The Journey

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It's been two days since they decided to stay at Vi's, he felt comfortable and wanted to stay there with her. Vi washed all his clothes and didn't smell like him anymore which he hated, but as soon as he got back home, everything would go back to normal again.

They had to travel back to Zhyun in Ionia to get the job done, he requested Jhona's help so it would be easier to find their target.

Vi packed everything she needed, some clothes, her fists and a necklace with a locket with a picture of Caitlyn in it.

"Now you smell like me."

"You smell like oranges, but I prefer a sweet fragrance." He said folding a shirt.

"I know but I don't have whatever you use to have that fragrance."


"I think that's the last thing I need. So we gotta be ready by 12 pm."

"I'm finished packing too. I already sent the letter to Jonah, so we're almost set."

They had 20 more minutes until the carriage arrived. Jhin sat on the couch with a pencil and a notebook in his hand. It's been a while since he had a moment for himself. He just started drawing random things he saw in Piltover. Vi sat in front of him with an apple and a cup of tea.

They remained silent for about ten minutes. She was just there looking at him and taping the side of the cup to the song he was singing.

"You're a very good singer."

Jhin looked up at her and started singing a very peculiar song about a girl and his lover; they loved each other so much but because he used to travel a lot, he wasn't able to be with her as much as he wanted. They wanted to get married and have a family, but when she got pregnant he couldn't be with her. One day when he came back, he couldn't find her and that's when he found out she was gone. A thief killed her. They took her life and their baby.

"That's a sad song."

"It is but I wrote it for her."

"Oh...So it's about her? What was her name?"


"Was she pretty?"

"She was as beautiful as a rose blooming in the dawn."

"You were going to have a baby."

"We were, and I promised her that as soon as he or she was born, I was going to stop doing all this."

"I see. You really wanted to change for her... But why not stop killing just for her?"

"Because I have nothing left to inspire me besides my art. This is what I find comfort in. And I swore I would find the bastard that killed her."

As the clock stroke 11:55 they picked up the bags and walked out the door. They walked down the stairs without saying a word and stood outside. She would just look at him wanting to say something but she couldn't. The carriage arrived on time and they put all their bags inside. They sat opposite each other. Jhin still had the notebook in his hand and Vi was getting curious.

"What is it you're drawing?"

"Uhm, just stuff."

"Can I see it?"

"It's not finished yet but if you insist." He said as he handed over the notebook.

Vi wanted to see all the drawings he made. He was so delicate when he had a piece of paper and a pencil in his hands. It looked so natural and it was like the pencil was attached to his hand. You could only see it flowing with such grace...

"I love them."

"I know, why wouldn't you?"

Vi giggled as she turned the last page gently, and there she was; he captured everything he loved about her; her kind eyes and her gentle smile, all the curls in her hair and the small wrinkles in her forehead.

She was speechless.

"It will be a long trip..." He said as he looked outside the window.

"Jhin." She said looking at him holding the notebook against her chest.

"Yes, my darling."


"What is it?"

"I love your drawings."

"Thank you, my dear."

"Nobody has ever drawn me before."

"You can keep it. I can draw you a hundred more if you want."

"Would you do that for me?"

"I would kill a hundred people for you." He said as he smiled at her.

She hit him with the notebook in his thigh and he just started laughing. He missed that feeling.

"I just want this to be over so everything is back to... Almost normal."

"It will be over soon. Don't worry."

She remained quiet for a few minutes thinking about what will happen after they're done with the job. She didn't want to be alone and she would surely miss him.

"I'll miss you."

"Huh?" He said with a confused look in his eyes.

"I'll really miss you when you go back home."

"Who said I'll go back home alone?"

"Well, I'll have to go back to Piltover."

"Or you can stay with me."

"I can't..."

"But I want you to stay with me. I won't lose you."

"But do you realize how complicated that would be?"

"Well, you stay with me at home, we live together, we get to grow old together and enjoy our life. How complicated that is?" He said as he leaned over and kissed her.

She could barely think about anything else. Live together.

"B-but, I'm not sure."

"You can't be until we try."

It was almost 6 pm as they got closer to Holdrum's Harbor, they had to get into the next ship. It was going to be a long trip, but it was worth, at least they could be together all that time.

"I hate boats." She said as they walked towards the ship.

"Don't worry, we can stay in the room."


They walked up to the ramp into the ship, it was not a very luxurious one but it was decent. They had all three meals paid for and a room.

"I believe it's room 85."

They walked down the corridor looking for their room.

"Here it is." Jhin said as he grabbed the key from Vi's hand.

It was a nice room, it had a window and a bed. There was a nightstand with a lamp on top and a small table with two chairs and a few candles.

"These will be the longest 2 days..."

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