Love at first sight

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Your POV
Yeah...I know! "Love at first sight doesn't exist!" But...Actually maybe your right but in this case I met someone or I looked at someone and fell for them and we kept seeing each other everyday until..He talked to me...I thought we had something but...I lost him. So here's the story on how love at first sight can leave you completely broken.

Last year.
I wave goodbye to the shop owner and thank him for helping me. I walk out the shop and look around. *sigh* the same old boring people on the streets as always but sometimes I see kids running around but it's not that often. I turn to the right and walk down the alleyway and then out on another street with more people. Normally I'm not allowed to come here because of my parents they once saw a dead body here right where I'm standing but...I don't care anyone can die anywhere. I look around and see people in well dressed clothes "They all look rich!" I think and start walking around looking at the small shops everything is so pretty but expensive! I bumped into someone "I'M SO SORRY I WASN'T LOOKING!" I say quickly I look up and my eyes widened. A handsome guy with blonde hair and green eyes who was now laughing was looking at me. "It's alright I wasn't looking either. Just be careful next time" He says and sends a friendly nod. I nod back and he walks away. I smile and hold onto my heart "Wow...What's this feeling?" I ask myself in my head. I turn around and run down the alleyway wanting to scream with happiness.

I run inside the house and hand my mom the wine she wanted. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" My mom yells I put my hands over my ears and close my eyes tight as she yells and then dad joins in. "STOP I'M SORRY! I JUST LOOKED AT THAT NECKLACE AGAIN!" I lied and removed my hands from my ears and open my eyes looking at the ground. "Oh..We're sorry honey. We just got worried about you. Next time tell us you might take a while." I nod and walk away from them to my room. I close the door and throw myself on my bed and sigh. That boy and his smile comes back to my mind I smile a squeal. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

And it kept going like that for a month I would go out everyday and see him at the same street and I never got tired of it. But one day everything changed. "I'll go out to see a friend mom!" She nods and gives a thumbs up and I run out. I look around and see him coming....TOWARDS ME! "Hey!" He says and stops in front of me. I look behind me then point at me. "Yes you" I smile and giggle he smiles "Hi!" I say and shake his hand "I'm (Y/n) and you?" I say and let go of his hand "Meliodas thanks for asking." I smile and nod "Your welcome I guess...So what do you do for a living?" I ask and look around "I'm one of the seven deadly sins we're knights." He explains my eyes start to sparkle as I widened them. "That's awesome! I'm very grateful for you protecting our kingdom!"

He laughed and hit my shoulder playfully. "So want to walk with me?" He asks I nod and we start walking and talk about different kind of things. Like what I work as and other questions you ask a person you just met to get to know them (I don't talk to many people so I can't say what those question are.) It was slowly getting dark and both meliodas and I nodded while looking at each other "Well it was nice talking to you! See you soon!" I say and wave as I run. I close the door behind me as I enter the house. I throw my bag on the ground and hug my mom. "I love you mother thank you for being my mom." I say and stop the hug  she raises her eyebrow "You look rather happy. What's going on?" She asks I look around the room "I don't want to say. Dad will kill me." I say and sit down on our couch she sits next to me. "Dad isn't home so it's time for some girl talk! And I won't tell him a single thing I promise this is girl to girl."  I laugh and she laughs with me I nod and grab a paper and a pen. "Alright so I met a guy.." I start her eyes widened and the sparkled her smile appearing "And he is super nice towards me. He's a knight and his eyes...Don't get me started about his eyes I could get lost in them!"

I explain more and more about him and she just listened I look down at the drawing I was just drawing and showed it to her "That's him! Isn't he dreamy!" My mom laughs "You really are in love (Y/n) dear!" She says and looks at the drawing "He is too perfect! He must be dating someone." She says and hands me the drawing. "No he's not dating anyone. He would have told me if he was." My mom stops smiling and looks away. "(Y/n) not all guys are nice or loyal. He could be using you because he wants two girls at the same time...Just at least ask him when you see him next time." Tears were in her eyes and I asked the stupidest question "How do you know?!" I yell she turns to me and tears start falling. "Your dad...He has another woman. That's why he's out all the time and that's why we lost most of our money! He spends it on her and himself!" Everything goes silent. "Mom I-" "ENOUGH! JUST...GO TO YOUR ROOM (Y/n)!" I stand up and run to my room. I close the door and slide down it I starts crying. Everything is so unfair! When I'm finally happy the rain and lighting cloud comes over my head again. It won't leave!

For the next month I would sneak out to meet Meliodas he told me we should meet everyday after I told him what was going on so I agreed. I could feel we both had feelings that were growing for each other. "Hey (Y/n) I want you to meet someone." I hear Meliodas say from behind me"Who-?" I turn around and see a beautiful girl with silver hair her bangs covering one of her eyes. She's wearing a yellow dress with one earring on THE PRINCESS! I bow and she giggles "No need to be so formal! It's nice to meet you Meliodas told me what's going on." I nod and look down "So you to know each other?" I look at their hands and they're holding hands my eyes widened. "Yeah we're dating. I wanted her to meet my good friend and I hope you two could become friends." Meliodas explained. I could feel tears threatening to fall "That's nice...Nice to meet you Elizabeth." I say and look away blinking to make the tears go away.

"We gotta go we have a date to finish just wanted you two to meet since we ran into you." Meliodas explains I nod and when they're out of sight I run home and my mom sees me crying but I run to my room and lock the door. My mom bangs at the door but I don't open. My heart hurts and my mind is a mess. "I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING! HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME!" and "IT'S NOT HIS FAULT! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE ASSUMED YOU TWO COULD BECOME A THING!" I start crying harder and I fall asleep.

So that's the story...Ever since then I gave up on love too scared for it to happen again. I never talked to him again and if I saw him or Elizabeth on the streets I would hide behind my mom who goes with me everywhere after what happened. Love is REALLY scary! You never know what's going to happen but don't give up on love like I did.....Because my mother and father made a decision two days ago. Since our family has to grow they are forcing me to marry a guy that I don't like. NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE!

HEY GUYS! Yeah I know...WHAT IN THE WORLD?! Well I just wanted people to know that you should never give up hope!(And I felt really sad today so...) I love you all very much thank you for reading!

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