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"James, have you seen Khada Jhin's gun?"

"It's with the rest of his belongings  in the evidence room, aisle B box 168"


"Captain, is it true Khada escaped from you?"

"Who said that? He was in the council's custody, I had nothing to do with that."

"O-oh... There are rumors. But I know that you'll never be tricked by any scumbag."

"Of course not! I'm not you."

Vi said as she went into the evidence room to recover Whisper. Jhin was not feeling like the same person since he lost her and he would barely eat. Vi agreed to recover her only because Jhin was going to help her get the revenge she wanted.

"Here it is." She said as she grabbed the box. "I'll just take the whole thing."

She put the box in the backpack she was carrying and went through the door. She started walking towards the motel when someone called her name.


"Huh?" she turned around and as she stopped, Orianna ran towards her.

"Orianna? Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine. And I hope you're doing good too. I've been out of the city for a while but I came back because I heard Jhin escaped."

"Oh. You too... Look, I don't know where he is. He escaped from the Council building."

"I see... Just be careful... He could hurt you too."

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself. I gotta go now. See you soon!"  Vi said as she walked away.

Since everyone knew where Jhin was staying before, they decided to go to Vi's place to plan everything. She got Whisper already so she had to go back to the motel and wait until it was late at night.

She kept looking back as she walked through the alley because she didn't want anyone to follow her.

As she got closer, she could see Jhin going into the room with a bag. He said he didn't need to go out so it was weird.

"So you decided to buy more food?"  She said as she closed the door behind her.

"Me? I already had enough food today."

"Then what was that bag?"

"This one?"  He said as he showed her the bag that was on the table."It's just a few things we need."

Jhin emptied the bag on the table and there were just a few papers and maps. With some drawings of a man in a top hat.

"This might help us a little with the performance."  He said as he laid back in the chair.

"I see... May I know why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"Does it bother you? I know the answer is no. So why even ask?"

"Because it's weird. It makes me uncomfortable."

"You didn't say that the other day. You loved it."

"Can you shut... Up..."  Vi said as she threw the backpack at him. "I could just take your stuff back to the evidence room and you'll starve to death."

A Shot to the Heart♥️Where stories live. Discover now