Closer To The Target

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Jhin woke up early, it was barely 6 am. He sat in the bed as he shivered because of how cold the morning was. Vi had all the bedsheets under her and her arm was hanging off the bed slightly.

He decided to buy breakfast and get back to the room. He put on a long-sleeve white shirt, black pants, and a heavy coat. He didn't want to wake her up so he decided to just go get her food and leave it on the table.

As he was walking towards the ship's kitchen he noticed that there was a boy in a corner; he didn't pay much attention so he kept walking. As he walked back to the room with the food tray, the boy approached him.

"Sir, can I please have some food? I'm hungry."

Jhin looked around because it was probably a scam but he couldn't see anyone else.

"And where are your parents?"

"I'm an orphan. They died 8 years ago."

"Look, this is someone else's food, but here," He said as he gave him a few coins. "Go get some food."

"Thank you so much sir!"

"Be careful who you ask for food, not everyone will have good intentions."

"I know that very clearly. But you look kind."

Jhin giggled as he pats the boy's head. "So innocent."

"M-may I know your name, sir?"

"That's a hard one." He said as he thought of a fake name to give. "James."

"My name's Timothy."

"Ok then Timothy, be careful."

The boy gave him a hug and walked towards the kitchen with a smile on his face. Jhin kept walking towards the room and put the tray on the table. He kissed her forehead and sat on the chair with a notebook in his hands.

"How can she sleep that much?" He thought as he looked at Vi.

It was almost 8 am and he was running out of pages to draw on. He would just think about the job they had to do and how it would affect everything else.

He had only 4 pages left and he decided to just leave them blank. He looked outside the window for a moment as he got lost in his own thoughts.

"Good morning."

He looked back at Vi as she sat on the bed.

"Finally awake. Good morning."


"Well, it's almost 9."

"I know, I was tired." She said stretching out.

"Well, your breakfast is already cold."

"It doesn't matter."

"It's been sitting here since 6."

"Why so early? Are you crazy?"

"I can't sleep that much. Besides, you had all the sheets under you and I almost froze to death." He said as he took off his shoes.

"Why don't you just ask for some?"

"I didn't want to wake you up and I was hungry."

She sat in the chair next to him and started eating breakfast. It was a hard piece of bread with some sausage and a glass of orange juice with no sugar.

"This is awful." She said almost gagging.

"I know, but that's better than anything. We'll be in Zhyun tomorrow, so you can eat whatever you want."

"Are we going to stay at your place?" She said trying to drink the juice.


He took off the coat and the shirt as the day got warmer. He laid in bed looking outside the window with Whisper in his hands, caressing everything inch.

He couldn't wait anymore, he was too excited and needed to feel the adrenaline rush through his body. He thought that having Vi and feeling something for her would calm the need for blood but he was wrong.

He didn't want to stop doing his art because of her, but he was sure she wouldn't want to stay with him if he started killing again.

"Are you ok?" She said as she sat on the bed by his side but he didn't answer. "Jhin?"

"Oh, sorry. Was just thinking about something." He said as he looked down to Whisper.

"You missed her?"

"Of course I did. She's my inspiration."

"Will you ever be able to leave her?"

"I can't. I can't stop doing what I love."

She looked at him and didn't say a word. She knew from the beginning that making him leave everything he's known for years won't be that easy. She can't make him promise he would stop doing his beloved art.

"I know you can't." She said as she got closer to him. "And I won't force you to."

"I can't because I like it and because if I were to tell the Ionia's corrupt government that I can't work for them anymore, I would vanish in thin air." He said looking at her.

"Jhin, I'll stay by your side no matter what."

"Would you?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, besides knowing I won't stop killing."

"You need someone to look after you."

"I can take care of myself, darling." He said with a smile on his face.

"You'll have to take care of me."

"I have, since day one."

She laid beside him and put her head on his chest, listening to all the noise in the ship; the waves crashing against the window, the people walking outside their door and yelling at each other.

Jhin would only go outside the room to get their food and sometimes he would go to the deck to get some air.

Vi would spend the day in the room or sleeping, she got very seasick so she would barely want to eat. All she wanted was to jump through the tiny window.

It was almost 1 am when they arrived at Zhyunia Harbor. Vi was feeling awful and she would just grab Jhin's arm to walk.

"Are you drunk?" He asked mockingly.

"Asshole." She said as she hit him in the shoulder.

There were several restaurants and a few motels near the dock. They decided to stay in one for the rest of the morning, to let Vi get better.

"Just try to sleep so we can get going in the morning."

"Stay with me, please." She said as she grabbed his hand.

"Okay, but don't you dare throwing up near me."

"I won't, I promise."

She quickly fell asleep as Jhin held her close and sang a lullaby for her. He couldn't sleep anymore knowing that he was so close to killing again.

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