Part Twelve.

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The idea sometimes that George felt that I was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with was crazy to me. His mother Katherine had passed away and I never got true approval from her. I admired his mother. I remember meeting her once at their home. She was a very poised and ladylike someone I wanted to be. 

"Your mum was a beautiful lady." i smiled as i had taken out some old family photos.

His voice cracked as he said "She would've loved to be here with you and the kids."

I needed coffee. The kids weren't screaming for once and George was finally home. I decided to take a trip down to the local coffee shop. The coffee shop is named "Avery rose gardens" it is the most beautiful small coffee shop and they have built a rose garden around it. I often go there when the kids are all at school to escape reality and read my book but. today I want to go there and take photos of family and sit there and reminisce the old times. All the collections of the past events from my life here on earth and the people that made me who I am today.

My hair is a mess and my makeup is everywhere from the crying and trying to. get the kids settled so I go into the bathroom and wipe my face. I tried to push all the images out of my head from the morning and even the thoughts. My eyes feel tight and dry from all the crying. If I didn't have the strength that God had given me today something terrible would have happened. I know it. I didn't want to even think or wonder what could've happened. Waking up from a nightmare is always scary but waking up from it is the real treat because you realise it was just a dream and it wasn't real. I race my fingers through my hair into a ponytail, put my shoes on, grab my keys and head out the door.

In just a few moments I will be in that car and away from the kids. Finally, I thought to myself. I fantasied about leaving the kids, getting a coffee and relaxing at the cafe.

Addy? Where are you? where am I? what am I doing here?

All the noises making my ears ring. Blood all over the floor. The house silent as a dessert. I'd felt this feeling before in the war. The emptiness, fear and the panic; the feeling that takes over your body and you don't know what's going on. You can't piece things together because the shock is overwhelming your body. Death was in the home, spirits everywhere. The only one left alive in me. I feel like I am going to suffocate. Death is a few moments away for me, but I must grasp the phone and call someone for help. The only thought I had was protecting the children. Saving them from the monster that was strolling around the home.

A single door was in my view, it was open. I must run. towards the door with every bit of my might and escape. Get help. As I ran towards the door, turning the knob. It was four walls surrounding me. Was this not the front door? A window is now in my sight. Run!

I hear my babies crying in the next room. I smell the rotting flesh. The smell of regret and the feeling of helplessness. I smash the window open but that was no use. The flames from the home engulfed and became, even more, stronger, setting off all the alarms in our once called family home. My face dropped and I blacked out as the flames and the smoke was choking me from the inside and out. I'm dying. I have lost my family. My family is gone and now I must die to be with them. The screaming has stopped. I think to myself, why did Addy have to leave? When is she coming home? What she will come home to will forever change her. The images that flash my mind will flash hers but she will live to replay those images every day of her life.

I heard the front door open. Still lying on the floor, not been able to see or breathe i heard a scream. Addy. After a tiny moment of hope she runs into the room. Addy. My love....

As I'm driving through our lovely town I think about how lucky I am to have these last few moments before returning to the reality of life. I am truly lucky. My family, husband, home and the air in my lungs is something not everyone has. And I am blessed to have it all. I can never imagine losing it, if I ever were to lose it I feel like i. would lose part of myself. My family has one piece of my heart each. If I lose one, I lose part of my heart too.

The peacefulness and the serenity of being in the outdoors is something truly magical. The cafe is close to the airport so you see all the planes coming into land or taking off and I have always had this connection to planes. Watching them relaxes me, gives me a sense of peace. Sometimes I go for a drive on Rose Road where you can park and watch the planes come into land from overseas. I like to sit there and wonder about the people on the plane. Where they are coming from, who they are, why they are landing here in this country and what their back story is. Someone on that plane or some child on that plane could be our next prime minister or the person on that plane could hold the cure for cancer. It is crazy a person you can just walk by on the street could be someone really important. But do you see how I can overthink things? I am an over-thinker. But that is just who I am I can't help it. When I was a child my parents were so worried about me becoming a writer but I think it was a good thing because all the silly thought got written down and I wasn't talking to them as much. The silence was better than me talking I think.

I used every bit of strength i had in my body to scream "Help me Addy!" I am begging you.

Smoke bumped against the windows as the coughs and the cries filled Addy's ears. As my eyes slowly opened i found myself wrapped in Addy's arms. I was safe. 

"The kids, where are the kids?" I wailed.

"George..." her voice trailed off. 

I can feel my heart racing faster and faster. Looking around at the home. Blood everywhere, cries, smoke and Addy's eyes filled with tears. What has happened to us? I thought to myself. I would rather give up any material possession that ever loses my children. I felt that the roof was crashing down upon me. This feeling I would not wish on even my worst of enemies.

"The plans, the visions we had for our future George. Everything is gone."

Starting over, starting a new life scares the hell out of me. Not having the kids to hug you with their innocent love and affection. What's the point of life now? Where do we go from here?

Telling Addy to move to Hawaii seemed like a good enough idea. Restart our life, in a new city. Maybe it's the key. I can't tell her yet. Not after this.

Losing people is hard but the reason and who had done this tragic scene in their home will shock you. 

Authors Note:

I wanted to add a tragedy to my story i know there is already so many twists and turns but i really love adding the unexpected to my stories. The thrill and the adrenaline i get when i add something new and exciting to my story is ridiculous. I can't wait for this story to be done.

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