Preface & Prologue

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Hey there ( ͡°ω ͡°)

Welcome to this fanfiction. Before you start into the story, please read the following disclaimers.


- English isn't my native language, so errors are bound to happen. Feel free to correct me if I misspell anything or my grammar sucks. Constructive criticism is always highly appreciated in general.

- The story won't follow the exact storyline of the original BNHA series. I try my best to keep the timeline though, but minor changes can't be avoided.

- This book is intended for a female audience, but feel free to read it as a person of any gender. You can always play around with the pronouns.

With that said, here's the key I use.

(Y/N)= your name / OC's name
(L/N)= last name
(E/C)= eye colour
(H/C)= hair colour
(H/L)= hair length

Boku no hero academia and all its characters are owned by Kohei Horikoshi. I own the main storyline of this fanfiction and any new characters that may appear.
Pictures I use aren't mine unless I mention so.

Okay, with that out of the way, enjoy reading and don't forget to vote and comment! ♥

Let's start with the prologue. ^^ 
Well, it's more of a teaser, but 乁(ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ)ㄏ

                                 ―――― ❈ ――――

As the wind softly brushed through my (H/C) strands I looked out over the sea of buildings from on top of an abandoned house's roof. The few clouds that painted the sky were glowing in a rosy pink hue as the sun was beginning to set, making the moon appear in the distance. I slightly squeezed my eyes shut and scrunched my nose as the last few sunbeams reflected in the windows of the city and hindered my eyesight before disappearing behind the rooftops completely. All that was left was the evening sky that was painted in the most beautiful warm colours.

"Are you nervous yet?" the male next to me caught my attention as he slid closer to me, so close our shoulders touched.

"Obviously. Why wouldn't I be?" I spoke as I felt his large hand grab my shaky one from beside me. "This is only gonna be my second mission... And you know firsthand how the first one went..." I uttered as my gaze dropped.

"Come on, you sound like you're not appreciating our outcome." He grinned playfully.

"Don't be silly." I smiled and tightened my grasp around his hand as I leaned my head on his shoulder. The moment was like a scene out of a movie.

"You sure love that cheesy cliché stuff, huh." He teased as I sulked, because he ruined the perfect moment. Though I wasn't mad for long, because he let go of my hand to put his now released one around my waist to pull me closer to him.

"Who's the cheesy one now?" I laughed, teasing him back.

"But seriously, are you still this upset about the U.A. mission?" Dabi asked, now more serious with concern laced in his tone.

"You know stuff like that doesn't leave me cold..." I muttered letting pictures of my past mission flash through my mind. I sighed. "Sorry... a villain shouldn't have these emotional issues. I'm not perfectly cut out for this..."

"Don't beat yourself up over it now. Just talk to me next time something is bothering you. It's normal for you to struggle sometimes, because after all, you didn't choose this lifestyle..." he tried to comfort me as always. It's almost odd that he treats me so different from other people. But I'm glad I'm allowed to see his more gentle and understanding side.

I smiled calmly. "You're right. Thank you."

The sunset sky had turned into a starry night sky at this point as the moon illuminated the darkness. In some windows the lights turned on whereas in others the lights turned off. The now cooled off wind blew through my hair yet again as I admired the beautiful stars.

Suddenly, I felt Dabi gently grab ahold of my chin as he tilted my face to his. Surprised, my (E/C) eyes interlocked with his turquoise ones and as always, they hypnotized me, claiming the entirety of my attention. I noticed they were reflecting the stars and I was sure I had never seen such a beautiful sight in my entire life before. His fingers trailed higher along my jawline to then cup my cheek. He caressed it gently and slowly brought my face closer to his until--------

        ―――― ❈ ――――

Well, you'll have to read the book to find out
乁(ᴗ 3 ᴗ)ㄏ

Seeya in the first chapter ò3ó ♥

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