The Zodiac's Son

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On a cold winter night a star was born in the space between the skies and stars. A place inhabited only by the beings of stars: The Zodiacs. The beings surround the star as it slowly took form. The form was small, baby like, and most importantly wings. Star born god's did not have wings at birth.
    The stars look to each other as the glow faded from the star to reveal a small body no more than 1. The stars stood struck with confusion.
    Angels did not form in the Ziliac Void gods make them out of younge souls, souls that had more life to live. Why was this soul so special it had to take the form of a star to create a vesile.
    "An Angel?" Leo questioned
        "Indeed" Cancer confirms
"What should we do with it?" Virgo questioned.
Libra stepped forward and gazed down at the small body, "They are even too powerful to fly" they concluded.
    "Shall we kill it?" Taurus suggested.
"No you moron!" The Gemini twins shouted both displaying anger and sadness on each face. Taurus raised their hands in defence and backed away.
"The poor thing won't even have the capability to use it's power! An normal angel is to weak to survive with a out a god, but now we do and imagine him possibly killing us all! The thing is a tiny death machine in the making! It won't even be able to fly! It is useless and dangerous!" Taurus ranted. "Shut up Taurus!" Arise screamed slapping him. "But what shall we do with them?" Virgo asked.

    "Who cares? We need to name him, or atleast give him a title. He shall have the title that is most honorable to suit his power" Sagittarius shouted, picking up the small angel and raised the child to look him in the eyes. Eyes that reflected the universe and stars hiding behind a screen of mixed purples.
    "We have one. We have one!" The Pisces chanted.
"Let's hear it then!" Sagittarius encouraged.
The duo took a deep breath before taking on a calm tone, "Here is thy a son of stars, he shall be the son of gods, he shall be called The Zodiac's Son."
There was silence before the water bare nodded, "It is strong and honorable title, it shall do. His name will be left to whoever cares for him because YOU all are unsuitable and I am busy" Aquarius spoke with a high command.
There was a tense silence before the child's wings fluffed up before a sweet little laugh came from the baby in Sagittarius' arms.
"I love him already" Cancer laughed. Others nodded agreeingly.

"But really what should we do with them? We can't raise a child! We barely where able to raise the first generation of gods and angels" Scorpio poke with speed.
"We show him to the gods and see which is willing to take on the responsibility of raising this angel" Libra stated. The other zodiacs nodded agreeing upon giving up the star born angel to whichever god was willing and suitable to care for the child.

A week or so later, there was a meeting called at the Ziliac Palace. All gods, new or old, young and not, attended, as well as a few right hand angels for assistance. An hour into the event Aquarius stood and slammed her staff on the tile grabbing everyone's attention.
    "Everyone! I believe it is time to show you all why you have been summoned here today" The water spirit proclaimed as Sagittarius stepped forward with the little angel in his arms.
"A month ago a star born angel was born" There was a murmuring from crowd with excitement, " But as we are busy we have came her to ask you Gods a question that will require a lot of commitment, we need a willing volunteer to care for him and is willing to accept the responsibility of raising the angel who has the title of 'Son of the Zodiacs'" Aquarius stated firmly. The room fell quiet not a soul making a sound. But the soft sound of heels clicking against the tile floor.
"Anyone?" Aquarius asked. Silence before someone made their way to the front of the crowd. "I will" She said almost out of breath, long green hair pulled back into a ponytail a dress of all white and details of red. Aquarise gave a curious gaze of the young goddess. 
"State your name dear" Aquarise demanded in a much more gentle tone now that the little angel was now cooing in Sagittarius' arms.
"I am Palutena, Goddess of Light" She states standing straight up and folding her hands in her lap. Libra stepped forward moving the scales attached to her hands by rings making a staircase appear. "Come forth dear" Libra spoke smoothly. The green haired goddess climbed the stairs up to the zodiacs.
"Why do you want to care for this child?" Libra asked.
"I wish to give a child a home, nothing less than a caring home for a child" Palutena stated.
    "How exactly can you provide that? You are quite busy yes?" The gemini asked poking out on either side of Libra.
"I have a son at home right now, he is currently learning to fly and if he desires will become by apprentice" The young goddess said calmly. Sagittarius looked her over before asking "Take good care of him, will you?" The goddess nodded, the goddess wanted the child to have the family she didn't have when she was a child. Aquarius gave a nod and stepped aside, "raise the child like your own and we hope he proves himself worthy of the title he holds"

The night carried on with many gods cooing at the little angel who giggles and grabbed at the gods but never left the arms of the green haired goddess, the angel reacting with tears if she tried to let someone hold the little white winged angel.
Palutena kept hold of the little angel who was very vocal despite having no real words to speak, blabbering in gibberish and little screams.
When the night came to an end Palutena went home a cloak drawn over her shoulder her young child asleep in her arms. Palutena gave a gentle sigh as she spotted a little figure with a light purple halo.
"Oh Icarus" She smiled walking toward the child. The young child turned to look up at her, emerald green eyes and hair a middle tone of red and orange, "Mom!" he chirped happily before his eyes landed on the baby angel. "Who's that mama?" He asked.
"He's your new little brother" Palutena smiled sitting down next to him.
Icarus looked at him for a moment before asking "Can... can I hold him?" Palutena nodded shifting to let Icarus hold his little brother.
"He- he's so small" Icarus muttered holding the little angel close, "Do you think I could teach him to fly when he's older?" Icarus gasped stars in his eyes.
    "Perhaps Icarus, perhaps" Palutena smiled.

Little did they know what would come in the coming years, the pain the little angel would face but for now they enjoyed the little angel's peaceful aura.

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