Extra Stuff! The Writing Process and Why I Did What I Did

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(Pic is from... me! I use it for my profile pic and it's from my cosplay as Gerudo Link)

Hello all! I was so overjoyed that I finished Lone Arrow in the Quiver that I decided to do one last thing in relation to it. There were a plethora of reasons why I wanted to make this and I hope that it can be helpful, humorous, or just entertaining. I got inspired by seeing the after episode section of Game of Thrones. I thought it was neat that the writers got to explain some of the events of the episodes and why they happened. Unlike Game of Thrones though, I hope that my reasons are more... well received. I understand that those writers are in some hot water right now so I hope that it doesn't happen to me as well. 

(Sorry about taking awhile, this was a large project to say the least)

At the end of the day, I just wanted to make this as a be all end all guide to how I wrote the fic. I am working on another book and I hope that y'all like that as well. Until then, enjoy!

Note, this is gonna be a lot of rambling. Things may not make sense or contradict each other. I hope that I can clean this up but for the most part, this is the pure unfiltered notes and thoughts straight from my brain. Here are some places to find the more important questions, if you'd like. I'll have a sentence in the section bolded so you can find the answers easily.

(These are in no particular order as well)

Why Breath of the Wild? - Right below this list
Why did you choose Revali? - Chapter 21 - (most important one in my opinion)
What's the deal with the food? - Chapter 4
What's the deal with Christoph? - Chapter 15
Why do you focus a lot on eyes? - Chapter 7
Why is the title of the fic: Lone Arrow in the Quiver? - Chapter 10 & 21
What's the deal with William Blake's poetry? - Chapter 12
How did you come up with Link's sexuality/backstory behind it? - Chapter 13
What is the relationship between your writing and music? - Chapter 4
Why did Zelda get new abilities/strengths? - Chapter 16
How did you deal with Link's silence/sign language? - Chapter 17
How did you tackle the sex scene at the end of the book? - Chapter 19
How do you draft chapters? - Chapter 19
What was with that weird encounter with Revali and the Spring of Power? - Chapter 21

Is there anything I didn't cover? Ask away in the comments! I will answer any question to the best of my ability. I'll put this at the bottom too just in case.

Why Breath of the Wild? I always found that the story of Botw was so immersed in tragedy and defeat that I found the whole thing incredibly intriguing. A world where the good guys lost and have to rebuild after their defeat. All of Link's friends and loved ones dying at the hands of the Calamity just made my heart sink. The journey after is one that'll I'll never forget. I loved all the characters and their personalities clashing together towards a common goal. Besides that, I already sunk a whole bunch of time into the game and just wanted more of it. More story more characters more everything. It may not be extensive, but this is the bare-bones reasons why I choose Botw for my first fic. 

(I didn't realize how unreliable youtube videos were. Hope I won't have to replace em too often)

Chapter 1: 

So chapter one was what chapter one usually is, an introduction. As I said in the description of the fic, I was inspired to write because of a different fic. It's name is "Romance is in the Air" and was written by: Azadia_the_Rito. I highly recommend it to everyone and it was the sole reason that I chose to start writing in the first place. Due to its nature, I was still finding my footing as a writer so the first few chapters were incredibly simple. I also didn't tie the music to anything and just had them as atmospheric background songs. It wasn't until later that I added meaning and symbolism to them, which I'll get to. 

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