Enter, Bash!

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"i dare brick and buttercup to play 2 hours in heaven they cant hurt each other nobody interfere blossom cant hurt buttercup but butch can hurt brick i dare boomer to hit blossom and nobody can do anything about it (butch cant know this) i dare buttercup to make butch jealous (buttercup cant know this) i date butch to make buttercup blush i dare bubbles to break up with boomer and ignore him for 3 chapters and go out with bash (blue rowdyright boy)" Blossom read to herself. 

Blossom called Brick and Buttercup and both went in a closet, after groaning for a few moments. Blossom started her timer as she listened in on their conversation.

"So, why are you ignoring Blossom?" Buttercup asked Brick as both are far away from each other, both across the room. Buttercup may look insensitive but is she actually observant and can see when someone is acting funny or strange.

Brick flinched at the sudden question. He didn't realize Buttercup actually noticed. "Didn't think you'd notice."

"Do I look blind to you?!"

"I mean, yeah"

"Why, you!!!" 

Two hours later, both of them sped out of the door and flew away.

"Good riddance." Buttercup muttered. 

Blossom sighed. "Since Butch didn't know about this, he doesn't need to hit him." Blossom looked around and called for Buttercup. 

"What is it now?!" Buttercup yelled.

"You were dared to make Butch jealous."

"Oh, easy as-- WHAT?!" 

"You aren't supposed to tell Butch either." Blossom explained. "Now go."

Blossom texted Butch that he was supposed to make Buttercup jealous. She didn't say anything in person because she knows it'll get interesting.

Buttercup made her way to Butch after groaning. She grabbed Brick along and just as he was about to question, Buttercup glared at him which was a sign not to talk. Brick sighed, wondering what she was going to do.

"Oh, hey Butters." Butch stated, playing a game. Buttercup ignored him which Butch noticed. "Butters?"

"Hey, let's go on a date." Buttercup told Brick and Brick started to blush furiously. Butch looked displeased and paused the game.


"You heard me." Buttercup said. "D-a-t-e--"

Before Buttercup could finish her statement, Butch had stood up and held Buttercup's arm. "Wha-what?!" Both Brick and Buttercup stammered and Butch pulled Buttercup to his lap.

"What are you doing?!" Buttercup angrily protested.

"He won't go. So just play with me." Butch said, still irritated. Buttercup smirked, knowing she made him jealous. She didn't know Butch also finished his dare because on point, she was blushing as well.

Blossom sighed at the two. She pulled Brick in and told her about the dare. Brick sighed. Blossom called Bubbles and told her about the dare.

"Wha-what?! Bu-but I don't like Bash, I only like Boomer! I don't want to hurt him~" Bubbles started crying. Blossom sighed. 

"For three chapters, okay? Then I'll do anything you want."


"Please. For me."

"Hmph," Bubbles pouted, wiping her tears away. "Cold Sweet Strawberry Sprinkles Parfait with a Cherry on Top." 


Blossom had called everyone to the living room. Well, just the Rowdyruff Boys and the rest of the Powerpuff girls because the others had everything else to do. "Other people are going to join us." Blossom announced.

By then, Boomer and Bubbles had already broken up. Suddenly, the door opened and there was--

"Blake!" A boy wearing an orange hat with red hair appeared. He was tall and his hair was tied to a ponytail and it reached to the ground. He had red eyes and wore a black jacket with red stripes. He yelled his name while posing with a peace sign.

"Breaker!" A boy with black hair not as short as Buttercup but not as long as Blossom appeared, his hair only reached his neck, and green eyes appeared, posing with his hand on his hip and his other hand on his mouth. He wore a black jacket with green stripes. 

"Bash." Another boy appeared but he seemed much more quiet and calm. He didn't appear giddy like the rest of his brothers and seemed more annoyed at their carefree nature. He didn't smile either. He had blond hair that was gelled to the left side and had blue eyes. He wore a black jacket with blue stripes and didn't even try to pose. He just stood there, with his arms crossed.

Blake and Breaker noticed his lack of activeness and whispered, "Bash, we talked about this."

Before Bash could speak, Blossom interrupted them. She grabbed Bash and pushed Bash to Bubbles and they were locked in in a room.

"What are you doing?!?!?!" Breaker looked surprised and yelled. He banged on the door shouting, "MY LITTLE BROTHER ARE YOU OKAY OH MY GOD ARE YOU HURT, OPEN THE DOORRRRRRRR!!!!"


On the other side, Bash held his head and rubbed it. "Ouch..." 

Both Bash and Bubbles were on the floor. "Um... are you okay?" Bubbles asked Bash, who was on top of Bubbles. 

Bash sighed, this girl is concerned for him, how cute. "Yes."

"Then get off."

He stand corrected. This girl, whatsoever, does not care for him in the slightest.

Bash stood up and sat next to Bubbles who sat up. "I heard from Blossom." Bash said and Bubbles looked down.

"Then, I have no need to explain."

"First, if you're going to be my girl, you'll have to call me Bash, no 'honey', 'sweetie', or not even 'Bashie.'" Bash explained and Bubbles blushed.

"I don't do that!"

"I doubt it," Bash sighed. "Second, do not hug me nor touch me and unless it is a dare or I tell you too, do not even try to flirt or kiss me."

"As if I'd like to!"

"That, I can confirm. Third, you cannot absolutely talk to other boys."

"Wait!" Bubbles exclaimed. "I can't do that!"

"Are you bi?"

"No.. I'm straight."

"Then don't let me see you talk to other boys, understand?" Bash asked and Bubbles pouted. 


Blossom, who was listening to their conversation on the other side, sighed. "Good grief."

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