Part five.

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December 1937, New York City.

Adeline is my name, and I come from a town where being yourself isn't allowed. 

A writer is something I would love to be in the future, a person who can express themselves through the pages and pages of writing. As a young soul I have always hidden things from my parents as anyone would, they wouldn't allow me to write as they wanted me to be a successful lawyer, but it didn't stop me from pursuing my passion.

 I want to show the world who I am through my writing. Adeline Smithard, a young girl, involve, who has a passion and is wild. 

On my 16th birthday, my parents had given me a notebook. They told me I would use this to take notes at my father's work on how to be a successful lawyer as he was but little did they know at the back of the book it was filled with pages and pages of the story I am writing today.

"Be a good girl, be successful." is what I would hear daily from my father, but I don't think being successful is always going to give you happiness. My father fights with my mother all the time. Father is so grumpy and tired from work with the silly cases he gets put onto that when he comes home, he is a grumpy older man. I do not know how my mother puts up with his silliness. My father's anger doesn't just affect him; it affects all of us, unfortunately. Especially me, being a 16-year-old at the time I had hormones rushing through me and even only one yell at my face, I would lose my mind, and things would go flying. My house is big yes, yes my father has money, but on the inside, it is like a living hell that my mother and I cannot get out of in this house.

I never was allowed to date either. My parents told me they would find me a proper suitor to marry me off and be 'rich and happy'. That's what they are. From what I see, the punching, the disagreements and the screaming that's not what I want.

Writing is an escape for me. After school, I would tell my parents I was going to my friends to study but my friend Eve would cover for me, and I would go down to the local store and buy myself a notebook and sit by the ocean and write for hours stories, letting my wildest imaginations come true onto the page. When I would get home, I would hide my notebooks in a little crevasse in our hardwood flooring. No one knew about my little secret hiding place. It was a private place for me and me only. Eve didn't even know my hiding place, and she has been a friend with me since young. Today is something I want to myself a place I can cherish.

"ahhh!" I stretched my arms out in pain while looking out onto the shore.

I thought to myself this is a start, a start to a new beginning and a new chapter in my life — the first chapter of my soon to be released book. I cannot wait to tell George. Oh, he will be so delighted, I'm finally pursuing my true passion. Mother and father won't be pleased, but I didn't care. The book and the way I am writing it is who I am, who I strive to be. Thank goodness George is so supportive I'm sure he will be delighted once he reads the first chapter. I want to come back tomorrow and get started on the next chapters of my book. I'm scared but excited. I have this feeling its a new start; it will be great, I'm sure.

read over the chapter that is finished, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome of it. It's a story trolling my view on my life., not how others want me to see it as. When I'm writing its so personal that I feel as though I'm writing a letter to myself. I cannot wait.

George is the love of my life a man I would call home. I met him at my families party they were having. Who knows what the party was for, all I knew is that when I met George, it was sure to change my life.

George arrived with my best friend eve. She met George at Harvard University. He was so handsome with his tux, and he was so frustrated that night as he just wanted to leave the party, and his anger and frustration made him even sexier

Later that night, he asked me to dance. As we danced, the night faded away into what felt like a dream. I know I was just a young girl, and things like that don't usually matter, and it's all only a girls fantasy, but this was different. 

The only thing about that night that no one knew except for myself is the fact that I kissed three different boys in my fathers garden at the back of the home we were staying at for that weekend. They all were handsome young sailors and of course because my father had money they all wanted to marry me for the wealth, so I lead them on to believe they ever had a chance and me being who I am I kissed them. I must say they weren't what I would call a good kiss, but it satisfied my cravings as a young teen. I knew that as a young girl if I wanted true romance I would feel butterflies in my stomach and my blood rushing all through my veins, and the only thing I felt was John Washingtons tongue down my throat. Disgusting! Someone really must start a class in school to teach people how to kiss.

Skip to one year later, George and I are an item, and we are in love. George's kisses are nothing I have ever felt in my life. The soft touching down my body, the biting of my bottom lip and the delicately touches against my body is something I have never felt with anybody in my whole life; you could say yes, I did feel butterflies. And oh, did I feel good.  

Sex is something most people don't talk about in Romeo and Juliet or Pride and Prejudice. Well yes, they may speak about it briefly, but I feel as though people are scared to go into great detail on what love feels like, and this is what it feels like. For me? I felt as though it was terrific. Yes, it wasn't the best thing I have felt in my whole life at first, but when the man is focused on making you feel good and pleasuring you but slowly touching down your body and kissing every square inch of your body, it feels as though you are in a whole other dimension.

The way he teases me, the way he laughs the way he touches me is something I have never felt with anyone. I know George was my first, but I did have other things done to me, and nothing felt as good as George did. I dream about George every night, touching me and making me feel his love.

If it weren't for my parents throwing that ridiculous party, I might have never met my match and my true love. I cannot wait to journal my journey with him. My dear George, how I love him so, he is a blessing.

"Wow." I thought to myself writing about George really makes me realise how much I love him. My heart beats faster when I'm writing about him. I love this boy and I cannot imagine my life without him its too painful.

Adeline as child loved to write as It said but she was scared people would judge her. Adeline will and has learnt that being herself and being happy is all that should matter in life.


I really enjoyed writing this part of the story. Funny enough my friend helped me with this whole part. We invented this game where we write down a bunch of random topics for stories in a document and they are numbered and then when we FaceTime or are together we do a number generator and whatever that number is we have 15minutes to write a story. In my case since i'm writing a story I decided to add to this story to make it better. So enjoy xx

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