『19』 An intense moment

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"So, what do you think?" I asked Toga as I awkwardly stood in front of my bed, my right hand rubbing my left arm in an attempt to comfort myself. I was wearing my new black bikini and the way I presented it reminded me of the moment I showed it to Mina and Baku- I mean Katsuki in the mall. I didn't think it would come in handy so early though, but today I got a text from one of my classmates informing me that the class was planning to meet up at the school's pool. Unlike the other girls I didn't have a school swimsuit, so I was lucky I recently bought a bikini.

I still felt slightly uncomfortable exposing so much skin though, so I asked Toga for her opinion on it.

"You look good in it, (Y/N)." Toga complimented after looking me over for a while. "But you should work on wearing it with more confidence. You look super awkward." She giggled, making me pout slightly and turn my face away with a huff. Did she really think I didn't notice how awkward I was myself?!

"Of course I'm awkward! I haven't worn a bikini in more than ten years! I'm not used to all this!" I defended my behavior.

"Oh, right." The girl remembered. "You were super poor, right? You said you couldn't even afford anything but tab water to drink." She mindlessly asked, not even considering the idea that I could be uncomfortable with the topic, which was— fortunately for her— not entirely the case.

"Yeah, we didn't have much money after my dad stopped working when mom died." I sheepishly told her, rubbing the back of my neck and looking in a random corner of the room to avoid eye contact. This wasn't really something I was proud of. Though I got more comfortable with talking about this topic over time.

"How does that work tho? Didn't you say that your mom died about ten years ago? How weren't you homeless without a source of money?" Toga mused, trying to connect the pieces of information.

"Well, we did have a source of income." I corrected her previous assumption. She shot me a questioning glance as if asking me to explain. "The first few years, we lived of the family savings and that worked for a while as long as we didn't spend too much at a time. We even moved into that filthy apartment because the rent was cheap. Eventually though— I think it was around the time I turned twelve— the savings were almost used up. My father didn't notice, of course. He would have spent every last yen until we were homeless. I started practicing how to create money with my quirk to stock up on the savings to keep us off the streets."

Toga looked at me a little dumbfounded. "If you could just make money, why were you even poor in the first place?! You could've bought everything you want." She said as her grin grew wider and her eyes sparkled as she probably imagined all the great things to buy.

"And then become my father's convenient money machine? No, thank you." I cut her trip to the imaginary buy-everything-you-want world short as I drop my body on the bed behind me to sit down comfortably. "I had to do that in secret so my father wouldn't use me. That's why I refrained from using my quirk much in general. Also- " I elaborated. "- my father would have made me buy so much expensive stuff, it would have ruined the economy. Remember 1920s Germany?"

A sigh of disappointment left her lips. "Y'know, you're way too responsible and smart for your age. Especially for back then when you were twelve. What twelve-year-old knows what happened in the 1920s in Germany?"

"A hard-working twelve-year-old." I simply answered her rhetorical question before the both of us started laughing and a light atmosphere replaced the slight tension caused by the previous serious topic.

Though the newfound atmosphere didn't last long as it was interrupted by a knock on the wooden door. Toga and I shared a questioning and almost surprised glance— even though a knock on the door isn't something out of the ordinary— before I tore my eyes away from her golden ones and let my gaze rest on the door. "Yeah?" my roommate signaled the person to come in.

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