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Pit was shaken awake.
"Mr Angel! Wake up, breakfast!" Clover exclaimed trying to wake the sleepy angel. Pit only turned over in a response.

Pit was never one to wake up early or much at all, he wasn't a morning person. Even if his mornings tended to be more of early afternoons if he was allowed to sleep in so late.

    "I'm up, i'm up" The angel muttered swiping away Clover's hands.
She huffed and stormed back over to the table and sat angrily on one of the chairs.

Slowly Pit rolled off the couch throwing the blanket on the cousins before dropping onto the chair.

    "Where are we heading again?" Magnus asked raising his eyebrows.

"North, just shy of the Aphrodite's winter wonderland," Pit explained.
    "Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love and all that?" Magnus asked trying to confirm what he is hearing.
        "Yup!" Pit chirped happily.

    "Are there MORE angels like you Mr Angel?" Clover asked.
"Yup! Cupero is Lady Aphrodite's son and apprentice. Then there's the angels that live in the Snow Fall Towers." Pit explained.

"That's good, we can have allies" Magnus grunted

"Can we meet them? Clover asked tilting her head.

"We could but right now there should be defenses all around the different major temples. So that would be Lord Pyrrhon's temple, Lady Aphrodite's Temple, Lady Brontasta's temple and Lord Poseidon's temple. Those are the major ones of the surface." Pit explained.

"Defenses?" Magnus echoed, he didn't like the sound of that, if Pit could fight as well as he could and took down Hades, he didn't want to know but more could do.

"Yeah, like right now the SnowFall Towers are surrounded by a blizzard, the ocean is probably covered with water spouts and stuff because of Atlantis." Pit said sinking into though as he ate.

"Great, anyway to get past them?" Magnus asked leaning back.

"I don't know! Palutena ether drops me in the square or Icarus brings me" Pit confessed rubbing the back of his head.

"Who's Icarus?" Magnus asked.

"My older brother, he's training to be the next god of Light. He said he would help us were he can so once we get closer he might be able to give us a few hints and what we need to know" Pit shrugged, Icarus wasn't that good with instructions since he got irritated easily. He was the type of person who would rather they do it so they knew it was being done right type of person. Even though Pit did all the cleaning because Icarus never did it right.

"Can you get in contact with him or something?" Magnus asked pulling on his cloak.

"Maybe? I don't know! I've never been left without communication to Lady Palutena or Vridi!" Pit yelled curling up hiding his face in his knees.

Clover gave a helpless look to Magnus. Magnus looked at him for a moment before picking him up and placing him on his feet.
"Pit. You'll get back to the sky but right now we need to focus on freeing those Zodiacs you mentioned. One step at a time and soon you'll be breezing threw this all. Just focas" Magnus said with surprising force that made Pit remember being talked to by Zues and his 'i'm better then you' attitude, but Magnus had a but better motive.

Pit nodded, a little intimidated. "Good" Magnus gruffed and went along packing. There was now way he was letting a reckless flightless angel and a sweet but energy filled 8 year old run around the continent with no one to watch over them. Even if he didn't really like the god they at least watched over their angels. In Pit's own words 'No one is as selfish as a god!'. Gods where just as human or even more as actual humans.

Kid Icarus: Sky BoundWhere stories live. Discover now