Setting The Stage

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It's been four days since Jhin was thrown into that awful cell, no food, and no water. He's trying to remain calm. Vi walks past the cell every now and then with her eyes filled with disgust. She still can't get over the anger she feels against Jhin.

He still has to face the court for the murder and he knows he won't get away with it.

"Get up, the council wants to see you."

Vi put handcuffs on him and pushed him out. She threw him into a black and Grey wagon pulled by some horses. It was dirty and smelled so bad he was getting nauseous. There was a small window in the back where a little sunray shone through.

"This feels better than that cell for sure." He said to himself.

They were a few squares away from the Council building which was one of the most important authorities in Piltover.

He was unrecognizable, his clothes were all dirty and torn. His hair was all messy and his face was muddy. He never liked people looking at him but this time he was not worried about his identity been revealed. He never looked like this and he knew these people were too stupid to recognize him like that.

As they got closer there were more people, kind of watching a parade, yelling at Jhin, as Vi opened the door, people started throwing things at him. It looked like the whole city was there to see how he got convicted for his crime.

They started walking towards the stairs that were built with intricate designs, each was a work of art, just like the giant clock on top of the tower. Bronze, silver, and marble were all over the place.

"Come this way." Vi said as they went in the huge doors. "You have to change those clothes."

They went down a hallway with dozens of doors on each side. She stopped in front of one and told him to go in as she waited outside.

It was a small room with just one bed and plain white garments on top of it.

"I won't impress them with these." He said as he took off what was left of his garments and went in the bathroom. He stood in front of the bathroom mirror for a second combing his hair with the comb that he found on top of the sink. He didn't have much time, but he felt so dirty he wanted to take a bath for hours.

After a few minutes, Vi knocked on the door.

"Let's go Khada, time's up."

He didn't answer.

"I swear if you don't come out right now, I'm going to punch you right in the face when I go in."

She was pissed off already. She opened the door abruptly and looked around, he was not there. She walked towards the bathroom door and opened it.

"I knew you were desperate, but not this much." Jhin said looking at her through the mirror with a slight smile.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, why don't you answer when I'm calling?"

"Well, I'm in the bathroom as you see, just took a bath, so I couldn't hear you." He said as he walked past her. "Do you mind? I have to get dressed."

"I don't care, put on the clothes and let's go."

"Oh well, so you don't mind seeing me naked, I see." He said as he took off the towel and dried his hair.

He was facing the wall opposite to Vi. She could only see his back and his butt. She stared for a moment without saying a word as she counted the scars on his back.

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