild rail and headed down. The first blade in hand as he shot at monoeyes and other flying things.
He jumped off confused, someone would has said something like "I WILL KEEEEEL YOU PIT". This was just weird and uncalled for.
Pit stood up straight looking around, nothing. Weird.
Normally everything would want him dead right then and there, this was a strange change of pace. He walked into a circle room, double doors with two with large symbols, Libra and Sagittarius. He slammed his shoulder into it, shot at it but it didn't budge an inch.  Maybe Luka knew something. Pit ran back up the steps back to the room where Luka sat quietly playing in the dirt.
"Luka!" Pit called in Skylin, the only language the blonde boy knew.
    "Yes?" Luka asked looking up at the angel captain.
"I need your help with something" Pit said helping Luka to his feet. Pit got Luka on his back, the smaller angel was easy to carry and very light.
"You okay?" Pit asked, the blonde nodded. Pit smiled before heading back down. He'd done it a lot before, Luka was the angel version of a koala. Pit didn't want his baby brother getting hurt, that was the problem.
Why didn't Icarus mention Luka? Was only Luka down here? What about the other angels? Did Icarus know Luka was down here??
"Pit?" Luka asked sounding nervous.
"Where's mommy" Luka asked.
Pit didn't know what happened to Lady Palutena.Icarus said she wasn't anywhere to be found.
"I don't know sunflower" Pit confessed.
"What about Icarus?"
"He's in skyworld"
"he's somewhere, we'll find him"
"Big brother?"
"He might be in skyworld"
Luka huddled closer to Pit his wings clenching closer to his back. Pit sighed and ruffled Luka's fluffy blonde hair. "Everything will be fine Luka" Pit reassured, "I promise that SunFlower."
    "Promise it on the stars?" Luka asked, Pit nodded. "On the stars i promise it will all be fine" Pit hummed.
        "When he get home... can you teach me to play the violin?" Luka asked
    Pit laughed, "Lady Palutena was right! You are like a mini me. But, yeah. I will."
Luka beamed at that, launching into all the things he wanted to do when they got home. Pit listened happily to his rant as they descended.
But now that he was down here, there was no way Pit could leave Luka alone. He was barley 7! Then Pit remembered, his infinity bag! "Okay hop of Luka" Pit told him. Luka slide off Pit's back and Pit took off his infinity bag. He'd been in the bag before, it was fun to lye around in empty space, made a good nap place too.
    "I need you to do two things for me, okay" A nod, "First do you know how to open these doors?" Luka looked at the door, the gears moving in his head as he thought.
He spoke a spell in Skylin, one Pit couldn't use without some enormous consequences. The door flew off its hinges and the stone shattered.
    "Awesome!" Pit yelled.
        'What's the second one?" Luka asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I need you to stay safe. So your going to be staying in the infinity bag" Pit told him. Pit moved his bangs and kissed his forehead, "you'll be safe in there Sunflower."
Luka nodded and jumped in. Pit closed the bag and placed it back on his back. He stood for a moment looking at the opened door.
    "So this is it, another mission, another fight, another way to fight what the angel code wants me to do." Pit muttered, nodding to himself. "If they want a fight, then they get a fight"
Pit walked toward the staircase that lead down from the double doors. Step after step he walked as calmly as someone could when going down to the unknown.
Room after room pit fought, battles the same dance. Deal more plows then you take. Although he happily found a hot spring in a side room. Witch happily sat in until he felt refreshed.
Pit finally found a room at the end of the tunnel.
"I guess this is the boss" Pit said out loud.
"You've guessed right" a voice crackled. Pit looked around frantic until he saw the projection of Zeus, king of the gods.
"Zeus!" Pit growled, "i will make sure you face the light!"
"Oh Pit, Haven't you heard? Your stuck! There forever! You are far too weak to open the Zodiac gate, it takes far to much magic then your little body could ever possess. Poor flightless angel. Completely useless" Zeus laughed. "Good luck" Zeus sang disappearing.
"Dang it Zeus!" Pit yelled picking up a rock and throwing it at the wall where the projection once was.
There was a spiraling around behind Pit, he could feel magic being drawn from the air. Pit turned to see the monster take form, it looked like the galaxy was slammed into an oversized gorilla's body and slapped on sharp fangs for good measure.
Pit stood stance but he wavered once the beast roared, Put held his blade tightly and with rising fear he pushed back. He stood y'all and ran at the boss.
This song and dance Pit was used to, attack then fall back, but no damage was done. Until he was hit getting slammed into the wall, then again and again getting thrown around like a rag doll. the monster ran at him but Pit managed to throw himself out of the way of the charging beast. The beast however got its head stuck in the wall. On the back there was a large bump giving off a light glow, like a star!
Pit aimed and shot at it, repeatedly. There was a large storm of dust and dirt. Pit moved his scarf to cover his face trying to shield his face from the dust storm. He fell to his knees dropping his blade coughing into his scarf. The dust settled after many very long minutes. Tried to stand but to balls of light slammed into him falling to his knees. Pit dropped his hands from his face to the ground to hold himself up. He was breathing heavily and his vision blurred.
"Boy can you stand" The voice asked, a faint glow coming from right in front of Pit. Pit practically threw himself back trying to get away from the voice. He scrambled but his feet got coat on his outfit and scarf getting himself tangled.
"Calm down child, you fought well are freed us" the woman said trying to calm the panicked angel. "Your in better company now boy" The man calmed. Pit slowly calmed down and slowly untangle himself from his clothing.
"Boy, do you have any idea of who we are?" The man asked, Pit shook his head.
The man nodded, turning to the woman who nodded as well.
"I'm Sagittarius, she is Libra. We know this must quite confusing but we must thank you for freeing us" The man said crouching down to look the angel in the eye.  Pit was still breathing heavily.
    "Pit, child please calm down. You're safe child, your safe" Libra told him trying to calm him. Pit's breath slowly came down to a normal rate. Sagittarius gave a sympathetic look to the angel.
"Why are you down here?" Pit asked a bit shakily.
"We don't know child but i would hate to change the subject but do you know your origin? Where  you formed, Title?" Libra asked.
    "I was formed in the soul bay, like everyone else. And I'm Pit, Servant of Lady Palutena" Pit said now confused.
"Did lady Palutena tell you that?" Libra asked, Pit shook his head before speaking, "I thought all angels were formed in the soul bay and i've always been called Palutena's servant"
    Libra nodded before staring daggers at Sagittarius. who caved and nodded.
"Pit, boy, i wish your mother was the one to tell you but... You truly are a special case among angels, divine beings in general." Sagittarius said nervously, pausing looking at Libra who nodded, "You are something called a star born angel, you were born from a soul so powerful that it turned into a star before you were formed from the star. And that kind of the reason you can't fly."
Pit was quiet for a minute before taking off his backpack and opening it, he was heavily injured and the two Zodiacs told him not to but he helped Luka out of the infinity bag. He held Luka close, Luka curled up next to Pit confused but happy to be with his brother.
    "To much information, just let me sleep please" Pit said exhausted. Both zodiacs chuckled. It wasn't long before Sagittarius held Pit in his arm, Pit sleeped like the dead. Libra held Luka's hand as they walked back to the house of the Lady of Wisdom and Knowledge; Maca.
LIbra knocked on the door to have it be opened by Penna who practically froze.
    "Hello dear, is Maca here" Libra asked in Zadin, Penna nodded and let both Zodiacs in the house.
"Oh hello there! I'm glad Pit managed to free you" Maca smiled speaking in Zadin, "I hope he learned a thing or two." Libra nodded. Sagittarius was busy keeping Pit asleep and comfortable with all his bruises. Penna was reading a cot for Pit to sleep on hurrying so Sagittarius wouldn't have to hold Pit for much longer.
    "We don't want to take up much of your home Lady Maca, we can build our own base of operations." Libra said. Luka sat next to Pit as he slept.
    "Ms Fairy, who are these people?" Clover asked.
Libra looked down at the child, crouching down to her height and speaking in the language Clover understood.
    "Hello child, i'm Libra. Do you know a pretty place to build a house?" Libra asked.
Clover though before running over to Pit reaching under his scarf and tapping the invalto stone. Turning the pages of the red book, until she found the map. Luka watched over her shoulder. Clover looked over the map before pointing to a forest guarded clearing they had passed on the way to the town they had just passed thru. The place where Pit had made his promise to the stars unknowing to Clover.

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