『4』 The hideout

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Where the heck am I?!

The room was dimly lit by a few lamps but no sunlight. Seems like there were no windows, at least I haven't seen any. Other than the leather couch me and my kidnapper landed on, there were a few more sofas, armchairs, a few small tables and chairs. A little further in the room was a counter. A bar counter with bar stools aligned alongside it. There was something....uhm... someone standing behind it cleaning a wine glass until it was sparkling. His head was surrounded by what seemed to be that purple mist from a moment ago.

But how is this possible?! I don't think under my balcony is a freaking bar!? Oh, yeah, I forgot: This is a freaking superhuman society! My bad.

"How long did you plan on staring at the bar stool?" the man beside me asked, bringing me back into reality.

"Oh, yeah, uhm, quick question: Who the fuck are you and where the fuck am I?!" I asked loudly. I slid off his shoulder and sat down on the couch.

A heavy sigh was heard from the person behind the counter. "Dabi, haven't I told you to talk to her about it before bringing her here. She doesn't even know your name?"

"Well, I told her to pack some stuff..." he shrugged, while the other male was just shaking his head in disappointment. "This was your idea, so explain it to her now. You actually should have done it before jumping off her balcony with her. She must have been terrified."

"Yes, I would appreciate an explanation!" I claimed. I just finally wanted to know what's going on here.

"Alright...so I am Dabi and this is Kurogiri. We are members of the League of Villains, I'm sure you've heard of us. This is our hideout and we got here through one of Kurogiri's portals." Dabi explained.

"Ok, but why?" I asked confused.

"I wanted to help you get away from your father, because he seems like an asshole..."he explained further.

"It was Dabi's idea and he asked me to help him. We won't force you to stay here. You can return home if you'd like." Kurogiri added.

"And what if I decided to leave, but actually go to the police to report you." I smirked.

The men looked at each other a little shocked. "I didn't expect that. Though you wouldn't really have much to report if you don't know where the hideout is."

"Don't worry. I was just kidding anyways. I guess anything is better than returning to my dad. I wanted to get away from him for so long already! " I said with a little awkward chuckle in my tone. "My name is (Y/N) by the way."

They looked at me with surprised expressions. "You decided that quickly."

"Yeah well, as I said, it's not a hard decision." I shrugged as a bead of sweat rolled down my face and I smiled nervously. Dabi leaned a bit closer to the other man, while still looking at me and put his hand beside his mouth to hide it from my sight. "She's weird." he whispered, but Kurogiri just brushed him off.

"Ok, so does that mean you're joining the league?" the male with the teleporting quirk wanted to know.

"Yeah, sure I guess." I answered in a now happier tone as I gave them a closed eyed smile.

"Uhm, ok, we will handle all the formalities with Shigaraki tomorrow. It's pretty late already, so everyone is in bed ...you should go too. Dabi, we don't have any empty rooms and she isn't officially a member yet, so we can't wake up Toga for it. Would you mind sharing your room with (Y/N) for the night? " Kurogiri explained and asked.

"No problem..." he answered. Then the male, that was clearly managing the whole situation, turned to me as if asking for my answer to his question. I hesitated "....uhm....okay, fine by me too..." If I had to...

With that, we called it a night and I adjusted my backpack, that almost fell off my back during the jump, which I had just noticed. We stood up from the leather couch we were sitting on as I followed Dabi to his room after wishing Kurogiri a good night.

We walked through an empty dark hallway with very few doors in complete silence. It was a bit cold there and it just seemed really lifeless. After going up a staircase we entered another hallway, but this one wasn't as creepy. This one had many doors, so I guess most members of the league have their rooms here.

Almost at the end of the hallway, the man in front of me stopped and turned to a door as he turned the knob to open it. "We're here." he informed me in a hushed tone to not wake anyone up. He gestured his hand to command me to enter the room. I stepped inside and was followed by him as he quietly closed the door behind him again.

My eyes scanned the room. It was dark here too, but my eyes had already adjusted to darkness. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room and a few shelves on the walls. Some stuff was laying around on the floor messily here and there. It wasn't cold like in the hallways, it was nice and warm. The room had one small window with old red curtains hiding it and the walls were a plain grey.

I took off my backpack and set it on the ground with a thud. A little hesitant I took slow steps towards the bed and sat down on the edge.

What have I gotten myself into?

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