No Escape

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Jhin couldn't understand this feeling. He didn't know how it felt getting hurt. He couldn't remember how love felt like. The only thing he knew was excitement, pride, joy... All because that's what he felt when he was working.

As he was on his way back to the motel, he couldn't stop blaming himself for all of this. He kept talking to himself and asking why would he even think it was a good idea.

"I'm fucking stupid." He said as he kicked the door.

He started throwing things all over and kicked over the table. He was enraged. He needed to free himself from this so he grabbed his mask and his robe and loaded Whisper.

"I can't take this anymore. I can't keep this feeling. I'm going crazy."

Jhin walked past an alley where there were a few bars still playing music and there were people dancing and getting drunk.

He was a meticulous murderer, he always planned beforehand and always had a motivation to kill but this time was different. He needed it to free himself and he couldn't stop it, it had to happen.

There was a drunk man laying outside of a bar, drowning in an alcohol bottle almost unconscious.

"You are of no use for society." Jhin said as he readied a shot.

His heart was pounding, will he just break his habits and start doing such a brutal thing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"You have no right to question my doings."

"I'm not sure you understand what you're about to do."

"Of course I understand. I'm unloading my gun in this useless piece of shit."

"Jhin, what's wrong with you? This is not you."

"OF COURSE IT'S NOT ME" Jhin said as he turned around and pointed Whisper towards Orianna. "And you think you can stop me?!"

"Jhin, I know you don't understand your feelings but killing an innocent man won't make you feel better, that's not how it works."

"But I've ALWAYS killed innocent people, that's where the thrill is. Do you even know how good it feels letting the adrenaline run through your body as the first bullet is shot? The heat, the sound, the beauty of the blood gushing out of the wound as they plea for help. There's nothing better than making them beautiful"

"Jhin, this is not one of your contracts. You just don't know how to express your anger." She said as she walked closer to him, reaching out to touch his mask. "I've never felt like this before either."

She tried to take Whisper from his hand but he couldn't stand people touching his treasure.

"Don't you dare to touch her."

"Okay... Okay, but put it down please."

He doubted doing that for a second, he still wanted to shoot the man, but he felt weak.

"Why should I listen to you, you are nothing to me, there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"I know nothing of this means anything to you. And I know I can't stop you but you don't really want to do this. Jhin..." she said as she got closer to him and as she put a hand behind his neck, he couldn't stand it anymore.

He almost dropped Whisper as she hugged him. Her coldness, the sound of her cogs moving and the beating of her heart were too much for him. He put his right hand in her back and he couldn't stop it, was this what he wanted? Holding her, being with her?

"I'm... I don't know how to feel."

"STOP IT. Get off of me!" He said while pushing her away and a loud bang echoed in the lonely alley.

"Jhin! Why?! An innocent man!" She said with anger as her ball started whirling and agitating.

"And I would do it hundreds of times again." He said while letting out a sinister laugh.

People started looking outside the windows and walking towards the street. Some of them did not care much, and others were freaking out since they recognized that mask.

"That's him! Officer Caitlyn's killer!" someone said.

"Get him!" a lady said.

As soon as he heard those words he knew what was coming and Orianna wouldn't help him. He ran past everyone. He could only feel the adrenaline rush through his body, he felt better than ever and no one will ever stop it, he finally could feel it again after all these years. He was lost in his thoughts, he couldn't even hear the people behind him.

As soon as he got to the main street, Vi showed up. She couldn't hide her rage as she was face to face to the person that killed her best friend.

"You have no escape Khada." She said as she grabbed him abruptly by the neck.

You could hear him struggling to get air.

"Do-don't you d-dare... Calling me that... Again." He said gasping.

He was losing consciousness as she dragged him through the street towards the police station, his shirt was cutting the air and the blood to his head.

"Are you happy now? You killed her. The only thing I had to keep me sane."

He remained silent.

She went up the stairs and threw him into a cell with a couple of drunk guys.

"And don't you dare trying to escape or I'll kill you myself."

"You can't... Otherwise, you'll become ME." He said with a smirk on his face


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