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Icarus continued flying, occasionally jumping cloud to cloud.

"HEY!" He knew that voice, he didn't like that voice. He turned to see distant lighting as Phosphora came closer.
"By the light please not allow her to be stupid" Icarus pleaded as he stood on a cloud, arms crossed over his chest.

"There you are!" Phosphora panted, that was weird.
"What do you want Phosphora?" Icarus sighed.
"You! Your the only being up here with some connection to Pit! And right now we need to know where he is" Phosphora growled, that surprised Icarus.
"Why do you of all people want to find my brother?" Icarus asked.

"I don't think you've noticed but Pit has a habit of saving everyone from destruction and keeping the holy world in one piece. I've been having the forces of nature scour the barrier for anyway threw and I know you want to get to Pit and Pittoo and whatever the second one was named."
"Putt" "Yeah him, and the short blondie, So I'll give you a deal. You find Pit and I get you threw the barrier" That was quite a deal.

"I still have that favor to cash in from you Phosphora," Icarus reminded.
"Why now?"
"It's the only possible way to get my brothers up to to the skies and get the Zodiacs back to power" Icarus said.
"Zodiacs? What part do they play?"
"I don't know but if you take 30 seconds to look at the sky you'll see THEY AREN'T THERE"
"Fine! What do you need?" Phosphora huffed, Icarus was always like this.
"Fine the Zodiac gate"

Phosphora was shocked, the gate was difficult to find. Even harder then the Three Sacred Treasures. "The zodiac gate? Are you serious?"
"Very, if I can't get Pit up here. We. Are. Dead."
Phosphora gulped, thought, and caved. "Fine, give me the info I need and I'll get you down there" Icarus smiled at this.

"Let's get back to the fortress" Phosphora sighed, better then hovering in air. Damn sky angels and their cloud walking abilities. Icarus nodded and followed after her. Maybe in another timeline Icarus would have an easier time getting used to loneliness, not this timeline. He hated being alone. Being around people who he mildly dislikes would be better than being alone at this point. Plus he could get to the surface. To his brothers. He needed to find them.


Pit woke to something heavy on his stomach. He barely managed to open his eyes with the light shining right into his eyes. It took a while before he got adjusted to the light.

He groaned and propped himself up on his good arm to see what was preventing him from breathing right. It was Putt.
Pit smiled and lay back down, Putt was always clingy not that Pit minded. He looked affection!

"Oh good, you're wake" Tepero said, his voice monotone like always, "wear this. It used to me mine, Putt already has one and there's an extra for Pittoo" he dropped a box on the bed and with that Tepero left his cloak and veil flowing behind.

Pit groaned and sat up, "Putt, Putt we need to get dressed. Putt wake up."
"Five more minutes big brother" Putt said sleepily, "you're warm."
"That's because of the blankets, we're practically cold-blooded" Pit reminded him.
Putt shushed him and snuggled back to go to sleep. Pit sat and thought for a moment before he got an idea.
"Putt, my dear little brother, I love you" That woke Putt up. He, unlike Pit, didn't hear it very often. "Really?" Putt asked like an excited puppy.
"Of course I do, but we really need to get dressed." Pit said now that he had Putt's attention. Putt nodded and rolled off Pit. Years of discipline made it a lot easier to get out of bed when told for Pit. Granted we would miss the warm blankets but he had a powerful motivator to get out of bed. Putt was quick to get dressed and quick to help Pit, It hurt like the underworld to move his bandaged arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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