『12』 Lost in memories

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Wearing U.A.'s P.E. uniform felt weird. Not the feeling of the clothes themselves but rather the feeling of unity it provided. Though I was part of the class, only I knew how out of place I was in the back of my mind.

Aside from that, it's been a while since I've been part of a class. I've been to primary school, of course. It was at the end of sixth grade that my dad should have signed me up for the next school, but to no-one's surprise, he didn't.

Therefore, I didn't go to school since then, but I realized I couldn't go through life without an education. I wouldn't let this asshole of a father keep me in that hellhole forever.

I didn't have a phone to take online classes or ask someone for help, so I had to find another way. There were some other kids in my neighborhood- there was a boy that I think was a little older than me. I would occasionally see him on another balcony of our building, to be specific the one right next to ours. His dark strands moved softly in the wind and his overall aura told me he was exhausted. He'd often just stand on his balcony and stare into the sky- actions that seemed awfully familiar to me. He'd only turn to leave when loud voices called for him. "Meyoku!" they screamed in an aggressive tone. I had a vague idea of what that could mean for him. Though I really wanted to talk to him instead of just admiring him from afar, I was too shy to actually do it.

One time, I overcame my shyness and talked to him. I asked if he had old school books he could lend me. I think I stuttered a lot and nervously fidgeted with my fingers behind my back. To this day, I still remember his understanding smile and the sparkling kindness in his eyes. His eyes were really beautiful. One was a light green, a quite cool hue and the light reflecting in it made it look like a pure emerald. The other one was the complete opposite- it was a dull and dark grey tone and I was sure if I stared into it for too long, I'd feel like being sucked into an abyss of darkness. And even with those extreme opposites, they had one thing in common. The kindness and warmth they reflected.

Anyone in this neighborhood had a reason to be in that stinky, filthy place- he and I both knew that very well. He probably could guess what my situation was, so without asking any questions he let me borrow his old school books, so I could read and learn them. I always tried my best to understand everything, so even though I don't officially have an education, I can still say I'm as smart as everyone else.

I wish I could have talked to Meyoku more, but on the rare occasion that I could, we would only have the time to exchange books, before my dad would notice. I didn't even want to imagine what his reaction could be. I was sure it wouldn't be a rational one though.

It wasn't only my dad that could be dangerous if he found out, but also the boyfriend of Meyoku's sister. Him and her were on drugs most of the time, but due to the guy's aggressive nature, the drugs didn't even have a relaxing effect on him. So, Meyoku was stuck with his druggie sister and her aggressive boyfriend.

Then one day about two years ago, instead of giving me only a few books, he handed me a huge stack of them. He ignored my questioning glance and just waved his hand once with a simple but meaningful 'goodbye'. At the time I thought it was odd since he never said that to me. Every time he had to go, he'd just give me a quick nod, knowing I'd understand everything he meant by it. Though as time passed I got to understand his unusual actions, because that day was the last time I ever saw him.

But I shouldn't stay lost in memories now. I had a mission to concentrate on. Today was the practical part of the first term final exams, but I wasn't going to take part of course. I've only been in the class for a few weeks after all. But what I did take part in was the warm-ups.

Oddly enough, it was completely normal for them to have a one-on-one fight to warm up, even though they were going to fight during the exam as well. Wouldn't it be smarter to store their energy?

Anyways, I thought I'd take part in the warm-ups, because I could estimate the capabilities of the one I was up against better later on. Maybe I should have picked Izuku to fight, so Bakugo would see I wanted to fight 'the damn nerd', but I decided to put the mission in the back of my mind for a second.

I personally really wanted to fight Todoroki. There was just something about him that caught my interest. I wasn't sure if it was his quirk, or maybe his general aura. Perhaps it was the fact that he's the son of the number 2 top hero.

Or maybe it was just the deep ocean-blue hue of his left eye that attracted my interest since it seemed so awfully familiar to me.

Hey guys^^
This chapter contains a new character and as always, new characters get a sketch, so you guys have a better picture in mind. So here you go.

Edit, February 2021: So, after initially having a sketch here and then an app generated picture for a while, here is an actual full on illustration of him. Hope you like it ^^

In his first design, his eye was supposed to be a really light blue that looked almost like a diamond instead of the green one,but I realized that he would resemble Todoroki too much

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In his first design, his eye was supposed to be a really light blue that looked almost like a diamond instead of the green one,but I realized that he would resemble Todoroki too much... and in combination with his dark hair... You would have definitely thought he was related to Todoroki or he would look too similar to Dabi. He looked so hot tho- ngl T^T
I think I know my type now.

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