『2』 A weird encounter

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A cold tear was rolling down my warm cheek yet again as it stopped at my jawline and then fell to the ground. The last time I cried had been a few days ago. I wiped the tear away, that was caused by my dad's behavior. I felt so ridiculous and pathetic for still shedding tears. Shouldn't I have accepted my fate after all these years?

I felt a bit safer now that I had locked my door again and sat on my bed. It wasn't the most comfortable one, because we couldn't afford anything better, but I was used to it.

It was about time I visited the alley like every night. I stood up and made my way to the window and did everything as always.
The stars were shining in the darkness and illuminated the street along with some flickering street lights. The air was a bit fresher than inside and a soft, cold breeze hit my body.

I instantly felt more relaxed. I knew every day that for that moment everything would be okay. I'd have that one moment to myself.

I entered my alley and thought about my new drawing. When I finally came up with something I closed my (E/C) eyes and concentrated on my imagination and picture on my mind. My fingertips touched the cold wall gently at the spot where last night's drawing was and activated my quirk as my hand began glowing slightly.

I had just finished when suddenly a deep, calm voice appeared. "So, you're the one drawing them! I wouldn't have expected it to be a pretty little lady like yourself."
My head snapped to the voice's direction in surprise to see who was talking.

"Wh-Who's there?" My voice was shaking. It's not like I've never run into anybody in the alley, but it was really rare and on top of that, creepy. I don't expect the most trustworthy people to hang around in a lonely dark alley. Especially in this neighborhood.

A young man stepped out of the shadows into the light, so I could see him. His hair was spiky and dark, and his eyes were a piercing turquoise colour, but most eye-catching was something else: his scars. His skin looked like it was burned in some parts, but not accidentally at all. It looked like a pattern....like it was a decoration....And all the staples holding the skin in place and piercings just added to my theory.

But what the heck does that guy want from me?!
Nothing came out of my mouth though, except for my warm breath as I attempted to answer. I was just so speechless at his sudden appearance.

"What is it?" He asked bored. "Are you mute?"

What?! I had already said something, so-

"N-No. I-" I stammered out an answer but was cut off by the mysterious guy again. "Oh, so you can talk." His voice was fake surprised.

I know this wasn't really a place known for polite people, but his sass was starting to piss me off. Right when I was finally able to answer properly and about to sass back at him, my attempt to talk was interrupted by a familiar voice in the distance....A deep, drunk voice.

"(Y/N), where did you run off to again! Come home!" I jumped and turned my head in shock as my eyes widened. I had to stay quiet and unnoticed, because if dad knew my only place of peace, it wouldn't be a place of peace anymore. Luckily, he never attempted to look for me, because he never left our apartment....

"(Y/N), huh? ....Is that your father?" The man near me spoke again. I turned my head again to look at him. Honestly, I didn't want to answer his question, because of two reasons: First of all, he's a stranger and kinda creepy, so I wouldn't really want him to know stuff about me. Second, I wouldn't want people in general to know my father is an alcoholic...

I lowered my gaze to the ground to avoid eye contact with sadness gleaming in my (E/C) eyes as my feet suddenly seemed incredibly interesting.

A moment passed in complete silence and it almost seemed like time froze. I then looked up again, because of a heavy sigh from 'Mr. I'm-super-dramatic-and-mysterious'.

"No answer usually means yes..."he said with a little chuckle in his tone. I blushed in embarrassment and turned my body around completely, partially to hide my red face, and huffed in a pissed manner. I had enough of his behavior, so I peeked around the corner of the block to look up at our balcony to see if the coast was clear.

"Wait, where are you-" The voice behind me spoke, but I didn't let him finish. Instead I rushed off to get back to my room.

He saw right through me. I'm so pathetic. My life is pathetic. Why was he so interested in it though?

I somehow had the feeling it wouldn't be the last time we encountered.

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