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Pit woke up to Luka shaking him. He woke grogerly and was pulled to be sitting up.
"It's time to go!" Luka shouted. Pit hummed and slowly began waking up. Luka grabber his arm and yanked up to his feet. Groggily Pit put on his sandals and let Luka practically drag him out the room.
Sagittarius was sat on the floor with a magic table floating in front of him.
"Mr Stars?" Clover asks
"Yes?" Sagittarius inquired.
"What is that?"
"It's a thing to help me plan out how I will be decorating the house. It scans the room and I can make a plan on what I will do. Since we summoned this house with what was left of our magic I will have to gather the wood and other things myself, or have pit do it" The zodiac added the last bit as Pit walked by.
Clover perked up at seeing Pit, "Pit! We need to go now!" She reminded. Pit rubbed his eyes as Luka took a few things from the cabinets, things that Penna brought along with her, a few bottles and plates and put them on the infinity bag.
Libra handed a list to Pit, "could you get these please?" Pit nodded absent mindlessly shoving it into his bag.
Pit yawned and stretched his wings following his hands at they reached above his head.
"We need to go!" Clover insisted grabbing his arm. The nine year old pulled at him angrily, Pit followed her mindlessly.
    "Bye bye Freckles" Luka shouted after them. "Bye Luka!" Pit shouted in a half asleep daze and Clover waved back at the house. The walked down the path for a good half an hour until Pit was awake.
He was looking at the map the page as they walked.
"Mr angel" Clover asked.
"Yes Halo?"
"Do you have mommy?" Clover asked with a look of curiosity.
"Why... why do you ask?" Pit asked hesitantly.
"Because Mommy said angels don't have any family. They only have themselves and that's all. That angels just appear! I don't buy it! I want to prove her wrong!" Clover explained moving her hands as she spoke.
"Well yeah, I have my mom, older brother, twin brother, two younger brothers and one almost sister" Put explained fiddling with a ring on his finger.
"Your mom is kinda right but angel families are a lot more open? I guess that's how the goddess would put it" Pit explained placing a finger on his chin thinking.
"Goddess? Who do you serve? I live near a temple for Pyrron!" Clover exclaimed.
"I serve under Lady Palutena, I'm the captain of her army" Pit explained.
"Why does she need an army?" Clover asked confused.
"Well gods fight sometimes and when they do it's very... bad" Pit said trying to find the right words.
Clover nodded looking at her compass.
"Mr angel?" "Yes?" "Why can't you fly?"
Pit when silent for a minute, he didn't know what to say but after a few minutes he spoke, "I don't know."
Clover was scared of Pit's sudden silence and gripped at the strap of her bag deciding to never mention it ever again.  The silence continued until Clover started firing off questions. The question game went on even when Clover got too tired to walk and ended up on Pit's back. Pit hummed happily as Clover napped on his back.
Pit was happily marching along the path occasionally looking at the map. It was almost 8 hours until they reached their destination. The city was huge. Pit nudged awake Clover who groggily slid off his back. She tottled over to the sign. "Lemblux, home of the gifted" She said sleepily.
Pit took her hand and walked into the town. It was far larger then what Pit was used to. Well in terms of human towns. Sky world was much bigger but he was used to Sky world.
Clover slowly woke up as they walked. They didn't know where to go but they where here now. Clover groaned and dragged her feet. Tired and annoyed about being woken up. Pit gave her a sympathetic look, but knew she would wake up sooner or later. They walked around a while and Clover started to wake up the more they walked.
Pit trailed behind Clover until Clover stood and stared in the window of a shop. It was a dress, a nice one. He walked over to Clover and waited for her to soon lose interest like everything else she looked at.
"Do you think that dress would be good for adventuring" Clover asked. The dress was various shades of brown with light pink accents on the collar, sleeves and end of the skirt. Pit looked at the price tag and then how much money was left in his bag threw his book. It was enough to get it but nothing else.
"Yeah, it would be good" Pit said. Pit thought about what to do, he would need another contest to win or something if they had to get anything else. Clover dragged Pit into the store and asked the clerk about the dress. The clerk smiled and pulled out a box from under the counter. Once she saw Pit she had a look of realization.
"Angel boy!" She exclaimed. Pit gave a confused look. "Figured you wouldn't remember me, I'm Gaol" She smiled jabbing her thumb to a case of armor. That jogged his memory. "Oh!" Pit exclaimed.
"Aww, who's this cutie?" Goal asked leaning over the counter.
"I'm Clover!" Clover announced. 
"I wouldn't take you as the shopkeep type" Pit expressed.
    "I'm not, my sister is out gathering stuff so I'm stuck here" Gaol laughed.
        "I know that feeling, I'm stuck at home most of the time since I can't fly" Pit said rubbing the back of his head.
"I get ya kid" Gaol said nodded, "so about that dress. It's good for all mild climates and if you need any other outfits for different climates. Then I can get my sister to help" Gaol smiled.
    Pit took the bag of money from his bag about to pay when Gaol looked up.
"Oh look! Mister Grumpy" She laughed. Pit looked behind him. Magnus, gruff and scrappy but mostly annoyed.
    "Magnus!" Pit chirped excited.
"Yeah, it's me" Magnus chuckled,patting the angel's head.
        "Hello!" Clover chirped bouncing up and down.
"Hey" Magnus said looking at the kid before looking at Gaol, "I need to buy my cloak" Magnus gruffed.
    Gaol nodded and picked up the cloak from behind the counter and tossing it over to Magnus.
"Hey Angel boy, you might need this" Gaol said sliding over a box. Pit gave her a weird stare.
    "It will hide your appearance, like it will make you look more human and less... godly. Even to other magical beings unless you let them see" Goal explained. Pit opened the box, a necklace! It was pretty too! Then Pit remembered how much money he had left. Enough for Clover's dress and nothing else. Pit tried to work out the math in his head before Magnus patted his head, "Angel face, don't worry about it" Magnus said taking the box from Pit putting it on his cloak on the counter.
    "You paying for it all Maggy?" Gaol teased. "Can it Gaol" Magnus grunted. Pit gave a confused look at Magnus but Magnus didn't pay it any mind. Clover chatted up a storm with Gaol witch ended up with Gaol giving her a cloak similar to Magnus'. Magnus paid and Clover changed in the back room. Pit put on the necklace, it fit well and it wasn't annoying to wear.
    "Tada!" Clover announced jumping out of the back room. The dress fit well and Clover seemed to enjoy it.
With a few goodbyes they left.
"So, why are you down here Angel Face?" Magnus asked.
"Something really bad happened to the gods, and the king went haywire." Pit said nervously.
"King?" Magnus said confused.
"King lighting butt" Pit said, Magnus had an idea what Pit was talking about. Zeus, the king of the gods.
"Your going to fight him" Magnus inquired.
"Yeah most likely" Pit said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Pit! Mr Magnus!" Clover called out, far ahead of them. They quickly caught up. "What is it Halo?" Pit asked. Clover pointed to the shop front. There was a bunch of gems in the front window.
    "Midna's shop. She's a witch and sells stuff like wands" Magnus explained but Clover went in once she heard the word witch. Once the other two entered the shop Clover had her book on the counter.
    "This book... This book is somethin the gods got" The woman said pointing to the cover. "Martinze told me someone magical was coming my way but my goodness, where did you get this"
Clover turned and pointed to Pit.
    "Boy where did you get this? Sneak into a god's library?" The woman said standing up fulling looking at the hidden angel. Pit had the look of inner turmoil in his eyes trying to debate on weather telling this human that she was in fact speaking to an Angel.
Mangus nudged him and gave him a look of, 'you can tell her'.
    "No, i had it when i fell"
        "Fell from where?"
            "Sky World"
                "The next thing your going to tell me your the angel of the goddess of Light" Midna asked not buying it.
    "I am!" Pit chirped. The woman though for a moment crossing her arms looking at Pit up and down.
        "You're telling me that you came from Sky World, the home of light and work for the Goddess of Light" She said leaning against the counter with one arm on her hip. Pit nodded tapping the necklace he got a few minutes before. Midna gave a look of shock then looked at Magnus.
"He the flightless angel that you fought with against the underworld" She asked. Magnus nodded. She looked Pit up and down again.
    "What are you doing here on earth?" She asked.
        "Something happened and I think I narrowly avoided something really bad. But now i have to stop it" Pit explained.
    "Why are you with him?" Minda asked looking at Clover.
        "So he can help me find my family! I lost them when a lot of flying things attacked my town." Clover explained.
    "Well then you might need an easier book. The words look weird because you don't have a magic to understand 'em" Minda explained walking out from behind the counter going to a bookshelf. She looked at it for a moment before taking a book from the top and handed it to Clover.
        "A beginners book, it's meant for more mythical characters but i get a sense you'll do good with it. Now you need a wand, or staff. It'll reduce any magic you might waste" Minda explained picking up Clover and setting her on the counter.
Minda looked at the wall for a moment before taking off a wood one with a swirl on one end.
"Wands don't really matter, what matters is the charm that goes into it." Minda said pulling down a box and clicking it open.
"Pick witch ever calls you"  Minda told her leaning against the counter Clover was sat on. Clover thought for a moment before she picked up a green one. Minda put it in the staff and handed it to Clover.
    "Don't worry about pay, helping someone with magic is always a treat" Midna laughed, "Come around if you ever need a new magic book" Midna told them. Magnus lead them out as Pit put the god magic book in his bag after a little struggling.
"Thanks for your help Magnus" Pit thanked.
    "Not a problem kid" Magnus said.
"Are you coming with us?" Clover asked.
    "You don't have to" Pit reminded.
        "I'm not letting two kids run around without any adult supervision" Magnus grunted.
    "Really?" Pit asked. Magnus nodded. "YAY!" Clover cheered jumping up and down.
"Now, need anything else in town?" Magnus asked.
    "Food" Pit said bluntly.
        "Save your money, I have stuff at my house. Come on, it's just to the north." Magnus said gesturing to follow. Clover looked at Pit and Pit looked at Clover. Pit just shrugged and grabbed Clover's hand as they both ran to catch up with Magnus.

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