Part Three.

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Adeline was always told to do things right, to never break the rules and never lie but after meeting George lying was the only solution. At 21 when she met George Josephine finally started writing again, although she knows that writing wouldn't bring her parents happiness it sure brought her plenty of happiness.

New York City, October 1938

His lips soft against mine, just as it always was as I pressed my hand against his chests, I felt his heart beating faster and faster.


Adeline was daydreaming... I thought myself I should check the mail I haven't checked it in a while, and I know mother and father will be mad if I don't.

I pull out a letter reading:


To my dearest soul,

Even in bed, I yearn for the nectar of your skin, my love and my all. You will know my faithfulness to you; I love you so. O' my how I miss you. Why must I go far for weeks to my work trip. I don't want to miss not even one single minute without you. Your love made me the happiest person alive and the saddest as now I have to leave you for a short while - can I love without you? - Every day, my love, I will be looking up into the bright moon as I will think we are both looking at this same moon. My angel, I hear your wings daily fluttering in my ear, the crying of your soul. I miss you, my love, I'll be home soon.

And as Beethoven said from your immortal beloved...

Every thine.

Every mine.

Ever ours.

From your love,


Oh, how my heart stopped. 

A particular moment had come to Adeline's mind when she had read George's letter. 

When out at the lake down at Drew Street, they were strolling down the water side when George and smiled with his lopsided cute grin that she has grown to love that smile of his. 

"You know that I love you, don't you?" he said, with a look within his eyes with hope. The blonde in his hair and the colour of his eyes brighter and more gorgeous than she had ever seen them before. The brightness warmed her heart. 

"I love you too George."

This was the day she had dreamed of when she was a child. It all felt surreal.

Every time she thought of this moment, she also remembered their first kiss. Months before the 'I love you' when she was working at home writing In her notebook after having a hard day, she was cleaning up her room when she turned in confusion as her bedroom door slowly opened, there he was, a handsome and friendly man, her boyfriend. Before she knew It hours passed of them talking about the future, dreams and their fears. After George and Adeline stopped speaking, he told her to be brave and strong. Then their lips touched, soft and gentle. Adeline's first kiss. Addy knew from that kiss; this is something she wanted. Addy knew this was to work.

As Adeline stood in her bedroom after he snuck out she was ultimately in another world, the incredible memory in her brain forever, her first kiss taken by George Morrison.

Adeline's father stormed in to find her writing and twirling around her room. 

"Writing? In a notebook?" he reached for the book in her hand, she swatted her father's hand away from her book.

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