『16』 Too kind to be a villain

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"Hey, (Y/N). Is something bothering you?" Toga's voice spoke as I lay on my bed silently, staring at the ceiling. The thing about the mission just didn't want to leave me alone as I kept thinking about how guilty I felt.

"It's nothing." I lied. Even though I loved Toga, I couldn't tell her about the struggles I had. I couldn't tell her I felt bad for my targets. Heck, theoretically, I needed to be fine with killing them!

"It's about the mission, isn't it?" she laughed, seeing right through me.

"N-No!" I uttered, rolling over onto my side as she just kept grinning at me from her bed after she rolled onto her stomach, swinging her legs back and forth behind her.

"That's a definite yes."

"......how'd you know?" I mumbled while sulking a little as I turned my face away, letting my gaze land on the framed picture of me and my mom on my bedside table.

"You always make that face when you're concerned about something. Like for example when we leave for other missions." She smirked and giggled in her usual demeanor.


"Yeah, but I don't blame you for worrying. After all, your mission will be at its end soon and we'll get to the final stage of the plan. I can't wait until I can finally take part in that mission too!" She sang. "So, what was it that's bothering you?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just didn't manage to follow Dabi's advice and I just hope it won't be a problem..." I answered vaguely, hoping she would finally drop the topic.

"Talk to him about it then. He'll probably have a plan B if it was so important." The girl suggested.

Should I talk to Dabi about it? Should I tell him the truth?

"You're probably right." I sighed as I got up from my bed and made my way out of our shared room, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hallway to its end until I reached Dabi's door.

I still remember my first night here. I stayed over in his room that time. We had a long conversation too.

My knuckles made a knock sound against the wooden door as I was hoping he would be there.

A muffled "Who is it?" through the door was my signal to open it and step inside. "It's me." I answered as I saw him sitting on his bed, which was messily covered in different papers.

"Oh, my pretty little student is visiting me." He smirked as his turquoise eyes locked with mine.

I smiled and shook my head playfully. "Stop calling me that. We're done with the training, so I'm no longer your student."

"We're never done with training, sweetheart." He corrected me as I shut the door behind me. "So, what are you here for?"

"Well, something was bothering me, so Toga told me to talk to you about it." I said, rubbing the back of my neck as a pearl of sweat ran down my face. I slowly approached his bed while trying to figure out how to word the issue. I sat down on the edge of the bed, avoiding eye contact with Dabi.

How do I tell him I feel empathy for our enemies? That's literally the opposite of what villains are supposed to do. He'll be so disappointed in me! I can't tell him! Am I too kind to be a villain?

Suddenly, my gaze landed on one of the papers on the bed. The big bold word 'MISSING' left me no time to wonder what it was. Why was Dabi looking at missing reports? Come to think of it, did my father even report me missing? If he did, the mission could be at risk!

"What is it then?" the man's husky voice brought me back from my daze as I started talking without thinking. "What a coincidence. I wanted to ask you if you knew if I was reported missing." I lied in a calm tone that made it believable. Funny how I became so good at lying and improvising, huh.

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