Part One.

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New York City, October 1937,

If George Morrison could relive one moment over one more time, it would be the day that he met Adeline Smithard. If anyone had told George that his life soon changes forever, that he would see life in another perspective, he would have said them they were ridiculous.

It was the day of my final exam at Harvard University, where I was studying law at the time. I knew that I must research and focus on what was important as my father was a highly successful lawyer, and he expected grand things from me. My father had met my mother at Harvard while they were both studying law. My father and mothers families were remarkably wealthy. My father was an English man, and my mother was Hawaiian. My grandmother on my father's side did not approve of the love they had for one another, so my father and mother both ran away eloped. Both my parents started a new life together. My mother fell pregnant with me in her late 20's but died during birth. My father was never the same after that moment.

My full name is George James Morrison. 

Stepping into my classroom ready for my test to come, it was like a whole new world hadn't seen, my blood pumping, rushing through my veins, making my heart beat faster and faster. Eve had roped me into agreeing if we both finish the test and pass she would buy me a new computer, I was ready. I decided without even thinking it through.

What if she passes and I don't?What will have to buy her!?

After the test, Eve asked me to come to her friend's fancy dinner. Of course, I said no. It wasn't my scene, but of course, she hauled me into going to the party. 

When we arrived at the 'Smithard Palace', I thought to myself, so many various people believe this is opulent, but I guess it's just a cry of shame and miss fortune. 

I needed to get out of there fast. There were too many people too greet and also many familiar faces. My father and Eve's father both had connections with the Smithard family, so there were many faces I knew and didn't want to acknowledge. 

Looking at the door ready to makes my hasty and fast exit, I felt a firm grip upon me.

"There you are, George." Eve gasped. 

"Let me introduce you to Mr and Mrs Smithard daughter Adeline."

I followed Eve through crowds and crowds of people with their jewellery, dresses and suits. Even I was wearing a suit. Goddamn Eve. I knew at that moment after saying hello to Adeline I must rush out so that I may take this suit off!

"Hey, my darling Addy!"

She turned, her face lighting up the entire room. Wow was she a looker. 

"Eve now that I'm finally a woman maybe you can call me Adeline. After all, that is my name."

Her hair the colour of roasted chestnuts and shone like a chandelier over a lake of diamonds. She shifted her gaze and glanced at me with her eyes the shade of an emerald that shone on the neck of a queen. She arched her brow in surprise.

"Whom may I ask is your lovely and quiet friend Eve?"

"Adeline, this is my dearest friend George Morrison." As Eve made an introduction as I lost my words. I extended my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you..."


"Delightful to meet you, Miss Adeline."

I opened my mouth to speak, and no words appeared to come out of my mouth. The words escaped my body.

She was the most Devine and sumptuous soul I had ever engaged within this world. She was a swell dancer and my, she was a looker alright.

'love isn't as perfect as the movies.' Father always said, but I think it is if you have a real connection with someone there is even the slightest chance that you could fall in love.

Addy's face was full of excitement and her heart pounding. Her father booked in the caterer, the band and the beauty appointments. For weeks she had been so excited for this night, she had a good feeling this would be important to her. One special someone would indeed turn her head.

Her dearest friend Eve had introduced them. As they met each other, his eyes looking into hers, drinking her little by little, completely lifting and taking away her soul.

He now is leading her to the dance floor, her hand sweaty hoping she doesn't mess this dance up. She hoped her hands weren't visibly sweaty.

Addy was grateful for the buoyant beat the song. She was glad it wasn't a slower song because that would have been extremely uncomfortable, especially for their first meeting. George was tall, which was fantastic for her because she was tall herself and finding a guy taller than she was tough. Being around George, there were no such worries; he was perfect. Every time he would wind his arm around her waist, her heart would skip a thousand miles.

After the waltz was over, she seemed to be rooted in the one spot. Adeline's cheeks were flushed, and her breathing heavy. The whole world around them froze and time stopped leaving the two of them behind. The moment that they stood in was wondrous and magical — the two most perfect words explaining that very moment.

This moment she wanted to tattoo to her heart. Her life is now all about him; she thinks only about him. George is it; this is the feeling Eve had described to her, the racing of the heart, the strange stomach feeling and the red flush across the cheeks. George is giving me this feeling of falling for someone, falling in love as Eve would call it. 

Ahem, we should note that yes, they are moving along at a fast pace but they were both ready to move forward in their lives. They both were ready to begin a life together. They both are mature young adults that know exactly what they want in life and thats to be together.


Hi lovely people,

I really hope you relish this story I am writing to you all. This is a type of story I have always been wanting to write but never really had the chance to. 

I love how in the 1900's the love and the way they spoke was so pure and right so I wanted to do the same in my story and implement the way of life into it.

I hope you enjoy this story and the chapters to come! 

Don't forget to Vote and Comment :) 

This story is dedicated to @lucystanton1997 she has been a friend of mine for over 10+ years and while writing this story I realised, I wanted to dedicated to my bestfriend. Lucy this is for you. xx

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