Part Two.

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As we finished our first anniversary, we headed upstairs.

"Wow" I beamed at Adeline in her swimming costume.

Addy giggled as she stood in front of me. I swallowed so hard I felt the blood rush to my head and all around my body.

"Sorry, I was admiring the view in front of me."  

"Oh? sorry, I better move."

"Not the outside view. You are the view.

Leaning back onto the bed, I pull Addy down with me. Our lips met as we give each other smooth and gentle kisses. I took my time and savoured every bit of the moment. Her lips travelled through onto my neck, leaving a trail of kisses behind. A slight moan emerged from Addy's body. I ran my hands down her body, desperately needing to feel her bare skin underneath my fingertips. I took my hand and coiled it underneath her costume when I felt her skin I looked into her eyes, penetrating my soul I wanted more.

Moments after were what you would call enchanting we lay there clothed in each other's arms snug and warm. We knew from that moment we are destined.

Addy and I headed down to the beach. Her blood rushing crazily, she unbuttoned her bikini top.

"Are you crazy, Addy?"

"Why not? no one is watching."

Dropping her costume on my lap, she runs into the water. I stood there before I tore off my boxers and ran into the water with her. 

I cupped Addy's breasts underneath the water. 

"Are you cooled off now?"

Slowly rubbing my thumb over her nipples and kissing her neck. Addy groaned in delight.

"Oh, yes, I am."

Her legs wrapped around me, the waves are rocking our bodies together, causing us to press against each other.


"I never want this moment to end."

"Me too my love, me too."

My mother always said that if you want to know if you have real and mature love, you must ask these four questions to yourself:

1. Are we interested In the same things?

2. Do we feel at ease with each other?

3. Are we proud of each other?

4. Do we agree on simple things such as religion, marriage, children and money?

These questions are ringing in my head after the day that George and I had. I was sure it was love. We are interested in the same things such as swimming and dancing, we feel very at ease with each other, we are both incredibly proud of all the accomplishments, things that have happened in our lives and we have spoken about our religions, marriage, children and money. I guess this is true love as my mother would say. A love that completely sucked every bit of darkness from inside of me and lighted me up.

I still after one year of meeting George thank Eve forever introducing us, my life was dull and dark without him, and now that he is in my life I pray to God every day that this happiness I feel, and the laughter that comes from inside of me lasts. 

Oh, how mother was right, this sort of love doesn't come every day, this mature and beautiful love. 

Earlier when George and I were swimming. He placed his hand on my lower back, heart racing I was extremely aware of where this was going, and I was not hesitating. He softly and gently kissed my neck. I stopped and looked in George's eyes, dark but so inviting. As we sit on the beach, settling among the pebbles. George reaches for a loose hair from my bun and wraps it around my ear, his finger lingering and touching my cheek and slowly coming down.

I wonder if I ever were to meet his father how he would react? 

George's father and my father never were on good terms. In the past, both of them worked in the same lawsuit, and one of them didn't get paid more than the other, and that caused fury and rivalry between both of them. I wonder if our father's pasts were put behind them and if they were to accept George and I's relationship. 

Yes, I have not met George's family. We agreed that the best thing to do was wait till we were going to get serious as we felt it was best to wait and see what road our relationship heads down. But it's been a year, and we haven't met each other's parents. I would think the man should introduce his girl to his family first. I'm not going to introduce him to my family if his father doesn't accept me. I have a terrible feeling that he won't accept me, but it's worth a try.

As a young child, I had a lot of dramas in my household so as an escape I would write my soul out into this notebook my aunty gifted me and I would pour my imagination and worries out onto the pages. Pictures would play in my mind trying to find the right words to describe the feeling I was feeling. Every word and every sentence I spilt onto the page. On the day she started to write she turned ten years old and despite what was meant to be a joyous celebration the fighting in the other room was haunting her alas why she was writing in her notes book.

She wrote many stories for the times to come, and her father and her mother always warned as sometimes she would get caught in writing and blocked out the world around her, they informed her because she would cut out her life. Her father and mother enrolled her into university as they thought that would distract her from the writing and from that her dream to become a professional writer was gone. 

Knowing what was to come - the heartbreak , the pain and the tears shed knowing that their parents wouldn't accept them together- Will she take that chance and keep seeing George? - Will she risk all that is ahead of her. But we are getting ahead of the story now...

Author's Note:

Helloooo welcome to the second chapter of my soon to be story! 

Firstly I would like to thank you for coming this far into my story im so excited for what's to come and to be honest being able to write this much and express what I love is honestly amazing. Thank you for the continuous love and affection have been getting. I love you all.

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