Innocence Lost

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"I can't believe he fucking did this to me. I'm going to kill him with my bare hands when I find him." Vi said as she put on her clothes. She was trembling in rage and disgust about what just happened.

She knew Jhin was going to run back to Ionia so she had to find him before that. She was the only one around that could catch him, so she had to be quick. They discovered where he was hiding when they were investigating the death of the drunk man, so she ran back to the motel and hid outside.

Jhin was inside picking up his things, but he only needed one more thing... Whisper. It was back at the police station so he had to get her somehow. He changed his clothes and hid the ones he had on under the bed.

As he was getting ready to leave, he heard a knock on the door. He hesitated for a moment, but at the same time, the thought of Orianna coming back to see him drove him towards the door.

As he unlocked it, a massive force pushed him making him fall in his back.

"You think you can escape? From ME?!" Vi said as she punched him barehanded.

"Hahahahah. You found me. Was it that easy?" He said letting her punch him, he enjoyed it.

"I knew it, and I knew you would want to go back to Ionia." She said as she hit him again.

"Vi, stop doing this to yourself, you are just making me enjoy it more. I can feel your anger and your sadness and it just excites me so much."

"AGH! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She kept yelling as she punched him. His nose was already bleeding and his face was swollen.

He kept laughing madly, he couldn't stop, and he knew that every second he did, Vi was going to punch him harder. Her fists were already hurting. She was getting tired but he wouldn't stop tormenting her. He was just lying there laughing and not even trying to defend himself.

"Just die!" She said crying. "Just die and leave me alone!"

"Y-you don't want me to die, you just... You just want me to feel what you're feeling but I can't do that." He said gasping for air.

"I just want her back... I want to feel her touch... I want to hear her voice by my side at night..." She said sobbing as she rested her head on Jhin's chest.

"What you really have to do is find the guy that wanted her dead. I just did the job. I had nothing against her." He said as he cleaned the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I will and I will make him pay for all of this suffering."

"Can-can I get up now?" Jhin said as he tried to get on his elbows.

She rolled over and sat on the floor besides Jhin. She just stayed there with her arms resting on her knees as she looked at the floor.

Jhin stood up and went into the bathroom to wash his face.

"It hurts like hell, but oh did I enjoy it." He said with a smile.

"L-let me help you..." Vi said as she went into the bathroom with a towel in her hand.

Jhin laid in the bed as Vi was cleaning his wounds. She was doing it carefully; something she never did before. She hated him, but this time it was different. She unbuttoned his bloody shirt and cleaned off the blood all over his chest.

"I don't know how I fell for that back there. I feel stupid."

"Don't" He said while looking at her right in the eyes. "I almost fell for it myself. But as crazy as it sounds, I didn't want to hurt you anymore. Don't ask me why because I don't know."

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