Part Six.

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December 1937, New York City.

When I was six years old my grandmother on my father side was my best friend. We named her Ronny as that what she liked being called. Ronny's actual name was Ronda.  She was so lovely and the personality my father has is nothing compared to her. She is the most. amazing person. I knew unlike my father. I just don't understand it. 

I never met my grandfather. My grandfather died when my father was just six. Grandfather name was Addison. I'm actually named after my grandfather. Makes me feel proud to have such an honour of having his name for the rets of my days. Sometimes I feel as though he is there guiding me through life.

My grandfather was practically my carer right to when she got sick. My parents were never home and they tried to hire a nanny but I threw a tantrum as I only wanted to be looked after by my grandmother Ronny. I miss her dearly.

Ronny got sick in her 80's she fell ill with lung cancer. Some people are saying the cause is cigarettes but how can that be everyone is smoking them... how are we not as ill as grandmother? I though to myself. The main thing is she didn't suffer long but the pain of seeing her body slowly lose weight, coughing up blood all the time and the sound of her wheezing because she is unable to breathe took a toll on me. If I ever go through something like that, seeing a love one in pain the other half of my heart from what is left will take a toll on me and this time for good. Seeing someone you love so dearly and so much is incredibly painful. I'm sure I'm not the only one going through pain but in the moment are crying when you realise your loved one is truly gone this sudden blanket of fear and darkness wraps over you and you fall to the ground crying uncontrollably wishing the pain you are feeling would make God realise he is making an awful mistake and bring what he has taken back down onto the earth.

Days, months and years after my grandmother died I would call her phone waiting. for someone on the other side to. pick up and talk to me and every time I would call it would not go through. Thats when you truly know they are gone but for some reason for even just a little while you are in denial and you truly believe they are going to wake up and tell you it was all a lie and that they are just joking and hug you and kiss you and support you for the pain they have put you through. Of course they don't wake. You are left there helpless looking at the nursing staff taking away the body that once hugged you and said the words 'I love you' is now gone. Never to hug you, kiss you or walk the earth again.

One thing I believe in though was afterlife. I know that there is something out there for everyone andknowiyng that made me feel at peace with myself knowing that my grandmother would meet grandfather again in another life waiting to take her hand and start a whole new life together. I don't know what afterlife hold for me but if only I knew my grandfather and grandmother were happy of the place they have been put into.

'Pain is only temporary' is something my grandmother always reminded me. The moment she passed that quote came to my mind as though she put it in there. I think she wanted me to know that whatever happens from here on out everything will be okay. She will always be there and I truly believe that.Knowing that knew that the story I am wanting to release was a good idea. I'm sure grandmother would have love to have read the story I am writing.

 My grandmother as I spoke about died when I was still young. But before she died she went missing for over a month and no one knew where she went. It was the most horrible and surreal moment of my life.

I was sitting at home when the phone rang. when I picked up Johnny from the local police station picked up.

"Hello, Addy its Johnny."

"Hey, Johnny."

"Your grandmother has gone missing. Her neighbour has reported she hasn't been home for over two weeks."

I dropped the phone in disbelief. I can't believe it all the things she had said to me were true. She really was going to run away.

My grandmother had told me weeks earlier that she had an old love from when she was 16 and she had got sent a letter from him saying how he recently saw her in the paper for grandfathers funeral story and wanted to reach out. She mentioned it was destiny that he has written to her. In my mind thought it was just crazy silly things she was talking about I doubted she would ever leaver family and run off for some love she doesn't even know is true. For all we know he could be married to someone else and moved on. 

After almost a month of searching for her we found her in a near by cottage in the town of landform and she was staying there with her teenage love Abe. When we arrived at the home to come and collect her they were both sitting on the porch having some tea and catching up on lost years. Surely enough he was married with children with children but that didn't stop them from catching upon lost time. I guess seeing your first love after over 70 years can bring back a lot of memories and stories. The wife of Abe was oh so lovely she offered for grandmother to stay. the night as she had a spare bedroom. But I found it strange that she offered. Wasn't grandmother staying there for over a month?

After we took grandmother home she had given me the letter than Abe had given her.

"Have a read my child, relationships doesn't always last a lifetime but the love always is there."

To my dearest love Addy,

I read the article on your husband passing i'm so sorry for your loss. Im glad you found someone you could love and cherish after all the months of pain you must have gone through after what I put you through. Im sorry I ever hurt you. You were the one woman that saw me forth. I truly was.

I live on 21 Bathurst Street in a small white cottage with my wife. She has heard so much about you and would love to meet you one day. I told her about our wonderful journey and she finds it. amazing. I married the woman at the notebook store that you used to take me to. If it wasn't for you I might have never met my now wife. 

Everything that has happened in my life is all because of you. I have no one to thank but you. Even the amazing times we had together. will never be forgotten.

Kind regards,


wow I never realised how much this man loved her and how significant he was in her life. But i wonder what he meant when he said "Sorry for what I put you through". Makes me wonder if this man shaped grandmother to who she is today. Maybe her running away must have done her good.

She is back now and she is happier. That is all that matters.

Addy's grandmother will be a very significant person in this story so staying alert on everything that happens is a key thing. Knowing what's happening and listening to her grandmothers story will play a big part.


When I write I feel like I'm in a whole other dimension. Sometimes when I start to write I am not motivated but what I do is I set a timer for every 15 minutes and that way I get a break and I get more motivated as I have time to think and clear my head and get new and fun Ideas. Enjoy the next chapters.Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

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