Part Thirteen.

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Losing someone is the worst pain you can go through but we have three loses in our lives. Our children. God has taken my whole life away from me. What do I do now? How do I go on with my life knowing my children have left my life forever.

I can't get the image out of my head. The blood, the smell and sounds of your children screaming with your helpless body trying to crawl to them to help them. That is what true fear and loss are. The night I lost my children night was the most traumatic night of my life.

Knowing he did that, that they did that. How can you forgive someone after they have destroyed every bit of your happiness, your life? I don't even know how to put it into words. I know they were crazy but I never thought they would do something this reckless and unforgiving. It is ridiculous and outrageous.

The court hearing is on Monday. I hope they both rot in jail. The judge is giving them life in prison but it shouldn't be life in prison it should be life in prison plus a beating every day. I don't want to see their faces again. I no longer call them family. Their honour that they earned is gone. Family or not when you have destroyed your families happiness what point is there still respecting them? They didn't appreciate me or my family so why should I go out of my way to try to save them or give them any piece of happiness and love? They have lost the right for Addy and me to even consider them as a family. That respect is gone.

I miss my family, my girls and my boy. If only i was home and didn't go for my coffee maybe i would've had time to call the police or even helped them all. My babies. I cry all the time. Losing a child and not just one but three is one of the hardest pains you can go through.

I remember after I had picked up George I took him outside to the paramedics and I ran back inside. I looked back to see two firefighters chasing after me as I ran into the flames. The smell of my burning skin was sickening, but it wasn't only my skin burning. The flesh of my children was burning. Are they dead? the silence of the room gave me my answer. I didn't care that I was burning I wanted to be with my babies. I ran to them and lifted them. Their skin blistered and burning hot, so hot when our skin touched it brought me to my knees from the pain. I picked myself up including the children and finally made it out of the room where two paramedics and firefighters were waiting to help me. One of the paramedics grabs me to help me and I push her away and pass her Jilliana. She is so still. I lost her. She is gone.

I look down at my arm it was all blistered and ousing. I fall and start screaming. Everything is hitting me. The pain, losing the kids, our house and George being hurt so badly. My arm is throbbing and my head is hurting from all the tears falling onto my burnt arm. So excruciating, the pain taking over my body.

I can see that the paramedics are trying to do every possible thing they can to assist the children but one of the paramedics Elisha that was assisting me with my arm told me there were no promises as especially Jilliana had such aggressive burns that it reached her bones. Jilliana's leg bones, hip, ribs and her arm bones were very tremendously burnt and not only that but she hasn't shown any signs of waking up and they haven't felt or heard a heartbeat from not just Jilliana but any of the children.

"I'm sorry Mrs Morrison,  they are gone."

Addy's screams so loud I had to cover my ears. Not only was it loud but you could hear the suffering. I know exactly what the paramedic spoke to her a about because I could see they put the children into black body bags and started to load them into the ambulance.

I haven't cried yet I guess I have been trying to stay strong for Addy and I think also it hasn't hit me completely that I have lost them. My children. I feel like this is all a dream. But could just be all the medication and morphine they have given me for the suffering. They said that I needed medication as the burns are so severe if I don't the pain will be really terrible and that's all Addy needs is her husband screaming in pain because of the fire his family caused that killed her children. I know Addy knows this isn't my fault but I will forever be a reminder for her of what happened and who did it. I can see every time she looks into my eyes she sees all the images and the memories of seeing the house, me and the kids in such a state. I don't know if I can handle it. Not only did she lose a child but i saw him light the house of fire, hot the children and i was helpless on the floor watching my children die. Now that's something she at least does not have in her mind. For me, I imagine and relive that moment every second wondering how and why they did this.

My own family killed my children. I know they hated Addy and were always jealous of her and what I had with her but killing theirs. kids, ruining their life and hurting their own family is not the way to live your life. Now they both rot in jail for the rest of eternity. Maybe it is a good thing they are in jail that way all the gangsters in their kill them off. I heard if you kill or touch a child you get murdered as most of the people in there have children of their own and they understand how ridiculous it is when a child gets hurt. Not only one but three in their case have been hurt. The blood is on their hands. My parents killed my children and now they will pay.

George's parents hurt him and killed his children. The images and feelings he must have are unexplainable. Your mother that carried you fed you and sung to you at night looking over you and taking your children's life. Unexplainable pain he is. going through is ridiculous.

Authors Note:

And... that is my story. I am thinking of writing a second book depending on how well this one goes. I hope you enjoyed all the ups and downs and all the roller coasters. Can't wait for you to see what else is up my sleeve.  All my love, Georgia.


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