The fight, if you could call it one

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"i dare brick to tell us what happened with him and butch
i dare buttercup and butch to sing little do you know
i dare butch to tell us what he truly thinks of buttercup if he doesn't tell the truth he cant go near buttercup EVER AGAIN and she must date breaker and he cant be a pervert ever again
i dare mitch to date a girl for 2 chapters
i dare buttercup to sing pretty girl in front of everyone" Blossom read aloud then looked at Brick and Butch. "Pfft, it was really pathetic though, the fight ended in a moment."

Brick sighed and chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I just explained... after he punched me several times!" 

Butch snorted. "Then don't lie to me like that!"

"It was a dare," Brick winced in pain as the wound on his cheek stung. "Besides, I said 2 hours and it wasn't even a minute after we saw each other, you're just an idiot!"


"That's enough." Buttercup stated. "I don't want another fight,whatever that was." 

Blossom chuckled, knowing it was a fight about her. She then moved on to the next dare. "Alright, Butch and Buttercup, you guys are up."

They both looked at each other and sang "Little do you know." Their voices match perfectly. Surprisingly, they made a good duo and sang harmoniously. They are counterparts after all, it'd be weird if they weren't. Bubbles glanced at Boomer and smiled. Boomer smiled back before Bash hit Boomer on the back of his head.

"Well, Butch, do tell. What do you think of Buttercup?" Bubbles asked and Butch thought. Buttercup tried to glance without being obvious but Blossom noticed and smiled. It's a triplet thing.

"Hmm... Well, she's some bitch!" Butch yelled, hoping Buttercup would take it as a compliment but Buttercup took it as an insult and punched his head. "It was a compliment!"

Buttercup crossed her arms, look away and yelled "Hmph," while her sisters giggle. 

"Well, Mitch. Why don't you choose a girl here to date? We know you're not straight so we won't think too much of anything." Blossom told him and Mitch pointed at Julie.

"Julie, I've known her for a long time."

"I'm fine with it too." Julie said and sat next to him. "Well, Buttercup, time to sing Pretty Girl."

Buttercup punched her fist up to the air because these kind of songs are up to her jam. "You better listen!" She yelled and started singing.

"I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world" Buttercup held her middle finger to everyone which irritated Blossom.

"Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girlI'm more than just a picture
I'm a daughter and a sister
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than just a rumor
Or a song on your computer
There's more to me than people knowSome days I'm broke, some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch
Some days I'm strong, some days I quit
I don't let it show, but I've been through some shitI can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girlI'm more than just a number
I'm a hater, I'm a lover
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than just a title
Or a comment going viral
There's more to me than people knowSome days I'm broke, some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch
Some days I'm strong, some days I quit
I don't let it show, but I've been through some shitI can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl, yeah
I'm not just a pretty girl
No I'm not just a pretty girlI can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl, yeah
I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl

I'm not just a pretty girl "

Buttercup finishes the song with some dance moves whilst hitting Butch along. Butch laughs which earned him a kick. "Alright, everything's finished, Butch's let's play the game I found!" Buttercup yelled and Butch cheered, following her.

Everyone but Boomer, Bubbles, Brick and Bash left. Blossom sighed and went up to Bubbles and whispered the dare to her. Bubbles blushed. Blossom headed to Boomer and talked to him for a while then led him outside.

Bubbles fidgeted a while and looked at Bash. He looked confused. It must have been a dare, he thought. Bubbles then mustered up the courage to say the three words she would only ever say to Boomer. 

"I... I love you."

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