『11』 A secret or an act

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After the last bell rang I collected my belongings. Before I could even think about leaving, I was asked from every direction if I wanted to go to the station together, but I could feel Bakugo's glare resting on my figure. I would have declined their offers anyways.

I came up with an excuse real quick. "Sorry, guys. I still have to pick up some papers from the secretary and-" That won't do. They could just come along. "I also have another appointment to go to."

"Aw, what a shame..." Uraraka sulked and left it at that. Good.

I left the room and made my way to wait at the school gate. Bakugo and his squad came into view soon and I tried to hide. I can't be seen just standing around here after just saying I don't have time. A few parked cars nearby seemed to do the trick for a hiding spot.

As my classmates turned the corner, Bakugo stopped in his steps. When the others noticed they did so too.

"Hey, Bro! What's up? You comin'?" Kirishima asked confused.

"I have something to do. Go without me today." He briefly explained.

"Really? Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

"None of your fucking business! Now fuck off!" The explosive blonde cussed.

"Whatever you say, bro." The redhead shrugged him off, not even being bothered by Bakugo's unpleasant choice of words. I guess they're used to it by now.

After our classmates were at a good distance, I came out of my hiding spot behind a parked car.

"You sure are nice to your friends." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, shut it! Let's go!" He commanded, trying to cover up the fact he was startled for a second from me coming out of nowhere as he turned to leave. I followed up close behind him.

"Where did you plan on going?" I asked. He didn't really specify anything earlier.

"Getting a coffee. I need something to calm my nerves after having to listen to those extras all day."

"Wow, you're even more antisocial than I thought... But yeah, you're not wrong. People are bitches..."

"Damn, in school you act all cutesy, friendly and obnoxiously social and now here you are, telling me about how humanity sucks." He chuckled smugly.

We arrived at a café downtown and entered it. A few people were sitting at their tables, some alone, some in small groups, eating and drinking coffee.

We sat at a table in a small corner of the café, keeping our conversation going, only briefly pausing it to order two cups of coffee.

"So, why the heck do you even bother to act all sociable?" he asked, getting straight to the point of our meet-up.

"Well, I'm still not really sure if I can trust you or not..."

"What! Why?! You fucking said you'd tell me!?"

"Wow...not even making an effort to make me trust you... yelling at me sure is convincing..." I said sarcastically, unimpressed by his threatening aura.

"Oh, fuck you!" he low-key admitted defeat.

"I guess you do have a point though... I said I would tell you..."

"See!" he grumbled.

"Okay, first of all, tell me what you know about Izuku."

"What does the damn nerd have to do with this?"

"Just tell!" I demanded annoyed.

"Well, he's a fucking whiney bitch."

"Anything about his quirk?"

"Well, he used to be a quirkless weakling up until the entrance exam of U.A.! Out of nowhere, he suddenly had a quirk that was strong enough to let him enter U.A. even though he's breaking all of his bones all the time. He's freaking useless."

"Did you ever question where he suddenly got a quirk from?"

"Ugh, why the fuck do I even have to answer these stupid questions? I thought you were supposed to answer my question." He complained annoyed.

"I need to know how much I can tell you. Now answer!" I demanded yet again.

"I'm not sure why that bastard suddenly had a quirk! At first, I thought he just kept it a secret all those years and looked down on me... I still don't know if this was what happened, but it's pissing me off!"

"What makes you doubt this? Are you saying there could be another explanation?" I really hope I can get somewhere with my questions...

"Well, he told me something, but I sure as hell won't tell you!"

"Why not?" I asked, interested. Now we're getting somewhere.

"Because it's obviously a secret! And not only Deku seems to be involved. I don't know a lot about it, but I'm trying to figure the whole thing out at the moment. I only have vague suspicions."

"Unexpectedly responsible of you to respect his secret." I gave him a reassuring smile. "This proves Izuku told you about it, even if he didn't go into detail. And you're figuring out the truth. I know the whole truth about his quirk, and I can tell you everything."

"What!? How do you know?!"

"Well, I'm gonna tell you a secret now. I trust that you will responsibly handle my secret too, just like Izuku's." I said in an almost threatening tone as I kept smiling. He nodded annoyed, being an impatient brat as expected of him. "Izuku got the quirk from All Might. I know that for a fact, because I'm All Might's niece and I fucking hate Izuku."

He just gave me a blank wide-eyed stare as he seemed speechless. I guess it kinda went from 0 to 100 unexpectedly.

"HUH!?" he suddenly screamed.

"SHHHH-!" I slammed my palm over his mouth to make him shut up. Good thing there weren't too many people in the café...

"And you fucking expect me to believe that?!" He whisper—yelled.

"Didn't I prove it by telling you something only someone close to him would now?!" I countered in the same tone.

"Now that I think about it, that would explain why he wanted to talk to you today during lunch break..." He said, having calmed down a little and being more rational.


"But that doesn't explain why you hate Deku."

"Well, you see, I'm really pissed off my uncle decided to give his quirk to that crybaby instead of me! Now I'm forced to go to this school and watch an incapable weakling train the quirk I was supposed to have!"

"I get that! I'd be really pissed off at that too. Wait-I am really pissed off at that too." He realized after letting it sink in. "I was literally right next to Deku the day he encountered All Might. I was right there in comparison and he gave his quirk to a weakling instead of me, who was already way stronger than Deku?!"

We kept talking about how we disapproved of All Might's decision as a waiter brought over our order.

"But if you feel that way, why do you hide it? Why that stupid act?" Bakugo then asked.

Shit. I couldn't tell Bakugo I do it, so he would ask me about it and exactly this conversation happens to gain his trust... Thank god I'm good at improvising.

"To be honest, after being disappointed by my uncle like that, I don't really want to go to U.A. anymore, but I'm kinda forced to. I figured I have nothing to lose, so might as well use the time to make Izuku suffer and the best way to do that is stabbing him in the back." I said smugly.

"What's the big idea? Get a knife then." The blonde looked at me like I was stupid.

I facepalmed. "Metaphorically stabbing him in the back, you moron... I'm gonna gain his trust and betray him afterwards."

He seemed to understand now and smirked maliciously, aside from being pissed off at me insulting him. I guess he approved of my plan though. If only he knew that was exactly what was going to happen to him...

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