『14』 Living lies

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I felt a cold sensation crawling up my leg as I only snapped back to the present now. Shit! I can't just lose focus during a fight!

I tried to get loose from Todoroki's ice, but I had daydreamed for a second too long and it was too late. I was literally frozen in place and unable to move at all as I had to accept that I lost. I guess I wasn't used to his ice powers after all. I shouldn't have been so confident about it just because I know how to fight a fire quirk.

But now that I thought about it, this was another thing Todoroki and Dabi had in common. First that beautiful eye colour, then their slightly aloof behavior and lastly their fire quirks. The two of them were quite similar...

"Alright, you won!" I shouted over to Todoroki with a sheepish smile. My pride didn't take any damage from losing, because I mean; one of the top-ranking students versus the new girl. Almost anyone else would have lost against this guy.

Todoroki gave me a nod. "You fought well." He praised, even though his voice was monotone as always. But at least he made an effort, other than a certain blonde asshole.

While Todoroki freed me by melting the ice and we got off the battle field, I heard Bakugo's mocking laughter. "What did you expect when going against Icy Hot?"

"Oh, did Bakugo Katsuki just acknowledge someone else's strength?" I returned smugly, making him break out in his usual fit of angry screaming.

"Shouldn't you rather save your energy for the exam instead of wasting it on pointless yelling?" I asked, being a little fed up with his tone, even though I was used to it by now.

"You're one to talk. If you're such a smartass with your techniques and strategies, then why don't you take the damn exam, huh?!"

I looked at him dumbfounded, resisting the urge to facepalm. I knew very well that Bakugo wasn't actually stupid at all, but sometimes all of his intelligence seemed to be suppressed by his short temper and hotheadedness. "It's rather common sense than strategy... And you know damn well that I'm not taking part, because I'm not an official official student yet."

"Yeah, yeah. Keep talking your way out, but I will get the chance to fight you, even if it wasn't today." He swore. "Why'd you fight Icy Hot anyway?"

"Why? Are you jealous I didn't warm up with you?" I teased with a malicious smirk lingering on my features. He grew visibly irritated at my blunt remark, but I didn't let him cut me off. "I just wanted to know how well I could handle going against two quirks at the same time, so calm down."

"Students gather!" a loud voice interrupted our conversation, signaling that the exams were about to begin. Perfect timing. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with Bakugo right now.

When everyone was gathered and listening, the teachers announced what the exam was going to be. Basically, my classmates have to fight a teacher as a simulated villain in teams of two. After the explanation, the teams were revealed.

I looked at the board that was displaying the pairings with curiosity.

Jiro and Koda vs Present Mic ...their poor ears...

Uraraka and Aoyama vs Thirteen ...zero gravity won't be very useful...

Yaoyorozu and Todoroki vs Mr. Aizawa ...*eyebrow wiggling*...

Ashido and Kaminari vs Principal Nezu ...two morons vs a mastermind...

Asui and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm ...zoo vs haunted house...

Kirishima and Sato vs Cementoss ...muscles for braincells...

Mineta and Sero vs Midnight ...luckily, no girl was paired with Mineta...

Iida and Ojiro vs Power Loader ...sonic the hedgehog...?

Hagakure and Shoji vs Snipe ...hopefully Hagakure won't be shot accidentally...

Bakugo and Midoriya vs All Might ...definitely main cast vibes...

I tried holding back my laughter, which was directed at Bakugo. After all, he had to somehow get along with our beloved Deku. Well, I didn't actually hate Deku, but I was playing this roll for so long already that my mind was starting to trick itself.

I really shouldn't get lost in all the different lies I was living. My cheerful act in front of the class, my two-faced act in front of Bakugo, my happy cousin/niece act in front of Deku and my uncle and.........my act in front of the league.

God, it really pained me to know I was hiding something from the league. They were there for me, they were my family. I really should have told them I was related to All Might before accepting this mission, but there was no turning back now. I was the only person who knew the full extent of my role and various acts. I came up with ways to trick everyone individually. This made it more complicated, but it was the only way.

I mean, I could tell the league about my uncle, but what would that do now? It was going alright so far, wasn't it? It would just unnecessarily worry them. Or at least that's what I liked to tell myself. They were more than nice and welcoming so far. It was odd for villains. Trust, but don't be naïve.

If the league knew about it, I could be of much greater use for them. Perhaps in ways I didn't want to be useful. I'll keep quiet for now.

I realized I was spacing out again. Coming back into reality right before everyone was supposed to get to their arenas, I turned to Izuku and Bakugo as they seemed to be having an unpleasant conversation as always. Without a second though I interrupted it with a cheery smile. "Good luck you two." I beamed as a glow practically radiated from me. Izuku smiled back as I played my nice cousin act. Bakugo scoffed as I shot him a hidden wink, because he was supposed to feel included in my act in front of Deku. Perfect.

"I'll be cheering for you from the monitor room. See you later." I ran off with a happy wave.

Let's see everyone in action now, end the semester and then get to the important part of the mission.

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