『6』 The next morning

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I peeked around the corner as a cold shiver ran down my spine. A shadow rose over my figure as I stared up at the huge scary form in front of me in fear as my eyes widened. It glared down at me with its glowing red eyes and narrowed brows as it stared growling, while I was just frozen in fear.

Everything started spinning and all my senses started blurring. I could feel myself loose my balance as the last thing I heard was a very deep, angry voice screaming "GET LOST OR DIE! YOU CAN'T JOIN!"

I panicked and wanted to scream, but instead I hit the ground hard as I fell off the bed I had slept in. I groaned in pain and rubbed my head.

Was it just a nightmare?! Thank god! I thought I was going to die!

Then I heard a sleepy groan from the person on the bed. "Be quiet and let me sleep!" he demanded still half asleep.

"I wasn't even that loud." I mumbled, defending myself as I rubbed my lower back to soothe the pain. I got up and sat on the bed rubbing my eyes tiredly. "What's the time...?" Dabi yawned. "I dunno. Do you have a clock somewhere?" I looked around, but he had already looked at the time on the alarm clock next to the bed.

"Fuck...we have to get up now!" he said annoyed as he rolled back into the sheets, not wanting to. I sighed as I got up and grabbed my backpack. "The bathroom's mine first then I guess!" I claimed and approached what seemed to be the door to the bathroom, shutting it behind me before he could even reply.

―――― ❈ ――――

We walked through the hallways again, but they weren't as dark as last night. I felt my heart pounding faster in my chest as I started sweating remembering my nightmare. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It will be fine!

Dabi stopped and turned to me. "Stop worrying too much!" he said like he could read my mind. I hesitantly nodded as we continued walking to the bar room.

When we arrived, I stayed behind Dabi and that seemed to be effective to hide, since he was a lot taller than me. The room was filled with people. There was a girl with a grin on her face, which showed her fangs. She had beautiful golden eyes and a messy bun of her blond strands on each side of her head as well as straight bangs.

I was relieved to see there was another girl here and she even seemed around my age as well. Kurogiri had mentioned a female named Toga yesterday, so I'm guessing that could be her.

Then there also was a teenage mutant ninja turtle and someone in a Deadpool costume. At least they reminded me of that. Next to them was a magician with a weird mask.

Then there was this guy with very pale skin and messy blue hair. There was a hand stuck on his face and his crimson eyes were framed by the fingers. These eyes....were just like in my nightmare!

No-one seemed to have noticed our arrival yet, but I was still nervous as hell. Then I saw Kurogiri standing behind the bar counter. He turned his attention away from cleaning the whisky glass and looked into our direction. I peeked out from behind Dabi to show the bartender my good-morning-smile, which turned out to be a bad idea, because the walking face palm had noticed us in exactly that moment.

"And who might that be?" he asked in a raspy, almost warning tone and approached us. I tensed up and warily took a step forward to cling to Dabi's back.

The raven-haired male stood in front of me protectively, while still keeping up his calm and unbothered demeanor. The other man glanced at Dabi, more or less surprised. "Dabi! Explain yourself!!"

I felt all eyes on me now in curiosity. Toga screeched in delight. "Another girl!! She's cute! Can she stay, pleeeaaase?"

"Oi Dabi, have you gotten yourself a girlfriend?" the teenage mutant ninja turtle asked laughing. Despite being intimidated by all those people, who I knew nothing about other than they didn't follow laws which practically put me in danger, my stupid self blushed. The hand dude gave them a death glare to make them shut up and turned his attention back to Dabi and me, still awaiting an explanation.

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