『7』 Long time no see

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After Shigaraki agreed to let me join, everyone seemed content with his decision. I was super relieved and happy. People seem to welcome me here. They don't even really know me yet, but they're still happy to have me join the league...Why were they so nice and welcoming?

"Let's celebrate with some food!" Toga suggested. "Great idea! What do we have, Kurogiri?" the magician guy said. Wait...I don't know their names yet!

"Sure guys, but could you tell me your names real quick?" I asked. "I know you're Toga." I pointed at the blond girl. "and you are Shigaraki!" I moved my finger to point at the leader. "Oh, and you're Kurogiri." I secretly smiled at the bartender.

"Oh right! We didn't introduce ourselves yet!" The one in the Deadpool costume realized too. "I'm Twice!"

"My name is Mr. Compress. Pleasure to meet you." The magician guy introduced himself with a bow as he took off his hat.

"Name's Spinner." The teenage mutant ninja turtle said, right before taking a sip of his drink.

"The other members of the league aren't here at the time, but you will meet them soon enough." Dabi informed me.

"Excuse my interruption, " Kurogiri spoke. "We don't seem to have much food left. Who's turn is it to go grocery shopping?"

"I could go!" I volunteered. "I'm doing it all the time and besides, we want to celebrate that I joined, so I want to help."

"Oh, I'm coming with you then." Toga decided, grinning widely. "Then we can get to know each other. You know, girl power and stuff."

"Sure! But are you on any wanted lists? I mean, I can't be recognized yet."

"Don't worry. I haven't been here for too long either. Most of us joined during the time of the crimes of Stain." She brushed it off and with that, she took ahold of my wrist and tugged me along with her to the door as she ignored Spinner starting a monologue about Stain.

When we stepped outside, I noticed the hideout was quite centered in the city. I didn't know the area too well, because I almost never left our neighborhood. We had a store there and that was enough for my father to buy beer.

I just followed Toga and we talked a little to get to know each other. In the store, I was allowed to pick out all the food I always wanted to try. Best day ever!

After we were done, I asked if we wanted to take a walk. I really enjoyed the freedom I haven't felt in a long time and I also enjoyed Toga's company. She agreed, but we had to drop off the groceries first.

"Okay, so where do you want to go?" She asked me after we briefly stopped by the hideout.

"I dunno. Somewhere pretty, maybe not too crowded..." I suggested.

"Then how about the beach!"

"Last time I went there, it was loaded with trash..." I hesitated.

"Well, a few months ago, someone cleaned it...."

"Okay, then sure!" I agreed, and she led the way to the beach.

When we arrived, there was almost no one there. My eyes widened in excitement. Who knew under all that trash was such a beautiful place! I walked faster, started running and span around. I was practically dancing around as my hair and clothes were flowing with my movements and the soft wind, gently brushing my skin.

"Toga! You didn't say it was that pretty!" I yelled cheerfully and turned around to look at her, but the girl I was expecting to see was nowhere to be found. What?! Where is she?! She was there just a moment ago!

"Toga?" I said confused. No answer. "Toga?!" I screamed louder. What am I supposed to do if I don't find her?!

"TOGA!" I continued looking for her, but it was no use. I ran along the empty beach trying to find her. Where did she go?! I can't leave without her! I wouldn't even know the way back either!

Eventually I saw two people in the distance. I could make out one to be a tall man and the other a teenage boy. As I came closer I recognized the man. I didn't really look forward to meeting him again, but it was no use. Maybe they had seen her, so I ran up to them.

I stopped in front of them and took a second to catch my breath, panting heavily from running.

"Uhm...can we help you?" the green-haired boy asked.

"Yes actually. I was here with my friend. I didn't look for a second and then she was gone. Have you seen her?"

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" The man then asked in disbelief.

"You know her, All Might?" the boy asked.

"Yeah, I do. Haven't seen you in a long time. You're so grown up!"

"Yeah...10 years to be exact. You could have shown up once in a while." I chuckled jokingly, but deep down I was actually dead serious. If he had checked up on me at least once, he would have noticed what my father made our lives become.

The boy just stood there confused.

"And who are you?" I asked him with a smile.

"Ah! I'm Izuku Midoriya." He stuttered nervously.

        ――――     ❈     ――――        

"Ah! I'm Izuku Midoriya." I introduced myself.

All Might spoke up again. "He's my successor."

"All Might-!!" I stuttered out in shock. What!? Why would he just tell her?! This is one of the biggest secrets!! Does she have a mind manipulating quirk or something!? He would never just tell that to anyone.

"Oh..." She said unfazed. "So we're practically cousins..."

"Wh-wha-?" "THERE SHE IS!!" the girl cut me off and ran into the direction of a blond girl. Probably her friend that she mentioned earlier.

"I have to go! Bye!" She screamed back to us and waved as she left with her friend. I was just confused. Cousins?

"All Might?" I asked, awaiting an explanation.

He sighed. "That was my niece, (Y/N). Don't worry, she knows about One for All...I'm just glad she's doing fine."

"Your niece? Well, that explains a lot...But why did she say we're cousins? We're not related." I said, being the usual blushing mess I am. Did she lowkey say I'm All Might's son?!

"Sorry about that! She can be pretty straight forward sometimes." He apologized sheepishly, seemingly trying to suppress his own flustering. "But please don't tell anyone that I have family! I don't want the events from ten years ago to repeat themselves...!"

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