Part Ten.

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Oh my goodness. The nervousness and the excitement. Becoming a published freaking author is amazing and you can make so much money. Honestly i think George is sick of hearing about how excited i am and how moving forward in my life with my career finally taking off is exciting.

George is still really getting on my nerves.  He hasn't spoken, reacted or even looked at me till he got here. He came to see me i get that so give me the attention. If we were to get married is this how i'm going to be treated like a slave or a maid in his life and if we were to have children, is he going to ignore the children when they have had a bad day.

Addy is a writer so i have decided i'm going to propose to her with writing her a letter to express my love to her and show her, in a way that i know she will love through a letter. 

The girl i met at the party, the most beautiful girl i have ever met, she has never left me. I want that girl to be right by my side for the rest of my life.  That girl has not ever once left my side. You are currently sitting next to me as i'm writing this. I know you think i'm angry with . you but in reality i'm the most nervous i have ever been in my life. Sitting next to you, looking at you i see you as my future. 

Sunday morning: It is 7 am and i get ready for the day. I see you roll over and pull me back into bed with a smile i say "Good morning beautiful". You had such a big smile on your face, you were excited about your book and i too was excited because you are happy and this is a new beginning for the both of us. 

This is an example of a morning that i love. Ones where i look over and you are beside me. I hope many more are to come.

I am forever proud of you. Even though sometimes things might be a little off, and we may have fights bur we always find ways to forgive each other and come back to each other. That is something that we are both blessed with, we are both so forgiving. Never forget your worth,  don't let other people push you down or manipulate you, you are better than all of them. You are my everything.  Someone i can talk to, all the time about anything and not be judged for anything i do. Even though sometimes what i do may be wrong instead of yelling at me you will tell me its wrong and to learn from my mistakes. You are someone i know i want to grow old with, have children with and start a life together as husband and wife. I want us to look back onto these moments and realise how much they should be cherished and to appreciate the strength our love hold. Someone i can watch come down the aisle in a white dress ready to start a life with me. We can recite things such as this and look back and see how far we have come. I love you.

I said to myself i feel like dressing up today. Why not, i am in a lovely mood and because George was being really disgustingly rude i decided i would put on my lingerie in front of him. Oh you're ignoring me for a whole day and now you want to touch me. No, go away.

My outfit choice for today:

My outfit choice for today:

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